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Klavins Lab Turbidostat Wiki | ConstructionManual / Programming
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Both the chamber boards and main board need to be programmed with their firmware. The screen shots below were taken while programming the chamber boards. Pay attention to the notes for the differences related to the main board.

Note: The circuit boards must be powered to program. For the main board that means plugging it in (see final assembly), for the chamber boards that means plugging them into a powered main board. It is also recommended that you unplug the stir motors before programming the chambers.

  1. Open the programming dialog.
  2. Select your programming tool (most likely JTAG ICE mkII or mkIII)
    • For the chamber board make sure the 6 pin ISP cable is connected
    • For the mainboard make sure the 10pin JTAG cable is connected
  3. Select the chip part number your are programming
    • For the chamber board the part number is ATmega328P
    • For the main board the part number is ATmega164A
  4. Select the appropriate interface
    • For the chamber board it is ISP
    • For the main board it is JTAG
  5. If you are programing the mainboard skip to step 7. Otherwise set the ISP clok to 16.1 kHz.
  6. Press the set button
  1. Select fuses
  2. Uncheck ckdiv8
    • For the main board also change the bottom fuse setting, SUT_CKSEL to EXTOSC_8MHZ_XX_16KCK_14CK_65MS (the bottom option)
  3. Press the program button
  1. Select Memories
  2. Choose the .hex file to program
    • For the chamber board the file is under the "led_board" directory from the git repository (see Downloads)
    • For the main board the file is under the "main_board" directory from the git repository (see Downloads)
  3. Press Program
  4. You are now done and should be able to disconnect the programmer.
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Page last modified on August 12, 2014, at 09:26 PM