Several of our students, faculty members, and researchers, have recently been highlighted in various articles from the UW News in relation to their presentations at AbSciCon 2019, which was held last month in Bellevue, WA!
Looking for life: UW researchers, presentations abound at 2019 astrobiology conference in Bellevue
What are ocean worlds like? Is life possible inside a planet? What might a faraway technological civilization look like from here? Which planets warrant closer study, and why? And above all: Are we alone? Here are several UW presentations and papers scheduled for the weeklong conference…
Super salty, subzero Arctic water provides peek at possible life on other planets
In recent years, the idea of life on other planets has become less far-fetched. NASA announced June 27 that it will send a vehicle to Saturn’s icy moon Titan, a celestial body known to harbor surface lakes of methane and an ice-covered ocean of water, boosting its chance for supporting life. …
Featured: Zac Cooper, Jody Deming
Astrobiology outreach: UW’s mobile planetarium lands at space conference
Rory Barnes inflated a big black fabric tent in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Wednesday and stood outside it inviting passers-by: “Come on in and watch the show — we’re talking about astrobiology.” …
Featured: Rory Barnes, Rudy Garcia
Abundance of gases in Enceladus’s ocean are a potential fuel — if life is there to consume it
The subsurface ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus probably has higher than previously known concentrations of carbon dioxide and hydrogen and a more Earthlike pH level, possibly providing conditions favorable to life, according to new research from planetary scientists at the University of Washington. …
Featured: Lucas Fifer, David Catling, Jonathon Toner
Of octopuses and astrobiology: Conference talk speculates on cognition beyond Earth
Of the many papers and presentations scheduled for AbSciCon2019, the conference on astrobiology and the search for life in space happening in Bellevue, Washington, the week of June 24, Dominic Sivitilli’s is perhaps unique — he’ll discuss his research into how octopuses “think.” …
Featured: Dominic Sivitili, David Gire