OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

Dare To Dream 2024

Exploring Your Future – Heros Journey Schedule

Math Schedule

Health Science Schedule

What is Dare to Dream?

The Dare to Dream Academies allows students from migrant families to spend an entire week on the University of Washington (UW) campus. This program gives students a glimpse into college life, allowing them to experience firsthand what possibilities are available to them when it comes to achieving a higher education. The academies aim to inspire students to perform well in high school while simultaneously creating a plan for beyond high school.

The week-long Dare to Dream Summer Academies are made possible by a grant provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (OSPI) – Migrant Education Program (MEP). With the assistance of the Association of Washington State Principals (AWSP), students can receive high school credit for participating in the academies. It is also an opportunity to hire past College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) students and Dare to Dream participants as mentors to work with students throughout the week and share their experiences in their trajectory to the UW.


2023 Dare to Dream Summary

This summer, UW CAMP completed its first Dare to Dream in-person since 2019.  A total of 117 Washington state high school students were served over the week. Our Dare to Dream students explored various professional fields within their academies, UW CAMP, the University of Washington campus, and so much more!

A special thank you to our partners from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Association of Washington School Leaders for their support and collaboration. 

If you or someone you know is interested in collaborating or participating in the UW CAMP’s Dare to Dream Academies, please email Myrella González at

Hero’s Journey

In Exploring Your Future, incoming 9th and 10th-grade students engage in a curriculum developed by the Association of Washington State Principals. This academy focuses on leadership and student’s trajectory throughout high school and beyond. Through icebreakers, engaging and hands-on activities, and coaching, students are encouraged to break out of their shells and think critically about education. Over the week, students in this Academy also develop a High School and Beyond Plan. 

Math Academy

In the Math Academy, incoming 11th and 12th-grade students participate in the Math curriculum developed by the Bridge to College Math Program. Students will collaborate to learn difficult math concepts through engaging curriculum and coaching. Throughout the week, students in this academy will learn about algebraic expressions, equations,  linear functions, exponential functions, logarithms, and more! A high school math credit is awarded to students who complete the Math Academy.

Health Professionals Academy

In the Health Professionals Academy, incoming 11th and 12th-grade students will gain access to UW’s world-class hospital while learning about various professions within the healthcare field, such as Nursing, Laboratory Sciences, Pharmacy, Public Health, Social Work, and more! Students receive mentorship from college undergrads studying in the Health Sciences. Some workshops are led by the University of Washington’s Latino Medical Student Association. A high school elective credit is awarded to students who complete the Health Professionals Academy.