Email Templates and Communication

Many UW Medicine departments and divisions create their own email newsletters to distribute to faculty, staff and external audiences. UW Medicine Strategic Marketing & Communications provides several templates that can give your newsletter a polished, professional look and feel while maintaining the UW Medicine brand. With all email newsletters and communications, please use our branded UW Medicine email signature blocks.

Word Newsletter Templates


  • High quality templates using UW Medicine brand elements
  • Easy-to-use Microsoft Word format
  • Does not require HTML or design skills
  • Can be pasted into emails (as an image)
  • Can be attached to email (as a PDF)
  • Features two fully-designed pages


  • Cannot be pasted as rich text in email
  • If pasted in the body of an email as an image, hyperlinks will not work
  • Requires recipients to open the attachment to access hyperlinks or read second page

HTML Email Template

For those familiar with HTML email platforms, the MailChimp HTML email template is provided below. To use this template effectively, you must have access to a resource with basic HTML skills. UW Medicine Strategic Marketing & Communications cannot provide further customization or technical support.


  • Professional-level email templates using UW Medicine brand elements
  • Easy implementation for MailChimp
  • Users can use MailChimp’s wizard to build emails


  • Requires paid MailChimp account
  • Requires use of UW Pro Card for monthly subscription charge
  • May need fine-tuning (basic HTML skills)
  • Further customization or technical support is not available

If using an HTML email platform to send your email communications or marketing, please ensure you comply with all CAN-SPAM Act rules including allowing all recipients to opt-out of your email communications. For more information on how to comply with this law, please visit the Federal Trade Commission website.

To request one of these HTML email templates, please contact

A Note About Marketo

Marketo is an HTML email platform used for enterprise-wide communications by the University and UW Medicine. Because the tool requires specialized knowledge and expertise, we do not currently have the staffing to support departmental users whose work duties and skills are not solely focused on developing broad communications. (If you have a communication that requires organization-wide distribution, please contact UW Medicine Internal Communications at

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