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From Forbes

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While clearly a debated topic in environmental and geological sciences, it is interesting to see a source like Forbes address such a topic. Usually focused on business, economics, finance, and technology, the Forbes writer seems to loosely cling to the idea that this “Anthropocene” debate has widespread and far-reaching ramifications. http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomzeller/2015/03/11/you-are-an-epoch-defining-the-anthropocene/#31657db04848 One of the most interesting and striking comments in… Read more »

Who are we and What is our Agency?

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  This is something we are trying to address in our action group project but I don’t want to get into what we are doing because the project is underway and we don’t have our end product ready yet.  However, I really am enjoying talking about change in several of my classes, this one included. And it’s interesting to me… Read more »