Dr. Dominic Sivitilli (dual-title PhD in Psychology and Astrobiology) will continue on at the University of Washington, where he has…
Oregon Public Broadcasting recently featured the work of our own Dominic Sivitilli, a graduate student in Psychology and Astrobiology. Learn…
Polar Microbes Give Peptide Clues For Detecting Life on Icy Worlds Daniel Larsen & Brook Nunn Many bodies in our…
UWAB student Dominic Sivitilli (Psychology) recorded a presentation for TEDxSeattle that aired late last month, and you can watch the…
Article Written by Dominic Sivitili Among the grey autumn seas of the San Juan Islands and the stunningly green campus…
Several of our students, faculty members, and researchers, have recently been highlighted in various articles from the UW News in…
Are you attending AbSciCon and have questions about the UW Astrobiology Program? We have a vendor table set-up outside of…
Please join us in congratulating Guadalupe Tovar, Dominic Sivitilli, and Zachary Cohen for being admitted to the University of Washington’s Astrobiology program.…