I just recently saw an amazing article on Facebook. It turned out to be a little dated but I found the info still very relevant. While this article was about a year old, the man is undoubtedly still working on the bike. It talks of a man that has created a motorcycle that can run on a single liter of… Read more »
While clearly a debated topic in environmental and geological sciences, it is interesting to see a source like Forbes address such a topic. Usually focused on business, economics, finance, and technology, the Forbes writer seems to loosely cling to the idea that this “Anthropocene” debate has widespread and far-reaching ramifications. http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomzeller/2015/03/11/you-are-an-epoch-defining-the-anthropocene/#31657db04848 One of the most interesting and striking comments in… Read more »
We are a group of undergraduates at the University of Washington with varied majors, but we created this video with hopes of inspiring others to increase their awareness about the water they consume every day! Special shout out to our Professor Karen Litfin (go check her out–she’s written a lot of cool books, too!), and her course Political Science 301:… Read more »
As I thought what I should write for a journal, I wanted to rethink about the clip that I watched in the class. The name of the clip was “Space Monkey-it’s not a planet, it’s our home”. As I watch this clip, I first thought that what is this, what is this telling, or what should I feel as I… Read more »
This is something we are trying to address in our action group project but I don’t want to get into what we are doing because the project is underway and we don’t have our end product ready yet. However, I really am enjoying talking about change in several of my classes, this one included. And it’s interesting to me… Read more »