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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

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Student Footprints

Recent posts:

SkibidiSigma   Yesterday 10:18:24 (Last post: Yesterday 10:23:45)
My carbon footprint compared to the average

You: 12,983 kgs
Average: 11,838

What can I change to lower my carbon admission.

S-cargo   Yesterday 10:23:45

Try turning things off when you aren't using them and walking, biking or using public transportation more.

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S-cargo   Yesterday 10:13:09 (Last post: Yesterday 10:18:03)
My personal footprint

My footprint is as follows:
Total: 10,559 kgs
Home: 4,190
Food: 3,451
Purchases: 320 kgs
Transportation: 2598 kgs
Any recommendations for reducing this?

SkibidiSigma   Yesterday 10:15:12

Using less electricity in your house could lower your home admission.

Evanon11   Yesterday 10:15:13

I think you should only travel by bike. install some solar panels, and buy land to create a wind farm, these are both great resources for clean energy.

S-cargo   Yesterday 10:18:03

Thanks for the advice.

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AbbrBOD1   2024-05-23 22:54:24 (Last post: Yesterday 09:30:22)
Planes and their effect on CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

Planes are a huge contribution to carbon emissions. For me personally and my carbon footprint, my transportation segment was up to 13,626kg which is very high considering the average in my region is 2,557kg. I was below average in all the other categories but transportation is what seemed to trip me up. According to sierraclub.org, just 2 people in a fairly efficient (30 mpg) car generates lower emissions per person than the average plane. To put this into perspective, one gallon of gas produces 19.37 pounds of carbon dioxide, and one gallon of jet fuel produces 21.50 pounds. Although plane rides are sometimes inevitable and we cannot completely avoid them, it is important to sometimes think about alternative options to flying and really run through how much CO2 the plane you're onis emitting into the atmosphere.

ClaireAmrhein   Yesterday 09:30:22


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Razvan Anghel   2023-05-05 09:59:35 (Last post: 2024-05-24 09:26:46)
Recognizing My High Carbon Footprint and Taking Action

As I reflect on my daily habits and lifestyle choices, I cannot ignore the fact that my carbon footprint is pretty high. From the amount of energy I consume to the transportation I use, I recognize that I am contributing to the negative effects of climate change. It is time for me to take responsibility and make changes to remediate this impact. I will commit to reducing my energy consumption, using public transportation or walking instead of driving when possible, and recycling as much as I can. It is essential that I acknowledge my role in this issue and take proactive steps to reduce my carbon footprint for the benefit of our planet and future generations.

moroBOD   2023-05-10 16:40:02

I totally agree with you on reflecting on my own carbon footprint. I also feel a bit guilty for my carbon footprint being very high as well. I really like how you're self-aware and list ways to plan on changing it; I think that's very inspiring. I wonder how your experience in a different country varies from the experience with carbon footprints in the US?

SamanthaB-SJRState   2023-10-23 19:29:31

Hi! I love how you are taking action for your high footprint! I wish I lived in an area that I could do the same but it is just not feasible for me to do so. I already help out with my footprint because I do recycle, but it is the transportation that is getting me.

P. Montenegro-SJR   2023-10-23 20:35:18

That's a fantastic attitude man! You're right, we have to take responsibility for our footprints, even the smaller ones as it all makes a difference. We always have room for improvement so I'm sure that we all will be working on those areas of our lives that we can change to benefit our world.

Brayden - sjrstate   2023-10-23 23:40:48

Best of luck to you, Razvan. That is the first step that all of us as inhabitants of this beautiful planet must do if we want to see change for the better. We must admit to our mistakes and change and improve. If we all do that together, then there is still time to save the world.

Cnewton2005   2023-10-24 06:35:30

I agree with you completely. In day to day life we all use our cars frequently and don’t recycle bear as much as we should. Due to this we are not benefiting our environment in any way. Also walking/biking is always a great way to get exercise and reduce your carbon footprint.

