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MY Family Footprint

Many students using our footprint calculator said that they could not pledge to reduce their home footprints because they were not making the decisions for the household. Here is your chance to design your own sustainable virtual household!

If you had your own home, what would you do to make it more energy efficient? Where would you get your electricity from? Where would your house be? Would you live near to your school or work or local transit options? Where would you get your food from?

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MY Family Footprint

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sethw20   Yesterday 09:42:34
My Family Footprint

When my professor asked us to calculate our carbon footprint, I was pretty shocked. I could not believe how big my family's carbon footprint is. So, when we were asked to do this assignment the idea of how my family could reduce their carbon footprint really interested me. I found this article that shows a bunch of different cool ways to reduce our footprint. Such as using less paper, growing our own vegetables and even watching what our thermostat is set at!
https://amerisleep.com/blog/reduce-fami … footprint/

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linkim   2024-10-15 13:32:33 (Last post: 2024-10-17 13:32:57)
What I can change

My family produces 116454 kgs of CO2 a year, which is pretty bad. I would like to change that by turning off the lights more often, and to using less lights in our house.

linkim   2024-10-15 13:34:53

I would like to reduce this number, but I don't know if turning off lights will work. Does anyone have any other ideas?

sopwin   2024-10-16 10:19:36

My biggest thing on my carbon footprint was transportation. You could try biking and/or walking to more places. If this is kind of hard to do, you could try carpooling more or taking more public transportation. Also, I don't know very much about this, but I think turning off the lights when not in use does something. So make sure to still turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

sieama   2024-10-16 11:07:43

I feel as though we should turn off lights more often in my household. My brother leaves his light on almost all day! I try my best to remember to turn off the lights, but sometimes I don't remember to, so I think I can change that:)

linkim   2024-10-16 13:07:40

Well, I already bike to school, but yeah, I think I'll start turning off the lights in my house WAAAYY too much. smile ...

hanshi   2024-10-16 13:49:29

Well how often do you use a heater? If so in the winter you could layer and put on blankets it works has well a heater hope this helps!

linkim   2024-10-17 13:32:57

Hey! That's a good idea, thanks!

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sammo baush   2024-10-15 13:58:39 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:47:27)
Transportation and what I can fix

I know I can definitely change my carbon foot print because my transportation level is 8359 kgs. the way I can reduce this is by using public transportation,biking,and carpooling.


Giodes992   2024-10-16 09:55:27

If you have friends that bike then go with them. If you have friends that have a medium car or you do use that to carpool in.

emitun   2024-10-16 11:08:38

Those ideas are very good ones you can try using those ideas as many times as you can and very often.:D

chavar   2024-10-16 11:45:19

I think air travel is a real problem and we should do our best to find other ways to travel.

emitun   2024-10-16 12:21:05

Yes, I also agree with that. But you can also see if you can walk more and bike because it's good exercise and you can get places. big_smile

emitun   2024-10-16 12:22:15

But still even w/o air travel your travel on ground could be very high.

thalee   2024-10-16 12:49:17

Well, an airplane uses way much more gas than your car does, so it's better to use your car. smile   At least 100g vs. At least 10g   (g=gallons)

jacska   2024-10-16 13:47:27

If you live next to any of your friends offer to carpool or ask to ride a bike with them this will motivate them by not using a extra car while having fun at the same time.

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JacopoVailati   2024-04-26 10:07:46 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:46:36)
how could i reduce my carbon footprint?

I've just completed the questionnaire and i discovered my carbon footprint is 5152 kgs.
More specifically, i got: 2869 kgs in "Home", 1462 kgs in "Food", 261 kgs in "Purchases" and 560 kgs in "Transports".
i think that's a good score, considering that avarage, in my region, is about 8000 kgs.

However, I'd like to reduce it in some way.
Respect for nature is something that my parents have taught me since I was younger, and now I'm used to pay attention to everything related to the environment.

Most kgs of my footprint comes form the "Home" section, i wanted to ask you some tips, advise and green alternatives to reduce my carbon footprint.

LeoMel   2024-10-11 10:22:57

To lower your carbon footprint in the home section, I think you could install solar panels to lower the carbon from heating your home.

josmcm   2024-10-11 11:35:25

To lower your carbon footprint you can turn off lights when you are not using them and you can also use blankets instead of using a heating system.

Collee   2024-10-11 12:25:17
JacopoVailati wrote:

Most kgs of my footprint comes form the "Home" section, i wanted to ask you some tips, advise and green alternatives to reduce my carbon footprint.

Here is my answer to this question:
To lower your carbon footprint in the "Home Section", you can use less heat in your home (use blankets instead of a heater), use fans instead of air-conditioning, use less incandescent light-bulbs and more LEDs and florescent bulbs, turn off the light when you don't need it, turn off the water until you need it, take shorter showers, use cold instead of warm/hot water to wash your clothes, compost leaves or yard waste, and put less things in the trash; recycle and compost more.:D:D:D:D:D

(-_-)Eleanor.F   2024-10-11 12:41:37

you can use LED lights, and an electric heater/AC like a heat pump

LeoHew   2024-10-11 13:52:25

You could use air conditioning as sparingly as possible.( if you have it).

