Tag Archives: Capitalism

Man Creates Motorcycle That Runs On Water

I just recently saw an amazing article on Facebook. It turned out to be a little dated but I found the info still very relevant. While this article was about a year old, the man is undoubtedly still working on the bike. It talks of a man that has created a motorcycle that can run on a single liter of… Read more »

Waste and Recycling

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March 5 Today I went to the waste disposal station with my grandfather. This seemed so counter-productive to what we have been studying all quarter. There were a few things that it brought to mind while I was there. I did notice there were different recycle bind for the specific things. There was a scrap metal bin and a wood… Read more »

Should Capitalism Continue?

I have been thinking recently about the idea of capitalism and whether or not it is compatible with the Anthropocene. The economic systems of capitalism have been to blame for most of our current environmental struggles because of the waste it produces. The current notion of capitalism and its definition of progress is a formula which extracts natural resources, refines… Read more »