MarcusD-sjr   2023-10-24 08:51:30

Congratulations, the dedication is the hardest part now. You have realized where you could to better now it is time to execute. I also see myself driving a lot or even just sitting in my car wasting gas and hurting the environment. I also will try to either car pool or ride a bike to somewhere that is close enough to ride to.

zoeym-sjrstate   2023-10-24 09:57:20

I love how you are able to realize a problem you are making and fix it that is very important to decreasing carbon emissions. I am sure after making these lifestyle changes that your carbon foot print will decrease greatly. I hope this path towards a more environmentally friendly lifestyle works out well for you.

AnnaK-sjr   2023-10-24 10:37:48

Hello! I love the self awareness from your post. You could not be more right, if everyone could use that attitude we would start to see some real change in the world. It seems to insignificant to just try and live your life a little differently to make a difference in the world. If everyone thinks that it doesn't matter if they contribute in small ways where they can because not enough people care about it then no progress is made. All it takes is recognizing where you go wrong and what you can improve to start little by little.

Henc   2023-10-24 13:28:37

I agree with everything you said about thinking about my carbon effect. I also feel bad that my carbon effect is so big. I like that you know yourself and have a plan for how you're going to change. That's very inspiring. I'm eager in learning how your experience with carbon footprints in another country is different from your experience in the US.

buffa25   2023-10-30 10:13:07

Very good that you know that you need to take action to reduce your carbon footprint. Keep up the mindset and you'll have that number down in no time.

Tc09   2023-11-02 08:40:46

This is a great way to see it! While one person making some changes in their methods won't save the whole planet, if enough people take action and work on their footprints, we will see a difference. It would be much better for our environment if more people carried the same mindset as you. Keep working on it!

Avery Marshmallow   2023-11-02 08:52:36

It is very admirable to not only see you reflect on your impact, but take action too. To take initiative and change how you do something is something that I believe more people should do. It seems a lot of people nowadays expect scientists or researchers to simply find a solution to global warming but don’t actually see their how much their own actions mean, and how much of a difference it would make if they tried. It is very hard sometimes to recognize when you are doing something bad and then have to change your ways when you have grown accustomed to it. I myself have a high carbon footprint as well and this inspires me to make a change too.

Dylnfndr   2023-11-02 08:56:32

It’s really cool that you are taking action to change your carbon footprint! All the things you mentioned are all really good ways to do so. I really like what you said about acknowledging your role too. I hope many more people choose to acknowledge their role so that we can slow or even stop climate change.

Davian112   2023-11-03 09:27:16

I understand I do have my fair share of contributing to this negative effect. I often try to recycle us as much as possible I also use public transportation to get home and school but I do notice I use a lot of electricity. I am almost always on my phone when I turn on the lights when it is not needed. My solution is to stop being on my phone and go outside  and pick up trash if I see some and stop wasting energy.

bellabean   2023-11-03 11:14:45

Hi Razvan,
I'm glad i'm not alone when it comes to my carbon footprint being higher than expected on things in my life i can easily work on not doing or using as much,your we'll both be helping our earth out a lot, We got this!

Mark_C_MChavez   2023-11-03 11:15:38

I am also ashamed that my carbon footprint is high but alas, with the conditions of living nowadays, it is impossible to stop using all of the stuff we need.

bellabean   2023-11-03 11:20:27

Hi Razvan,
I'm glad i'm not alone when it comes to my carbon footprint being higher than expected on things in my life i can easily work on not doing or using as much,your we'll both be helping our earth out a lot, We got this!

JacopoVailati   2024-04-26 10:33:51

It's so gratifying to see someone reflecting on the consequences their habits have on the environment.
It's important that we all recognise our impact, every single step is essential for the well-being of the planet.

Your initiatives are all good ways to reduce your footprint, you are an example for all of us to follow.

xoroBOD   2024-05-13 21:49:16

I can completely understand where you are coming from! It's refreshing to see someone who sees the issue of their carbon footprint and wants to fix it. I think that a lot of people should be this way and try to help fix this issue of the large amount of carbon in their footprints. When I was calculating my carbon use, I realized that there are a lot of things I should try to cut back on to help lower my carbon use. I now often feel a bit guilty for the amount of carbon I use in my day-to-day life and I want to strive for a better environment and try to find myself in a good mindset set as you have shown. I wonder how my carbon use would be different if I had been more aware of carbon and why it's bad for our environment.

Malcolm2   2024-05-14 14:33:15

I am glad that you have seen the impact that us humans have on the world. Although many of us may think that other people will handle this problem it is truly up to us in order to better the world ourselves.I have also felt this way through seeing how much power I use to play video games or how many lights I leave on in the house and I have also devoted my mind to think more about how I can be more sustainable and better the earth. according to an article published by the European Youth Portal they suggest that we eat less meat and if your willing to give that up then I think that is a great way in order to lower your carbon footprint, this is something I have worked on aswell

isHyBOD   2024-05-20 22:48:28

This takes a lot for some people to admit. I often feel guilty as to my carbon intake as well, Personally i have been trying less but i still use a good amount. It is admirable though that you can admit this and really try to take bigger steps. While it is also important to do what you can its also important to remember the role big cooperations. One big step you can take to help with reducing carbon as well is spreading word of how much these corporations put out. Try spreading knowledge about it to your community, or getting people to sign petitions. These are some other steps you can take to help with our carbon footprint.

giboBOD   2024-05-24 09:26:46

I definitely agree with your view on this and it opens my eyes to be more aware of my carbon footprint. Being able to own up to these issues at a young age is a skill many people don't have. When you are aware of it young, it will benefit everyone in the future. We are the generation that can make or break our earth. I found it very interesting that even thought you are in a different country than me, we have very similar experiences with our feelings toward this issue.

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marywalker   2024-05-20 23:32:00 (Last post: 2024-05-21 10:42:58)
Greening Educational Resources for Students

There are  profound ways in which students can adopt the following to help to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the ways of converting it is through the transformation of physical resources to digital resources for academic work. For instance: Instead of re-printing out numerous drafts of a potential dissertation students can use online platforms and services. Instructors who require assistance to complete their work can easily look for services and get quality services while remaining environmentally friendly. Students also save trees when they use computers as they replaced the drain of energy and cutting down trees during the writing process.

EldiBOD27   2024-05-21 10:42:58

I greatly agree with this statement. replacing physical resources to digital resources really could make a difference with reducing our carbon footprint by not using certain physical sources, like papers and such. Considering paper is more cheap than digital devices, do you think money could be a roadblock to this carbon footprint solution, considering some countries may not have the money to provide these digital resources? as stated in many sources, some countries do not provide money for education, like Comoros, where education spending is around 2.4% of the total GDP. In addition, At my old school, we could not afford enough computers for every class, resulting to most of our work being done on paper. Your idea displayed can definitely help many schools and students around the world reduce their carbon footprints, but I do think money could be a big factor between whether certain schools and students can or cannot switch to this decision.

source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/25-count … otal%20GDP.

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keshBOD   2024-05-13 20:18:28

In my science and environment class, we have been learning about climate change and how we contribute to it. Based on the calculator my most above-average category was transportation. Because me and my family travel a lot by car, plane, and other ways we have gone above average. One thing we have done correctly is having an electric car. This helps to put less carbon in the air. Now that I know I have contributed to this problem more than others, I have to find better ways to bring it down. Things I have found that could help is traveling by things you need to move physically. Another category that was above average was food. During class, we found out that certain foods release more carbon than others, and those foods seem to be the ones I consume more. One of the strategies that was offered in class was to take a day out of the week to not eat those types of food to help contribute as much. Now that I am aware of how I harm and ways I can undo the harm and help, I will try to do better with the choices I choose in my daily life.

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kokekebod27   2024-05-13 14:49:13
My Carbon Footprint

Over the past few classes, my class and I have learned about climate change and how our lifestyles contribute to the problem. As an assignment we took it upon ourselves to take a carbon footprint quiz. My carbon footprint was 6,269, which is under average of the region I live in. I learned that the average carbon input is 9,727kgs in California. Though my carbon input is low, I can easily change my eating habits to make it even lower. The amount of carbon it takes to process red meat is 36x the amount it takes to process poultry. If I make the switch from eating red meat to poultry, my carbon input will lower significantly. My family is very energy conservative, so I have gotten used to turning off the lights and stop the faucet when not in use. Another way I can reduce my input is by stop purchasing from fast fashion companies and start shopping at thrift stores. If everyone in the world could make a few changes in their life, the state of our climate could improve so much. I watched this video by Amanda Gorman who is a poet and activist, it really motivated me to make a difference in the world.

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siemBOD   2024-05-13 10:47:28
Science and the Environment

Over the past couple of days, I have learned about climate change and carbon emissions
in my science class. Using the Carbon Footprint calculator, I realized how much carbon
I emitted through travel. Travel has a lot of importance to my family, and I am very
blessed to be able to explore places around the world. But I realized how much my
carbon footprint increased after I inputted in my flights. The amount of carbon that
flights create made me reflect on how many people fly unconsciously, without knowing
how much carbon they emit. Though there isn't a more reduced way of travel for some
people, I hope we humans find a way to make travel more effective and sustainable. I
also realized that the home section of my calculated carbon footprint was high. This
is because my house is older and has older appliances that weren't considered harmful
when the house was built. With this knowledge, I thought about how many houses are as
old or older than mine in the U.S.. I then wondered what the difference in carbon
footprint is between older homes and newer homes. overall, I wonder how we will
approach this problem, and what solutions humans will create in the future.

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mareBOD4   2024-05-12 12:48:35 (Last post: 2024-05-13 09:40:19)
My Carbon Footprint

Compared to the carbon footprint that the world needs in order to maintain a stable climate (1,000kgs per year) my own footprint is approximately 12 times as much. However, my total is only 1.3 times as much as the average Californian. My food was the highest of my carbon emissions with a total of 4,900kgs followed by transportation at 4,600kgs. There are many ways that I can reduce my food emissions. An example would be limiting or substituting my red meet consumption from my diet. I could also buy food locally from a farmers market to reduce the processing and shipping costs that use a lot of energy. As for transportation, I might need to take fewer long distance trips to cut down on my transportation emissions. Regarding home energy use, my family uses solar panels. However, there are a few things we can do to reduce our energy use. Improve insulation and keep the thermostat at a lower temperature in the winter, and a high temperature in the summer to save on energy. There are many excellent sources on global warming and the steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint. Two that I found especially useful are from "Sustainability at Georgetown University" and "AustinTexas.gov".

TOOP   2024-05-13 09:40:19

I can definitely relate to this for several reasons. First, my carbon footprint(13,034kgs) is about 34 percent higher than the average Californian(9,727kgs). I think this is mostly due to my high totals of transportation and food. Even though I take the bus to school regularly, I had many flights, which accounted for most of my transportation footprint. I could limit this by going on more road trips when I have the opportunity to. The reason for my food value is that I eat red meat in many of my meals and don't have many vegetarian meals. I could change this by keeping a close eye on the amount of red meat I can eat. Since my family has solar panels our house footprint is around the average amount but we can limit our use of the central AC and heating. We can limit this by utilizing our windows more often throughout the years.

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sophiaBOD   2024-05-12 21:48:52
Science and the Environment

After taking the carbon footprint test I was able to further analyze the negative impacts us humans including myself hold on the environment. Though my total carbon footprint number was only about 400 kgs more than my regions average, my carbon kgs for transportation were more than double my regions average. This made me realize truly the drastic emissions of carbon my transportation methods bring yearly to our atmosphere. Some ways I could minimize my transportation carbon emissions is walking or biking when I can, take public transportation more frequently, and carpooling. My food and purchases averages were reflected as more normal for my region, however, my Home carbon, surprisingly, was well below my region's average. I think this is the case since we use solar panels as our main energy source, which is highly renewable. Additionally, when we can we make sure to turn off all powered things, such as appliances, lights, and air conditioning/heating when we leave the house or are asleep. Overall, us humans are the most significant cause of these harsh climate change affects and are small habits that may seem insignificant are increasingly destroying our globe. A video that encompasses this idea thoroughly and accurately is one that we watched in my science class, "His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World" by National Geographic on Youtube.

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gjhtBOD   2024-05-12 20:19:11 (Last post: 2024-05-12 20:20:16)
Science and the Environment

Compared to the carbon footprint that the average person makes being around 3,500kgs a year, my own footprint is about 9 times more than the marker, and my total carbon footprint number is about 3 times more of the average California citizen. My transportation amount was the highest of my carbon with a total of 16,033 kgs (which is a lot) and is then followed by home carbon at 5,786 kgs. I'm not totally sure if I entered the right information for transportation because I don't drive myself. My lowest carbon total was Purchases with 1,337 kgs. Third on the list was  food being  5,412 kgs. I can fix the number of food by buying food locally at a farmers market to reduce the transportation that is required when buying food from a grocery store. RFOr my home energy, we use solar panels for our house, covering a significant amount of energy we use in the house. However, there are things we can do to reduce our energy use, like turning of the TV when leaving the house and turning off lights even if its we are leaving the house for a short trip. There are lots of good and reliable sources on global warming and the steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint. Two that I found useful are from "Sustainability at Northwestern University" on stopping climate change and "AustinTexas.gov" on reducing your carbon footprint.

gjhtBOD   2024-05-12 20:20:16

For my home energy**

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SHAU   2024-05-12 19:59:37 (Last post: 2024-05-12 20:09:18)
Science and the Environment

After seeing my calculator results, I noticed that though my footprint overall was about average, my transportation and home footprints were a lot larger than I thought they would be. I think this was because I don't usually think about how the everyday things I do can affect the environment. Things like driving most places, leaving my devices on chargers, and even leaving the lights on in a room are things I just got used to doing. After seeing these results, I am a lot more aware of how the things I do affect my carbon footprint. All in all, we should be all be aware of the small things we do that could hurt the environment.

SHAU   2024-05-12 20:09:18

Recently I read an article by Georgetown University about things we can do to save energy. In the article I found out that even when turned off, our devices continue to use power; which is why unplugging electronics when fully charged is an easy way to lower your carbon footprint.

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ledibod   2024-05-12 19:53:57
Science and the Environment

Over the past few days I have learned about how important it is to hold yourself accountable for the amount of carbon that you emit into the atmosphere. After taking the carbon footprint calculator, I was surprised to see how low my carbon footprint was. This was mainly due to how my family and I rarely take any flights and instead normally travel to places that are closer to where we live so we usually are able to drive. I think that it is very important for everyone to be conscious of their carbon footprint but I think it is also important for people to be held accountable for the amount of carbon that they emit. I recently watched a video with my class of Amanda Gorman’s poem “Earthrise”. In the poem Amanda Gorman talks about how it is the people who emit less carbon that are affected by the massive amounts of carbon, the most. This is something that I think is so true and that it’s really unfair how many celebrities are able to avoid the effects of the massive amounts of carbon that they emit from all of their private jet flights and that instead it is people of middle and lower classes that have to experience the effects on a daily bases.

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avjoBOD   2024-05-12 17:23:05
Science and the Environment

After taking the carbon footprint quiz and looking at the results, I noticed how the average carbon footprint for Californians is higher than the average worldwide. This puts things into perspective on how much bigger we are than other countries. For example, most countries in Europe won't have a higher carbon footprint due to the fact that they can walk place to place, where as we can only access most places by car or bus. When looking back at my results, I noticed that my "home" category was above average. Before taking the quiz, I didn't realize how so many day to day things I do contribute to my carbon footprint. For example, having my fan on or having my devices plugged into the outlet, even if it is charged, is contributing to the amount of carbon put out into our atmosphere. Even though most of us can't change our transportation system place to place, we can work on the minuscule factors that contribute to the carbon in our atmosphere, like how long our fan is on or how long our showers are. By being more aware of the things most of us overlook, we too can make an impact on the amount of carbon that is being released into our atmosphere.

