Alumni Updates The UW Astrobiology Program has graduated over 60 alumni, who have exciting careers as faculty members, scientists, university…
Annual Workshop 2020 Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic we were unable to hold our annual workshop this year. We’re…
Polar Microbes Give Peptide Clues For Detecting Life on Icy Worlds Daniel Larsen & Brook Nunn Many bodies in our…
Graduations Please join us in congratulating our latest batch of graduates and wish them well as they move on to…
Owen Lehmer (ESS/AB) successfully defended his dissertation on Wednesday June 3rd via Zoom! Please join the AB program in congratulating…
UWAB graduate student, Owen Lehmer (ESS), was the lead author of a new paper recently published in Science Advances. The…
Prebiotic amino acids bind to and stabilize prebiotic fatty acid membranes Members of the Keller Research Group, including UW Astrobiology…
Are you attending AbSciCon and have questions about the UW Astrobiology Program? We have a vendor table set-up outside of…
Thanks Lakewood High and UWAB volunteer speakers for all the Astrobiology fun! Professor Rory Barnes (Astronomy) and Erika Harnett (ESS)…