The purpose of this study is to understand whether metformin (Glucophage® XR), a medication used for diabetes treatment and prevention, can prevent a decline in memory and thinking abilities for people who are already having mild memory problems.
At the first study visit you would have tests of memory and thinking and have a blood sample taken. If you are eligible, you would start taking metformin or a placebo (looks like metformin but has no effects) every day. Half the participants will take metformin, the other half the placebo.
You would come back every six months for two years to repeat the tests you had done at the beginning of the study.
Study visits will be done in a safe manner in accordance with University of Washington COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
You may be able to join if:
you are 55-90 years old,
you or your loved ones have noticed some changes in your memory, and
you are not already being treated for diabetes or dementia
UW ADRC Study Contact:
Hanson Research Lab | hansonlab@uw.edu |(206) 897-6797 or (206) 897-5393
Angela Hanson, MD