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Marguerite   2024-03-25 18:38:30 (Last post: 2024-05-12 15:00:34)
Water conservation

Water conservation is a very important part of lowering our carbon footprint in our daily lives. The water we use every day takes energy to filter, heat up, and run. This is something we can limit as much as possible in very simple ways. First, we can take shorter showers. Showers are a privilege for us, and not everyone has access to hot and clean showers in their homes. Many places also suffer from drought because water is wasted. This is why taking short showers is very important to lower our carbon footprint as a whole. Another thing that is very easy to do is to turn the sink on only when necessary. Turn it off when you are brushing your teeth to save energy and water. Don’t keep the sink running the whole time that you are washing the dishes. These simple things that we can do to save water are ultimately what is going to save the world from enduring the full effects of climate change.

evwrBOD   2024-05-12 15:00:34

Yes, i agree, water conservation in a significant part of lowering our daily carbon footprint. water takes a lot of energy to heat up and move around. there are a lot of ways to lower your water usage but the best ones are, taking short showers with water-saving showerheads, not leaving your water fauset running when you don't need it to be, and if you have a garden or plants don't spray your hose on it every day, install a drip system that  gives a healthy amount of water, but only in the right spots.
https://portal.ct.gov/deep/water/water- … ving-water
https://www.volusia.org/services/growth … water.stml

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styaBOD   2024-05-12 14:21:18
Science and The Environment

Global warming is an important issue that is important to learn about and ways we can prevent it from further harming our planet. I recently calculated my carbon footprint and was shocked by the results. My food and transportation were extremely high compared to people in my region. I realized what caused my transportation to be so high was the fact that I travel a lot and go on lots of trips and vacations. Also the food was high because I ate a lot of meat. Some ways to fix these problems are to have a more vegetarian diet and not go on trips as often. Limiting the amount of time I fly on an airplane because that is the main reason my carbon footprint is so high. Luckily my home and purchases are lower than the average which is good. Overall I think it is important for me to understand the effects I have on the world and how I can change it to better the world.

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ZOBOBOD   2024-05-11 14:56:49
Science and the Envirment

I recently came across a very inspiring video in my science class. It is called, "His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World". It states that if you condensed the Earths life span in 24 hours, humans have only been on Earth for 3 seconds. The man in the video, (Prince Ea) then goes on to explain how we must protect the planet by making a sustainable future. I thought it was very a powerful call to action and it really opened up my eyes to the reality of what is to come if we don't change. Human activity has impacted the environment tremendously and research has shown that three-quarters of Earth's land surface is endangered. As I continue to learn about Climate change and Global warming in my science classes I will not forget that humans are responsible for keeping our planet alive. 

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somoBOD   2024-05-10 09:13:33
Science and The Environment

succeeding the test of carbon dioxide in my school and in my everyday life I now have opened my eyes to realize how much carbon is actually around me. passing the below average human usage of carbon. Even though that's not above the average person. It still is quite a lot and has shocked me on how much one family or a let alone person can create so much carbon. Although of all of this I do see ways how so much carbon is produced in the world like getting a ride to school every single day which creates harmful toxins like carbon dioxide to get trapped in the air. I also didn't know that dairy products have such a high effect on carbon levels because of the constant production of greenhouse gas emissions. For my food consumption I usually would eat white rice everyday with some sort of meat and vegetable. I also eat lots of fish or anything that my mom cooks usually depending on what we have and what the occasion is. I've learned that fish has a lower amount of carbon than meat like ground beef. For my purchases I usually will buy new clothes and sometimes go out to buy used clothing from either vintage or thrift stores. In my household we were a little below the average consumption of carbon. Although I think it's possible that we could be above average because all of my measurements for how much electricity or gas mileage wasnt exact.

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isdrBOD   2024-05-09 22:00:14
Science and The Environment

From Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions I learned that the biggest contributor to carbon emissions for an individual is at home. At 1.1 tonnes of CO2 annually. This is significantly more than the second highest contributor, which is transportation, at 0.8 tonnes. I found this interesting because while I understand why home life is the highest contribution to carbon emissions, I also think this is an easy area to cut down on. For example, turning off lights or fans before leaving a room, not leaving water running, and other more energy efficient methods.

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keshBOD   2024-05-09 21:38:24

The average of my footprint is brought up based on transportation.

