The Night in the Anthropocene Action Project group would like to thank David Ingram of the Seattle Astronomical Society and the International Dark Sky Association for making our Action Project possible. Due to weather complications traditional Dark Sky SAS events were cancelled. However, Dave offered a solution. Simulated night sky experience in the UW Planetarium. Using planetarium equipment, Dave was… Read more »
We are a small part of a large system in the universe. This system is full of rising and falling communities. The act of patterning is natural—and so—“life is inevitable.” The gathering and building of systems between atoms into cells into tissues into organs into organ systems and into organisms is the pattern of nature. Even throughout life this pattern… Read more »
Growing up, my mother always said “Everything you do has a consequence. Every decision you make and everything you say will change your future. Live carefully.” I resent this statement. 1. Because it is a frightening thing to tell a young child. Although it may encourage responsibility and could be empowering, it also tells the child that their individual behavior will… Read more »