OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

October 13, 2021

Mentored, Open Research Experiences (MORE): Online Research Experience for Undergraduates

MORE (Mentored, Open Research Experiences) is an online REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) focused on bioinformatics/data science, open science, equity, and inclusion. Unlike most REUs, it will be held in spring 2022 rather than summer, with a little bit of time spent in November 2021 on community building and creating a code of conduct prior to the research experience beginning in January.

we are funded by a small non-profit instead of NSF or other government
agencies, we have more freedom in terms of who is eligible to participate. Our
goal is to offer research experiences to undergraduates who have been
excluded from other REUs, either due to bias in application requirements (GPA,
standardized test scores, and other metrics that disadvantage students who have
not followed a traditional academic path) or students who are outright not
allowed to apply to federally funded REUs (undocumented and DACA students).


students can contact: