Accepting applications for the UW ADRC Research Education Component (REC) Investigator and Trainee cohorts

May 10, 2023

Dear ADRD research community, 

We are pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the UW ADRC Research Education Component (REC) Trainee and Investigator cohorts for the coming academic year.

The UW ADRC REC Trainee Program focuses on graduate students and fellows both within the UW ADRC research landscape, and at affiliated institutions. It provides broad-based didactic instruction in the basics of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementing disorders, their clinical presentation and progression, and research methods used in their study. In addition, it provides an orientation to research resources (including expertise, biospecimens, and datasets) available through the different ADRC Cores. Lastly, the ADRC REC supports Trainee travel to ADRD-focused conferences where they are presenting their work. This is a fantastic opportunity for trainees to learn more about ADRD and get connected with the rich ADRD research community in and around the UW ADRC.

The UW ADRC REC Investigator Program focuses on junior faculty members and more experienced investigators entering the ADRD research field for the first time. We provide hand-selected ADRD-focused mentorship groups to aid in the development of Investigators’ research projects and grants and in becoming integrated in the ADRD research landscape around the UW ADRC. We also provide concierge-style administrative help connecting with and accessing ADRC Core Resources. Our goal is to support the development of new ADRD-focused research programs among the many talented up-and-coming researchers in and around the UW ADRC.

Please note that you need not be a UW trainee or investigator to qualify – these programs are open to those at institutions affiliated with the UW ADRC as well.

Please see the attached descriptions of the UW ADRC REC Trainee and REC Investigator programs. If you would like to apply to either, please submit a 1-page personal statement detailing your motivation for participating in the program, your NIH-style biosketch, and a statement of support from your present research mentor (for Trainees) or specific aims page(s) for funded, pending or upcoming ADRD-focused grants (for Investigators). Submit these to Molly Chinn ( by Friday, May 19, 2023.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jeff Iliff (