6th Annual Benefit and Auction

What a wonderful evening!

Thank you for your generous support.

Dear Friends,

With your generous gifts, our 6th annual Illuminating Autism Benefit Event raised over $211,000! With matching funds still coming in we expect this number to increase in the weeks ahead!

From a heart-felt talk and terrific music from our special guest Jonathan Chase, to informative stories from UWAC clients and community, it is inspiring to find that an online event could still be so much fun!  We hope you felt the same.

Our dynamic MC, Fred Northup, Jr., accompanied Jonathan on the cajone, led the rousing live auction and raise the paddle, but if you didn’t get a chance to join us live, you can watch the recorded Illuminating Autism Program and share the event with friends!

Thank you for joining us in supporting the autism community.

With gratitude,

Annette Estes, Ph.D.

Director, UW Autism Center

Rebecca Ebsworth, RN BSN

Illuminating Autism Co-Chair

Richard Fade

Illuminating Autism Co-Chair