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khtrBOD   2024-05-09 20:10:03
Science and the environment assignment for carbon footprint

After the test I realized how much carbon really is in my life, passing the average human usage of carbon, and thats still surprising for me. But I do see signs of how it happens like how I go to school every single day so that could also be a cause of that. I also found out how much dairy projects have an effect on carbon levels aswell which is something I did not know especially since I would have a glass of milk usually every other day. For my edibles I usually eat white rice and if there is nothing else that is available my mom make eggs which I also found out in one of the questions had something to do with carbon (I think I dont remember) and for the things like meat I usually eat fish or ground beef just depends on what we have, but something interesting is that fish has lower levels of carbon than something like ground meat. For my purchases I dont buy much or get new clothes often so thats very minimal. As well as my home its quite near the average but I think its a little above the average since I put I dont know for majority of the questions because I really dont know. And because of that I think thats the reason I got a lower score than I think I wouldve gotten if I knew more about the electricity that I used.

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maseBOD1   2024-05-09 19:03:32
science and the environment's

after doing this calculator I see how much carbon cars and plains put into the atmosphere. and I worry about how much carbon is put into the air each day just from commuting to work. I am also curious how much carbon is put into the atmosphere by cars alone

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nicrBOD   2024-05-09 17:45:34
Science and the Environment

Taking the carbon footprint calculator quiz was a real eye-opener for me. It made me realize how much I take for granted and how many everyday things contribute to my carbon footprint. For example, I never thought about how much my transportation and energy habits like taking the bus, impact the environment. When I saw that I use 8622 kgs of CO2 per year and that almost half of it comes from food. It inspired me to make changes in my life, like using less energy and reducing food waste. I also started thinking about how I can help my friends and family reduce their carbon footprints. By making small changes, like using public transportation and reducing food waste, we can all make a big difference.

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matteotarantino   2024-05-08 21:59:16
ISCFC Homework (Science & The Environment)

Over the past few days, I have learned a lot about how what my daily life consists of  affects my carbon footprint and the world around me. When I took the carbon footprint calculator questionnaire, I realized that my carbon footprint is extraordinarily high compared to the average person globally. Transportation and food contributes substantially to my carbon footprint compared to the other categories. From traveling by air almost 3-4 times per year in the past few years of my life, and taking a 20+ minute car ride to school almost 6 days a week, transportation plays a large role in the the fact that my carbon footprint is definitively above average. Some ways that I learned in class to fix this is to take public transportation to school, whether it be a bus or a BART train Next, food. The food I mostly eat everyday consists of red meat, poultry, eggs, and fruits and vegetables. While fruits and vegetables have a considerably low carbon footprint, red meat, poultry, and eggs have the highest carbon footprint among most foods. I also consume more food than the average American daily,(3500 kcal) so my carbon footprint is considerably higher. Red meat is terribly bad for the environment because the livestock industry destroys forests to create open space for cows, as well as cows' high emission of methane, which is a greenhouse gas. What I found interesting in my total footprint chart is that my "Purchases" category is incredibly lower than the average Californian. I contribute 119kgs per year, while the average Californian contributes 1,191kgs, ten times more than my total. Most of my clothes are hand-me-downs, and most of clothing is thrifted In class, I learned that thrifitng is a great way to be environmetally friendly. The clothing that I do buy is for school, which is not too much. When I watched a portion of the Netflix documentary Brandy Hellville and the Cult of Fast Fashion, I learned that the clothing industry is actually responsible for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, in my home category, it was slightly above the average Californian, (which still is not good), but it is very fixable in order to lower that total. In the end, as greenhouse gases trap heat on the Earth's atmosphere, global warming ensues, leading to climate change. (The Earth's temperature getting hotter) My carbon footprint is detrimental to the efforts to prevent climate. One simple step that I can take, and that we can all take is to conserve water, eat less meat, (especially red meat) recycle, thrift clothing, turn off your lights, etc. After seeing my total footprint, I am motivated to take action and take this test again in the future to see how much progress I have made.

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chzaBOD   2024-05-08 19:54:50
Student's Footprints at BOD

After I learned about how much carbon I produce, I started to worry about how much BOD students produce a year. The average amount of CO2 for a human is 3628.74 kilograms and my results were around 12,000 kilograms. I know my friends do similar things in their routine as I do mine, so I knew my results couldn't be that bad. Is there any way we can prevent from emitting a significant amount of CO2 easily and efficiently? I think we can start making houses that use carbon reducing materials and low electricity, so that families don't have to worry about installing it themselves. The average household produces about 10,970 kilograms a year, which is nearly 2.5 times more than a human produces a year, so I think this will reduce it by a lot. We can also cut food waste, which can be easy if families or individuals cook the right amount of food they can eat each meal. It stops food going into the trash and rotten food if it is stored. These are just a few ideas, but if I see myself using a significant amount, I will immediately think about how I can reduce it!

