Author Archives: Sean Colin Flanagan

A Good Read

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Not a blog post, but I strongly encourage people to check out the island chain of Kiribati, definitely relates to theme of this class!

Staying Optimistic

      No Comments on Staying Optimistic A big thing that happens a lot when talking about issues in the Anthropocene is we get so negative that its hard to even work on the issue. This of course is hardly better than denying the issue is there as the end result is the same: nothing gets done. I think the novel Active Hope was by leaps… Read more »

The Role of Celebrities in Climate Change Awareness While you will see some argue about the economics, or the technology behind renewable energies; none of that is more than rhetoric used by the other side to try and weaken a movement away from fossil fuels. The big issue in my eyes, and many others too, remains awareness. Or better yet, a lack of passion or a care in the… Read more »