OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

May 17, 2023

INFO and ART Classes AUT 2023 Reserved Section for OMA&D/EOP Students:

If you are interested in INFORMATICS major or minor, we have the following reserved sections for EOP/OMA&D students for AUTUMN, 2023.

Contact your EOP/OMA&D Adviser to request seats in these courses.

INFO 200A/AB “Intellectual Foundations of Informatics” – EOP/OMA&D Reserved Section

  • Lecture Section A (SLN#16735) TTH 1:30-3:20pm
  • Quiz Section AB (SLN#16737) Tues 4:30-5:20pm

INFO 201B/BA“Foundational Skills for Data Science”  – EOP/OMA&D Reserved Section

  • Lecture Section B (SLN#16762) MW 1:30-3:20pm
  • Quiz Section BD (SLN#16766) Tues 11:30 – 12:20 am

LIMITED ART 140 (Photography) & Art 190 (Drawing) Seats – See your EOP Adviser for seats