Janall756   2024-10-16 10:14:45

To reduce the carbon in "foods" you can make sure to buy foods that you absolutely need, and eat food before the expiration date so you don't waste it.

jasonkidd   2024-10-16 11:44:58

You could also use reusable bags for groceries

selzha   2024-10-16 13:08:06

Reduce car use??

hanshi   2024-10-16 13:46:36

Maybe you could bike or walk more to nearby places and if its cold maybe layer and use blankets instead of using a heater? I hope this helps!

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Silono   2024-10-11 14:59:35 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:09:14)
carbon footprint

I m at 9457 in my carbon footprint is that good

elepah   2024-10-16 10:10:38

9457 is about average.

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:09:14

9457 kgs is the average and I think if you want to decrease it, you may turn off the light when you not use, eat well, if you house near the school and you should walk(use car when your home is far away).

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thalee   2024-10-15 13:33:50 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:07:05)
My family footprint

The average amount of CO2 a person produces a year from GAS is 4.6 metric tons. Can YOU do less?

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:07:05

yes with me I think that I should turn off the light,walk, waste less and eat healthy.

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trudoa   2024-10-16 11:04:58 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:19)

my transportation is very high it is double all of my other subjects like home energy,food,and purchases.

CLAREEE   2024-10-16 11:07:19

same. Mine was going to be average but then I put down the amount of round-trips I take per year and doubled my carbon footprint.

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laulin   2024-10-16 11:05:50 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:16)
Hello this is my carbon footprint

OK I may have lied with that title because I wont be talking about what the numbers for my carbon footprint are. just.. other stuff. OK so thank you for reading this things lets get started.
My parents LOVEEE keeping our lights on. I will walk into an empty room with literally no one in it and the lights will ALWAYS be on, unless I was there recently, because I always turn off the lights. also I'm not sure if this is on topic or whatever, but my parents didn't have a compost bin for practically a YEAR. It honestly took a lot of convincing, and they still don't use it! My dad also throws everything in the trash. He never gives anything away. OK, now I'm REALLY off topic. than you if you've made it this far. my point is, I wish I could reduce my carbon footprint and have my parents care more about the environment, because I really do and I hate polluting the lovely earth.

laulin   2024-10-16 11:07:16

oop I had a bit of a typo there-

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selzha   2024-10-11 14:02:33 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:06:17)
How I could reduce my carbon footprint?

Maybe I could power my entire my house using electricty, and then use led light bulbs so that it doesn't harm the environment.

Gavfob   2024-10-11 14:42:17

You could use Solar Panels and use Electric or fuel efficient cars

harash   2024-10-11 14:51:06

you can also reuse the trash in your house

Emily Wong   2024-10-11 14:55:44

take shorter showers

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 10:59:50

go GREEN!!!!


renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:01:04


emitun   2024-10-15 11:01:47

you can try biking,walking, and taking public transportations big_smile

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:02:04

smiley face lol

lucmot   2024-10-15 11:02:26

you could bike, walk, or take the bus to school if you live to far.

selzha   2024-10-15 13:26:14

Thamk you tongue

kingra   2024-10-16 10:58:44

you could use your car less and eat more healthy like greens and eat more proteen you could make sure you sort right and you can take other forms of travle like bike's skate boards or anything you like to ride you can do carpool or ride public transe port to.

erijoh   2024-10-16 11:06:17

not go on as many plane trips

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Dylcom   2024-10-11 10:25:55 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:05:18)
My family's footprint

My family's footprint is pretty good for the food and the home, but the transportation is alarming. It literally doubled the home and food combined!

emitun   2024-10-11 11:30:17

Maybe you can ask if you can carpool with people and try biking or another way of transportation like walking? I know my food is not that great because I am not vegetarian but something I do know is how you can try helping your transportation.(:

joayu   2024-10-11 12:05:56

Another idea is to start using public transportation to get to places.

harash   2024-10-11 14:52:48

you can also try biking instead of public transport like cars and busses

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-15 10:03:38

mine isn't good either but that's because me and my family took a trip to Europe and the flight was like 16 hours.

josmcm   2024-10-15 10:54:30

You can walk or bike to places instead of using a car.

kingra   2024-10-15 10:54:41

I think one way to fix it is to use other kinds of transportation like public or bike and stuff like that.but you could also plan less vacations or go out less. you could cut on the amount of times you use the car and maybe use a bike or a skate board if its a short distance.

trudoa   2024-10-16 11:01:44

maybe you can start riding a bike and being less in cars

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:05:18

Riding bikes to school or work will make the world a whole lot cleaner. You could also take public transport or carpool with a friend.

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e5   2024-10-15 11:01:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:03:42)
My family footprint

My home, transportation, and my purchases were all under average. My food category was pretty high above the average where I live. I think this is because I don't eat enough vegetarian meals

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:03:42

I don't eat any either and I have mine under the average for where I live.

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(-_-)Eleanor.F   2024-10-11 12:46:03 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:48:24)
MY Family Footprint

I checked today and my foot print in travel alone is 6,143 and my regions is only 2,557, now to be fair I have bean traveling a lot lately but I would still like some tips on how to refuse it, wile traveling

elepah   2024-10-16 10:14:19

It is super cool that you are traveling a lot! Maybe try doing some road trips, maybe staying closer to home!

laulin   2024-10-16 10:48:24

I think road trips would still waste energy, but that's a good idea! I like road trips. anyways, you could try biking places with your family too! you can buy a wagon thing that I used to have as a kid that connects to the parents bike and you can just ride around.It won't be able to get you places far, but it works!

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