Polar Microbes Give Peptide Clues For Detecting Life on Icy Worlds Daniel Larsen & Brook Nunn Many bodies in our…
UWAB Professor David Catling (Earth & Space Sciences Dept.) was recently awarded an additional $1.2M over 3 years (2020-2023) from…
UWAB Faculty members Jonathan Toner (ESS) and David Catling (ESS) recently published a paper in the Proceedings of the National…
Prebiotic amino acids bind to and stabilize prebiotic fatty acid membranes Members of the Keller Research Group, including UW Astrobiology…
Several of our students, faculty members, and researchers, have recently been highlighted in various articles from the UW News in…
Are you attending AbSciCon and have questions about the UW Astrobiology Program? We have a vendor table set-up outside of…
Dr. Jon Toner was recently appointed as a Research Assistant Professor with Earth and Space Sciences and the UW Astrobiology…
Profs. Jonathan(PI) and David Catling (Co-I) were awarded a new 3-year NASA Habitable Worlds grant for a project with the…