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Food & Hunger

What did you learn about dietary choices from using the footprint calculator? Now imagine that you could translate what you learned into an effective societal policy on food- what would it be? And how would this policy effect the need to alleviate world hunger?

925 million people on earth do not have enough to eat according to the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organization]. That's almost 1 in 7 inhabitants of our planet!

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Food & Hunger

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-17 14:53:50

Eat less


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EzrTurv   2024-10-16 11:08:26 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:17)
food distrabution

do you all out there agree that there aren't enough food stands for the homeless? I lived in San Francisco for a good part of my life and Oakland as well, if you don't know where those places are just know they are filled with homeless, hungry, thirsty and uncleaned civilians and I believe setting up more food stands could help this cause more than we think.


colmor   2024-10-16 11:42:57

One thing I do is help the homeless by feeding them bags of food some Sunday. I hope this idea helps

dahcol   2024-10-16 11:46:17

I agree that there needs to be more food stands in places where the homeless population is high or even just above average. They deserve to have the same treatment as more wealthy people when it comes to food and health.

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Ryanctz   2024-10-06 07:52:53 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:15)
Food waste

We have to don't waste food because is important and because we must think about how they made it and probably it take more time what we think to redo them

alacor   2024-10-11 10:05:31

I agree

alacor   2024-10-11 10:09:30

I agree

mirmen1   2024-10-11 10:23:58

I agree

Addlar   2024-10-11 11:33:09

I agree it can be difficult to undo our prior actions but with time and effort we can help the earth.

margol   2024-10-11 12:06:30

I agree it can be hard but overall we need to help the earth and the people on it.

owefox   2024-10-15 11:52:00

people make videos of them wasting food and it should stop

sawyer1   2024-10-16 10:13:08

people should try to not waste food and make sure to not use more than you need.

CLAREEE   2024-10-16 11:04:08

I agree. Do not waste food!

becjoh731@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 11:08:05

I completely agree. We should never wast food and the food we don't eat can be saved or donated.

ethlou   2024-10-16 11:26:34

Agreed don't waste food its not healthy for the environment and it wont be good as many people could've ate that food.

andwin   2024-10-16 11:43:04

I agree also, because when we waste food we just waste the time of the people who made it.

audsit   2024-10-16 11:46:15

I agree with this because most people will buy tons of food and not eat all of it and instead throw it out. This wastes food and is a huge problem.

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Ilikesience   2024-10-16 11:07:53

stop wasting food other people might need it so they don't starve.

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H20WATERGAMES   2024-10-11 14:44:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:45)
Nice to meet you all

My name is H20WATER

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:07:45

Nice to meet you too,H20WATER!! GO GREEN!!

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lucmot   2024-10-16 10:48:06
Not wasting food

We should really not waste food because people are out in the world starving and we are throwing out food that they can be eating.

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Marguerite   2024-03-25 18:24:47 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:20:14)
Food waste

Food waste is a huge part of the carbon that is emitted into our atmosphere. When food is thrown away and put into land fills, or burned, all the carbon that is stored in it contributes to the greenhouse effect. This is why it is so important to compost. Composting has many benefits: it helps store the carbon from the food that stores lots of carbon in soil and stops it from being emitted into the atmosphere, it provides fresh soil that you can use to plant and grow your own food, it attracts beneficial animals that will help break the food down such as worms, and it stops landfills from being filled with food waste and trash. Composting is something that is so easy to do, and even if you do not have a backyard to do it in, you can have a composting bucket inside. It involves just a few extra steps in your daily routine and it is one of the most powerful actions we as individuals can take to stop climate change from reaching its full potential.

Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 09:12:53

I totally agree, another solution to reduce the waste of food in the restaurant could be the use of "doggy bags", cardboard boxes that allow customers to take home food they have not eaten.

Maurizios   2024-04-26 10:09:50

I totaly agree with you, another thing that could be done would be to, at the end of the day, perhaps give away to non-profit organizations or sell at a reduced price everything that you were unable to sell during the day, in this way it would avoid the phenomenon of homeless people rummaging in the trash looking for food or even animals that, attracted by the smell of food, sneak into bins, creating a nuisance. this would also help many people.

cyslBOD   2024-05-12 21:55:07

I completely agree. Composting is a simple yet powerful way for individuals to make a significant impact in reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change. By diverting organic waste from landfills and instead allowing it to decompose naturally, we can not only prevent the release of greenhouse gases like methane, but also keep up soil health and promote biodiversity. Also, composting isn't limited to those with outdoor space; indoor composting options like composting buckets or composting using worms let people living in apartments and those without yards to participate the act of composting. It's a win-win situation: reducing waste, enriching soil, and contributing to a healthier planet.

Emmche   2024-10-16 10:20:14

I one hundred percent agree that we waste so much food. One thing that could help is composting I know that many people don't compost so for the people that don't I think it's a good idea to start.

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H3w0!   2024-10-11 11:30:59 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:10:33)
Food & Hunger

Don't waste food, there are people in the world that don't get the food we have.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:47:24

Yes we should not waste food because there are many people out there that don't get food so we should not waste the food that we have. We should also if we do have food left over (hopefully not) we should compost it, I know many people don't compost but if you don't I think you should start, because it is better for the environment.

jangru   2024-10-15 11:10:33

This is a very good statement because when you are eating you should always be thinking about the people who don't have everything you have, and if you don't like the food you should eat it anyway, because some people don't have any food on there table.;)

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Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 08:45:56 (Last post: 2024-10-15 09:54:12)
Waste of food in italy and the world

Food waste is a serious problem both in Italy and in the world. Every year, about a third of the food produced globally is wasted, resulting in an economic loss of about 700 billion dollars. In Italy, this translates into a loss of about 9 billion euros per year. The main sources of waste are households , restaurants , supermarkets and production. The main reason for household waste includes forgotten food in the refrigerator. Even though Italy is not among the countries with the highest waste rate, it still represents a significant challenge. The UN has included reducing food waste in its 2030 Agenda, with the goal of halving it within the next 7 years. This will require a global effort to change consumption habits and reduce food waste at all levels of the supply chain.

PATAA   2024-04-26 09:14:11

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

PATAAA   2024-04-26 09:21:18

Sorry i missclicked while creating my account i am actually from Italy.

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

mismBOD   2024-05-10 09:27:33

I'm not sure about in Italy, but in the US people try to promote composting our food scraps to try and be more sustainable about our waste. If our organic waste is properly composted it can actually really benefit our environment. According to the UN Environment Program it can help recover soils fertility, reduce the dependance on chemical fertilizers, improve water retention, and more.  We could use this composted fertilizer to grow more food so the amount of unnecessary waste is reduced. Food waste and loss contribute a good number to global greenhouse gasses as well(about 8-10%) so by composting this waste instead of just throwing it away we could help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change. I agree that wasting food is unfair and sometimes it's an honest mistake like food forgotten in the fridge, but even that forgotten food (even if it's gone bad) can still be used to help our environment.

RahBOD   2024-05-11 19:08:56

Promoting composting is a vital step towards global sustainability, as it diverts organic waste from landfills and transforms it into nutrient-rich compost. As emphasized by the UN Environment Program, this process not only enhances soil fertility and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers but also improves water retention in soils, crucial for agricultural productivity. Also, composting mitigates greenhouse gas emissions by preventing organic waste from decomposing anaerobically in landfills, thereby addressing a significant source of methane emissions. Even unintentional food waste can be repurposed through composting, highlighting the value of this practice in turning what might have been perceived as a loss into a valuable resource for the environment. https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/res … composting

London0729   2024-09-25 10:14:10

Food waste is a huge problem in the US too. We constantly over produce food and buy too much. Many states don't provide composting and even if they do, most people don't own a composting bin. Lots of food gets wasted in thrown in the trash, instead of being reproduced into soil. Most people aren't aware of how much they waste every day that could've gone to another person in need. This is a serious topic that we need to take action on.

Giodes992   2024-10-15 09:54:12

Food waste is a big part of the US and other places. I think that your country needs to get better at saving food and not throwing it away. maybe you can compost the food that you don't eat and plant some plants and use the compost to grow your plants.

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-08 15:52:30 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:00:41)
Food & Hunger

I think we should eat local foods, and reduce food that is not suitable for health.

sawyer1   2024-10-11 10:00:41

I totally agree.

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Char B   2024-09-29 12:45:40
World Hunger

World hunger remains a pressing global issue, affecting millions of people across diverse regions. Despite advancements in agriculture and food production, inequalities in distribution, poverty, and conflict contribute to persistent food insecurity. Many communities lack access to nutritious food, leading to malnutrition and health complications, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. Climate change exacerbates these challenges, threatening crops and livelihoods. Addressing world hunger requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving agricultural practices, enhancing food distribution systems, and fostering economic stability, alongside international cooperation and support. Combating this issue is essential not only for individual well-being but for global stability and progress.

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tristine   2023-11-05 20:27:13 (Last post: 2024-09-26 20:41:43)
Hunger Around the World

Hunger is experienced around the world, either by climate change, war, poverty, etc. War creates an instability of accessible food. A program named “U. N. World Food Programme” helps different communities worldwide. They aid people who have lost their everyday living by tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc, by rehabilitation projects. The program also helps the environment by reforestation and planting a diverse range of crops. Humans can unite to end world hunger by defining food security. Food security can be established by having more accessible and affordable produce production and distribution. 

https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/how-to- … solutions/

Lola Saleeba   2024-09-25 10:17:25

I agree hunger is a big issue worldwide. There are many people in the world who starve for days with no help and care even when there are many people who can help. In the U.S wee should help more to people in need around the world.

Char B   2024-09-26 20:41:43

I completely agree that hunger is a multifaceted issue driven by various factors like climate change, conflict, and poverty. The U.N. World Food Programme plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges by not only providing immediate relief but also implementing long-term solutions through rehabilitation and sustainable practices. Their efforts in reforestation and promoting diverse crop production are vital for building resilient communities. By focusing on food security, we can ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food, which is essential for overall well-being. It’s inspiring to think about how we can unite as a global community to tackle hunger. Supporting initiatives that enhance food accessibility and affordability is key. Whether it’s advocating for local food systems or participating in community programs, every action counts.

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