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ISCFC Schools in the News!

Many ISCFC classes have been featured in their local newspapers and on local TV shows. Please post any stories that describe your participation in the ISCFC or any other environmental projects.

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ISCFC Schools in the News!

Recent posts:

kagoBOD   2024-05-13 21:22:11
Is our lifestyle worth it?

Over the past couple of weeks I have been learning about carbon and the atmosphere, but this calculator really put the amount of CO2 into perspective for me. Our lifestyles, especially in America, are so damaging to the atmosphere and most of the things we do to contribute in this way are not worth the effects. Things such as buying unnecessary clothes, eating at fast food chains such as mcdonalds and starbucks. I, like most people my age, enjoy these things however, when I calculated my carbon footprint a big portion of it was due to shopping or driving an unnecessary amount. When everyone has as big of a carbon footprint as me, and I am sure most do, we cause tremendous damage to our atmosphere and everything on this Earth. So I ask again, is it worth it?

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Anasofmonge   2020-11-06 10:35:02 (Last post: 2023-11-02 13:58:00)
Do the change

Recycle the things you can, one thing has more than one use. Instead of throwing way your stuff, you should give them a second chance.

Joshua Ugalde   2020-11-08 18:58:19

Can I make a pot out of a bottle?

Insidethisbucket   2023-11-02 13:58:00

yes, but you need to first cut it in half so you can put your plant in then you will need to poke holes in the bottom of the bottle and then put your plant in with soil.

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bakial02   2021-10-18 09:01:48
reuse of plastic

To be honest every human being are lazy. Because recycling stuff such as bottles take up space and time which cause people to throw them into trash. It would be nice if we human could use those stuff over and over.

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Antoniogirardi   2021-10-06 01:45:31
Gettare la spazzatura nel posto giusto

Dobbiamo mettere la spazzatura nel posto giusto, non nel fiume o nella natura. Dobbiamo proteggere il nostro pianeta e insieme renderemo di nuovo grande il pianeta

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sbellanger   2021-04-30 05:22:15
Our school website page on sustainable development
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EthanCabrera   2021-04-28 11:58:44

I use reusable bags when I shop for groceries. I compost and grow plants in my backyard. I also recycle properly.

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Diegomora   2020-11-06 10:56:45 (Last post: 2021-01-11 20:59:50)
Throw your trash in the trashcan

Most of us dont think how important our planet is. We need to put the trash on the right place, not in the river or nature. We need to protect our planet, and together we wiil make the plante great again! if you have questions, let me now and we can talk about this!

Joshua Ugalde   2020-11-08 18:46:34

I think you are right without mentioning that tons of garbage are thrown into the oceans that the sea carries them to shore and takes away the beauty of the world's beaches.

Hmyers   2021-01-11 20:59:50

I agree especially with recyclable materials it's so easy to find a trash/recycle bin and if something is recycled properly it can be repurposed which is great for the environment

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Santi1504   2020-11-06 11:10:25 (Last post: 2020-11-06 11:24:46)
Reuse paper

When we print documents or write on a our notebook and then we stop using that paper we usually throw it away in the trash. Well you can repurpose that paper. I have seen a lot of videos doing this and it’s very cool. What you have to do is cut the paper in small pieces then put them in your blender with water, then blend that paper and you’re going to end up with a mixture. Take that into a sieve and strain the water, then put that mass into a rectangular mold and let it dry. When it dries out you’ll have a hard piece of paper and write or paint or draw.

Maxrc   2020-11-06 11:24:46

Wow, I never thought about that, that is also another important aspect. Also, that method to reuse paper seem very good! Someday I will try it!

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samboro15   2020-11-06 10:33:20 (Last post: 2020-11-06 10:44:28)

My ISCFC is kind of higher than the other people in my region but i will try to change some things so i can do better for this planet.

Anasofmonge   2020-11-06 10:44:28

Yo can try using less your car, or recycling more!

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Castro   2020-11-05 17:44:31 (Last post: 2020-11-06 10:36:43)
Isaac Castro

I recommend that you reduce everything to save our planet and thus save more

Castro   2020-11-05 17:47:43


samboro15   2020-11-06 10:36:43

i think this is a good recommendation, Thank You.

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Ryan2754   2020-09-30 07:32:25
Humans are making the environment bad

humans are making the environment bad mainly because of how they are treating the earth we are making so much carbon causing global warming/climate change and were doing nothing to try to fix it. some reasons are deforestation, over farming/hunting and the polluting that happens.

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PamMiller   2020-09-25 18:30:20
Bishop O’Dowd Posts (BOD)

Dear BOD Students, It is wonderful to see your posts with supporting resource links. Many thanks!

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