
Kraemer Lab research on tau pathology published today in Science Translational Medicine.

December 18, 2019 — Researchers in Kraemer Lab discover the role of MSUT2 gene and binding protein in susceptibility to tau pathology, offering others a starting point for new therapeutics for Alzheimer's and FTD. Article and video available.

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December 11: Allen Institute Distinguished Seminar Series: Carlos Brody,  Princeton University, presents “Collicular circuits for executive control.”

December 04, 2019 — Carlos Brody, Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor in Neuroscience at Princeton University, will explore decision-making processes and computational models of the superior colliculus. December 11, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Location: Allen Institute. Learn more and register.

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Fall 2019 Dimensions Magazine is here

November 22, 2019 — The publication of the UW Alzheimer's Disease Research Center/ MBWC is available to read today, online or in hard copy. We cover major research findings about sleep and brain health, community events, new staff, and so much more.

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Learn more about using ADC Biospecimen Research Resources

November 12, 2019 — Webinar: “Introduction to the NCRAD Biospecimens Online Catalog” on Monday, November 18 at 1-2pm PST. For more info & RSVP, click below.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Symposium November 12-13, 2019 Philadelphia, PA

October 31, 2019 — The ADRC's Dr. Brian Kraemer, PhD, will be presenting at the session titled Functional AD genomics and Validation of regulatory noncoding variants. Please find the full agenda at the link.

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The AFTD and Target ALS Launch a $5M grant initiative to search for FTD-ALS biomarkers and treatments

October 15, 2019 — Together with the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, Target ALS just launched a $5M grant-making initiative to bring scientists together in search of biomarkers and treatment options for FTD and ALS. Call for proposals in link.

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Science in Seattle highlights a new discovery about tau at the UW ADRC

October 15, 2019 — Read this profile of a recent publication in Nature Communications from the lab of Dr. Brian Kraemer: Constitutive XBP-1s-Mediated Activation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Unfolded Protein Response Protects against Pathological Tau.

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October 21st: The Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions will host speaker Dr. Kristine Yaffe, MD, UCSF

October 08, 2019 — Dr. Kristine Yaffe, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Epidemiology, UCSF, will present 'Population-Based Strategies for Improving Brain Health.' She will discuss the latest findings and public health implications of modifiable risk factors that could substantially impact brain health, including physical and cognitive activity, and sleep. Monday Oct 21, 2019. 8:00AM. UWMC Health Sciences, Room T739

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Call for Pilot Project Applications for the Native Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (NAD RCMAR).

October 07, 2019 — The NAD RCMAR program is an 18-month research training program in which investigators will complete both a pilot study and a grant proposal. The pilot studies are aimed to encourage junior investigators and those new to the field to pursue Alzheimer’s and related dementias and health disparities research. Letters of Intent are due by November 15, 2019.

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New NIA funding aims to diversify and reinvigorate the Alzheimer’s disease drug development pipeline

October 02, 2019 — On October 1, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) announced that it will infuse $73 million into the Alzheimer's Centers for the Discovery of New Medicines over the next five years, to transform big data into open-access targets and drugs for testing in clinical trials. Sage Bionetworks in Seattle, a member of one of these new centers and UW ADRC collaborator, will help leverage the data and results from the Accelerating Medicines Partnership-Alzheimer's Disease (AMP-AD) program and develop a series of new therapeutic hypotheses centered around a prioritized set of novel targets.

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