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Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /nfs/bronfs/uwfs/hw00/d63/soslab/turbidostat/pmwiki/pmwiki.php on line 669
Klavins Lab Turbidostat Wiki | ConstructionManual / Errata
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VWR tubing has recently been undersized.

We've recently found (thanks David Skelding from the Shou lab here at UW for diagnosing this) that the 1/16x1/8" tubing from VWR is undersized. It will still work for effluent, but will not work with solenoid pinch valves. I've verified that the slightly more expensive tubing from cole parmer does work well.

Bug in AVR studio.

For several versions the version of avr gcc included with AVR studio has had a broken linker script for the atmega164 parts. As a work around the following flag should be sent to the linker(see screen shot):


Currently the mainboard and LED board v3.1 are effected. LED board v3.2 has a different atmega part and is not affected. It is my understanding that the current branch of AVR GCC does not have this issue.

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Page last modified on February 02, 2015, at 10:14 PM