While you will see some argue about the economics, or the technology behind renewable energies; none of that is more than rhetoric used by the other side to try and weaken a movement away from fossil fuels. The big issue in my eyes, and many others too, remains awareness. Or better yet, a lack of passion or a care in the world to do something about it.
In this speech, Leonardo DiCaprio finds a way to turn his Golden Globe Victory, something of incredible prestige, into a selfless call to action towards protecting the Earth. By passing on the chance to bask in the spotlight, he instead uses his center stage to promote awareness towards climate change. And while there is an argument to be made against the idolization and essential worship our culture gives celebrities; the fact remains Leonardo DiCaprio is a big deal to our culture, and him giving time to climate change at an event watched by tens of millions is a big deal.
A quick google search of the oscars, something I’m sure many people will be doing, will lead to film of Leonardo DiCaprio winning one of the biggest awards – something that many people have waited years for DiCaprio to win – and in turn listening to a call to action to vote for politicians seeking the good of the Earth. And THAT, is something that almost everyone can and should agree on, that this coming election is going to completely shape the path we take towards addressing climate change.
We have one parties politics calling for massive subsidies to promote clean energy and to become a leader in the sciences and technologies furthering our advancement in clean energy; and another party that not only doesn’t believe the scientific consensus, but whose leader goes as far as to turn it into a racial issue – blaming it on Chinese trying to sabotage American economics.
In the end, this coming election is vital in the continuation on a path to clean energy, and cultural role models not only living by environmental friendliness, but calling out to their millions of fans to do so is huge in the path towards a sustainable livelihood.