News from November 2020

November 29, 2020

ADRC History Timeline

Explore the major milestones and significant events throughout ADRC history on this timeline spanning 1978 to 2020.

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High Standards: A Profile of Ellen Wijsman

Ellen Wijsman will admit that she doesn’t have all the answers, but she might just have all the right questions. As Professor of Biostatistics in the UW School of Public Health and UW Division of Medical Genetics/Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine, she uses mathematical models to find meaningful patterns and insights into Alzheimer's disease risk hidden within massive amounts of medical data. Her career has also focused on mentoring and training the next generation of statistical geneticists.

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Categories: Science Updates, Team Spotlights

Are Females at a Higher Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Over our 35 year history, the ADRC has tackled questions about whether biological sex affects one's risk of Alzheimer's disease. The answer is complex.

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Categories: Science Updates