
6/3: ADRC welcomes Dr. Pierre Mourad, PhD, as the next Towards Precision Medicine seminar speaker

June 03, 2019 — Towards use of transcranial, near-diagnostic ultrasound to treat dementia

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NCRAD-NIAGADS May Newsletter

May 23, 2019 — New resources, findings, and funding opportunities from the National Centralized Repository for ADRD.

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Extended deadline for ACT Symposium abstracts - May 20

May 16, 2019 — August 12-13th, we will hold our 7th annual ACT Symposium, highlighting aging and dementia research from the long-standing Adult Changes in Thought cohort and affiliated studies (PIs Eric Larson and Paul Crane). The theme of this year’s symposium is “Celebrating 25 years of collaborative research on aging and dementia”. The call for abstracts and proposals is now open!

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Announcing ADORE!

May 16, 2019 — Explore ADORE, the NIA repository of resources to support the recruitment and retention of participants into clinical trials and studies on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

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Upcoming: 5/21 Book Reading of Dr. Thomas Bird’s “Can You Help Me?” Stories of Huntington’s Disease

May 15, 2019 — On May 21 7pm at Folio, Dr. Thomas Bird, MD, Emeritus, UW Neurology, will share the surprising, insightful, challenging, and even encouraging stories of patients and their families who live with Huntington's Disease. Dr. Bird has helped HD patients for more than 40 years.

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A new description of AD mimic: Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE)

April 30, 2019 — A new paper in Brain describes a newly recognized mimic of Alzheimer's disease in older adults: Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE). Contributions to this work by ADRC neuropathologist Dr. C. Dirk Keene.

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Upcoming May 9, 2019: MODEL-AD Annual Symposium - Modeling Across the Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

April 24, 2019 — The May 9 MODEL-AD Annual #Alzheimers Symposium will focus on the study of risk and resilience w/ new animal models. The free event features speakers from the UW ADRC, Jackson labs, Rush University, Indiana University, and SageBio.

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Allen Brain Distinguished Seminar Series:

April 10, 2019 — Register for the April 29th Allen Brain Inst. Distinguished Seminar Series Ivan Soltesz, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine. His lab focuses on nature of inhibition in the CNS, the synaptic and cellular organization of GABAergic microcircuits in the hippocampus under normal conditions and in temporal lobe epilepsy, using experimental and theoretical techniques.

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Dimensions Magazine - Spring 2019

April 03, 2019 — The new edition of Dimensions is full of exciting topics: Featured publications - Voice diagnostics - Busting myths about Alzheimer's treatments & diets - Diversity in research participation - Creating legacy while living with dementia - Poetry - Arts & Creativity Showcase - Dementia Awareness in WA State - and much more. Take a dive in! Click the link to read online and download. Hardcopies coming soon.

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Failure of Biogen Study in the News

April 01, 2019 — Kris Kauno, the clinical trials supervisor at the University of Washington’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center/ UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center, is quoted in a STAT article on the ending of the Biogen study: “Talking to families that day was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.”

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