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Klavins Lab Turbidostat Wiki | ConstructionManual / Overview
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Before you start

Builders should keep the following in mind.

  1. Read the comments in the parts list carefully. There are many notes and you may end up buying things you don't need if you just copy and paste everything onto a purchase request form.
  2. Parts fabricated on a 3D printer and laser cutter can either be made in house (most universities 3D printers and laser cutters) or outsourced to external companies. These parts are not written into the parts list.
  3. PCB fabrication is also not included in the parts list. See A2 and the Electronics section for ordering details.

Assembling Electronics

By far the most time consuming step is assembling the electronics. Recently the culture chambers have been redesigned so that most of the soldering can be done inexpensively by a third party (~20ea including parts and shipping). The main board still requires soldering but instructions are included that allow you to do half of it on your laboratory hot plate.

Assembling the Device

Running the Device

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Page last modified on August 16, 2014, at 06:02 PM