Category Archives: Agency

Contemplative Practice: Thinking about Materialism and Agency

I really liked this particular submission, and if you could give it a read over and comment on anything that strikes your fancy, that’d be great! 2/6/16 I’ve found that as time goes, I have an easier time reflecting on the concepts learned in class to my contemplative practices. I attribute this primarily to holding my practices in the outdoors,… Read more »

Buddhism in the Anthropocene

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Some of my recent contemplative practices have led me to ask: is there room for Buddhism in the Anthropocene? What will the role of religion be in addressing issues of climate change? What should religion’s role be? In the academic community we rarely talk about religion unless we are in some theology or religious studies class. In fact, it is… Read more »

Anthropocene Reflections

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A Reflection on Our First Contemplative Practice 1/7/2016 Something that has been resonating with me from the first day of Anthropocene Politics was the quiet meditation exercise, during which we just focused on being aware. Aware of our breathing, the way we held ourselves, how our bodies fit into our chairs, what we were doing with our feet, and the… Read more »

On Consequences and Contemplation

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Growing up, my mother always said “Everything you do has a consequence. Every decision you make and everything you say will change your future. Live carefully.” I resent this statement. 1. Because it is a frightening thing to tell a young child. Although it may encourage responsibility and could be empowering, it also tells the child that their individual behavior will… Read more »

One More Reason To Love Monsanto

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I mean, their bananas are great (finally, something a college student can afford!). And their commercials influence me to visualize a tropical paradise complete with a hammock every time I peel one of their bananas with a Monsanto sticker clumsily attached to the side.  What more is there to love from a company that produces healthy, affordable food that tastes like… Read more »