We are a small part of a large system in the universe. This system is full of rising and falling communities. The act of patterning is natural—and so—“life is inevitable.” The gathering and building of systems between atoms into cells into tissues into organs into organ systems and into organisms is the pattern of nature. Even throughout life this pattern continues. As we nourish our bodies they build upon themselves until the patterns become so complex, so interconnected and complicated that they can no longer be supported. Such is a climax community. This chaotic yet intrinsically organized state of being is the fruition of a complex system of patterns. This complexity, although it’s beauty, is also it’s instability. However, there is something beautiful about instability. Something about a ballerina on point, or the surface tension of a full glass of water—it’s mesmerizing.
Politics is an art; and in this art we attempt to achieve a similar mesmerizing beauty. Perhaps the same way that “life is inevitable” so is political structure. Does this mean that the inevitability of death at the climax of complexity of life is also true in the complexity of governments? (Journey of the Universe)