The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020 - Now Virtual and FREE!
May 26, 2020 — The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020 is now a virtual event at no cost. Researchers, submit your Developing Topics abstract by 5/27 at 9 p.m. PDT for the opportunity to present your late-breaking research at AAIC20.
Dimensions Magazine - Spring 2020
April 22, 2020 — We hope this packed publication brings everyone a sense of connection with our research teams, clinicians, and wider community in these challenging times. Hard copies on their way, and you can view the PDF at the link.
Newsletter: A Message to Our Community
April 02, 2020 — Read our current newsletter for information about new virtual support programs and events, news, and notes for researchers. If you would like to be added to the monthly MBWC/ADRC email list, email
Cancelled: ADRC’s Caitlin Latimer, MD, PhD will present at the March 11th UW Pathology Grand Rounds
February 11, 2020 — Cancelled (TBA reschedule) Title: Resistance and Resilience to Alzheimer's Disease: Pathology in a Community-Based Cohort. Flyer at link.
February 3, 4pm: Toward Precision Medicine Seminar with Dr. Julie Saugstad, PhD
January 28, 2020 — We are excited to host Dr. Saugstad for her talk: MicroRNA Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease: Performance in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Traumatic Brain Injury on Monday, February 3, 2020 4:00-5:00 pm. Harborview Medical Center's Ninth and Jefferson Building NJ1007 (10th floor conference room).
Alzheimer’s DIsease Training Program: 2020 RFA for post-doc positions
January 22, 2020 — The UW ADTP Program has 1-2 post-doc positions currently available (starting no later than April 16) for a trainee interested in pursuing a career in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias research. Application deadline is January 27, 2020. Learn more.
Students: Apply now to be a STAR at NIA’s summer research training program!
January 22, 2020 — The NIA welcomes highly motivated students to NIH to immerse themselves in a unique experience: NIA's Summer Training in Aging Research (STAR) Program. Learn more from past participants about how the Program broadened their career horizons, and then be sure to apply by February 1 (high school students) and March 1 (college, medical school and graduate students)! Read the full blog post.
Confessions of a professional Worm Wrangler and Mouse Herder: the benefits of a hybrid career
January 21, 2020 — Dr. Jeanna Wheeler, PhD, a research scientist in the UW Kraemer Lab, writes about her scientific work in the Nature journal, Lab Animal. She uses transgenic C. elegans and mice expressing human proteins (eg, tau or TDP-43) that are important in disease. She hopes to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease process, and identify novel treatment approaches.
Upcoming Webinar 1/24: The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Network of Washington State
January 21, 2020 — The next Alzheimer’s Research Network meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 24th from 9-10 a.m. Registration for the webinar is open! Learn More at the above link.
February 6, 10am: ADRC Pilot Project Update
January 08, 2020 — Come and hear Dr. Robert J. Freishtat, MD, MPH present: Obesity and Dementia: MicroRNAs from Adipocyte-derived Small Extra Vesicles are Associated with Neurodegenerative Pathways. Location: Harborview Medical Center, Ninth and Jefferson Building NJB 1207 (12th Floor Conference Room).