Category Archives: Climate Change

Thank you Dave!

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The Night in the Anthropocene Action Project group would like to thank David Ingram of the Seattle Astronomical Society and the International Dark Sky Association for making our Action Project possible. Due to weather complications traditional Dark Sky SAS events were cancelled. However, Dave offered a solution. Simulated night sky experience in the UW Planetarium. Using planetarium equipment, Dave was… Read more »

thoughts on “standard of living”

The reading for class today by David Loy discussed Weber’s arguments about religion and capitalism. Weber claims that economic success became a “demonstration of God’s favor” making god’s blessing and salvation the motivation for surplus and economic success. But as god has become more distant, the original motivation for economic success has fallen away while the universal striving for success… Read more »

Discourse on Climate Change and the Future

I don’t disagree that there’s a problem with the way we talk about climate change, but I do think the problem is practically the exact opposite of what David Roberts discusses in his Vox article about climate change and millennia. Throughout my time in the Program on the Environment, I have found that the “mainstream” doesn’t stress enough that climate… Read more »

The Role of Celebrities in Climate Change Awareness While you will see some argue about the economics, or the technology behind renewable energies; none of that is more than rhetoric used by the other side to try and weaken a movement away from fossil fuels. The big issue in my eyes, and many others too, remains awareness. Or better yet, a lack of passion or a care in the… Read more »

Who are we and What is our Agency?

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  This is something we are trying to address in our action group project but I don’t want to get into what we are doing because the project is underway and we don’t have our end product ready yet.  However, I really am enjoying talking about change in several of my classes, this one included. And it’s interesting to me… Read more »

Progressive Speed and Optimism

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Today, young public discourse seems to be centered on a lack of progression, the stagnation of change, and as fuel to the discussion – the outraged cries of those who oppose signs of forward shift. Let’s face it, the future looks grim. Gridlocked. We are constantly remained of Hobbesian theory, that human nature is inherently evil – that amidst the… Read more »

Journal Entry: Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis

Below is a journal entry I wrote when I was home over the long MLK weekend back in January. I had just read the article on the Syrian refugee crisis. These were my thoughts… Sunday, January 16, 2016             Tonight I sit on my couch in Salt Lake City, where I reside for a long holiday weekend of skiing and… Read more »

Response to Course Reading

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Response to David Roberts’ “The Decisions We Make About Climate Change Today Will Reverberate for Millennia. No Pressure”: Let me be clear that I completely agree with the emphasis Roberts (and many scientists) is making, “this long-term view shows that the next few decades offer a brief window of opportunity to minimize large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that will… Read more »

Anthropocene Reflections Vol. 2

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A Reflection on Vox’s, “The decisions we make about climate change today will reverberate for millennia. No pressure.” In the Vox article “The decisions we make about climate change today will reverberate for millennia. No pressure.”, David Roberts stresses the idea that the decisions we make this year, who to elect to office and who will be appointed to replace… Read more »

Sports are major contributors to climate change?

Going to class, doing all these readings has really put a burden on me. By burden, I mean sorrow and a sense of depression. I have learned so much about our connections with earth and how we have really messed the earth up. I find my self deeply rethinking my daily routines to evaluate my connection with the earth and… Read more »