Monthly Archives: March 2016

Myth #3 The Earth Isn’t Really Warming After All – Kyle Nelson

The idea that the Earth is not actually warming is one of the most pervasive myths about climate change, and it is also one of the most straight-forward.  The basis for this myth comes from the fact that the global average temperature in 1998 was close to the average temperature today, and so one can draw a line between the… Read more »

Myth #4 – Climate Change is Good – George Reynoldson

The myth that “climate change is good” is widely broadcast by a variety of social interests, politicians, and their combined constituencies hoping to get or stay empowered in many countries, especially northern (developed) ones like the United States, Canada and Russia.  The loudest voices on the “is good side” are usually hydrocarbon interests, corporations and oil oligarchs and their public… Read more »

Myth #5: There is not a consensus within the scientific community that climate change is human-caused. – Tessa Yip

When you look at major scientific organizations and the true number of scientists who support the idea of anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change, the widespread myth that there is not a consensus in the scientific community is evidently false. According to NASA, at least 97% of “actively publishing scientists” are in agreement that climate change is human-caused.[1] Through the assessment of… Read more »

What am I in the Anthropocene?

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February 17th 2016 During contemplative practice in lecture today, Professor Litfin asked who we are in the anthropocene, then read a poem to us. Without forcing myself to think, I was caught in the question without an answer. I was extremely caught in the question and could not hear a word when professor Litfin read the poem. I was not… Read more »

What makes a source credible?

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Relying on credible sources is essential for an understanding of most things but especially climate change. Unfortunately, climate change myths, like the 5 listed below, are created and perpetuated by unreliable sources that people mistake as credible ones. Its important to be able to discern a reliable source from an unreliable source to insure that you are consuming accurate information… Read more »

Thank you Dave!

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The Night in the Anthropocene Action Project group would like to thank David Ingram of the Seattle Astronomical Society and the International Dark Sky Association for making our Action Project possible. Due to weather complications traditional Dark Sky SAS events were cancelled. However, Dave offered a solution. Simulated night sky experience in the UW Planetarium. Using planetarium equipment, Dave was… Read more »

Freedom within the Anthropocene

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This is an edited journal entry– The readings for class involved an author named Lambcher. He covered the idea of freedom within the Anthropocene and I found it very interesting. He does well describing how freedom of power is the ultimate human freedom that’s achievable. He explains this by suggesting that the ultimate human freedom is to be able to… Read more »

thoughts on “standard of living”

The reading for class today by David Loy discussed Weber’s arguments about religion and capitalism. Weber claims that economic success became a “demonstration of God’s favor” making god’s blessing and salvation the motivation for surplus and economic success. But as god has become more distant, the original motivation for economic success has fallen away while the universal striving for success… Read more »