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elhaBOD   2024-05-08 19:49:55
Science & The Environment

Taking the carbon footprint calculator quiz really made me aware of my negative impact and how much I take for granted. I didn’t fully grasp how many things I use on the daily contribute so heavily to my carbon footprint. For example, I never factored in how my transportation and energy use habits (taking the bus, using my fan for more than 6 hours occasionally) can harm the environment. I also found it interesting how an average Californian’s footprint is 9,727 kgs per year, in relation to the average citizen worldwide who emits 3,791 kgs per year. At first I was proud that my footprint was smaller than the average Californian’s, before I looked at the world average and realized I have a lot farther to go. In the end, this information inspired me to look at my own life and make important changes. In the past few days, I’ve stopped using my fan and instead began opening my windows. I make sure to turn off all lights when leaving a room, and got a few more potted plants for my room.

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Lucas129   2024-05-08 12:23:36
What I have learned in the past 3 days.

In the past three days I have learned about climate change, greenhouse gasses, and my carbon footprint. First I want to talk about climate change, and how we read an article and went over it in class. Secondly we discussed non-greenhouse gasses and greenhouse gasses, the differences and similarities between the two, and the specific things that they are used for. The last thing that I have learned in the past three days of class was about the world's and more specifically my carbon footprint. When learning about this we took 50 question quiz going over the certain purchases, traveling, and eating that lead to having a bad carbon footprint. Overall I have learned about how these three things effect out world in todays society.

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zurtBOD   2024-05-06 14:55:31 (Last post: 2024-05-08 11:16:23)
Science and the Environment

Over the past 3 days, I've learned about your carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and climate change. From this, I'be gathered that transportation such as plains and car rides contributes highly to greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, I've learned that eating tropical fruits or other foods can equally contribute to rising emissions because of the high transport rate it takes to get the food across the country in order to eat. Lastly, I figured out that having house heating and cooling constantly on can add to greenhouse gasses. This all relates to each other because the three actions all take up a huge amount of energy and/or electricity.

zurtBOD   2024-05-08 11:16:23

To add on, I gathered from a green house gases information website that temperatures have gradually been rising over the years due to the trapped heat created from radiative gasses like carbon dioxide(Center for Climate and Energy Solutions).

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anboBOD   2024-05-08 11:15:39
Science in the Enviornment

Over the past couple of days I have learned about my own carbon footprint, what contributes to it, what more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere actually means for the enviornment, how to reduce carbon my own carbon foot print and how green house gases trap heat along with what a green house actually is. Using the carbon footprint calculator I was able to find out that most of my carbon footprint came from transportation, Which was mildy surprising because the majority of my transportation footprint came from flights which I did not know contributed so much. Compared to other Californians my carbon footprint not counting transportation was extremely low, As I do not seem to eat at quite the quantities that most Americans do along with the fact that I do not buy much and whenever I do it is usually thrifted and used for a genuinely long time. According to the More Stuff=More Climate Change article, most of large and "first world" countries' carbon emissions come from transportation and purchases which explains why the transportation section of a Californian's carbon footprint on average contributed so much. I also learned how greenhouse gas compounds in our atmosphere use their polarity, which means that most of the positive-based atoms are on one side, and negative on the other to bounce back UV rays of heat back down to earth a couple times before it escapes into the atmosphere. This brings to mind the problem of having too many greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, because the more green house gases that there are, the more likely that the UV rays will continue to bounce in between the Earth and Green House Gases in the atmposphere, more than a couple times. All of these things are connected as carbon footprints no matter how big or small contribute greatly to the amount of carbon in our atmosphere which bounce back more uv rays and thus raise temperature in our atmosphere, so in order to prevent the further rise in global warming we first have to lower our carbon emmsions by: Buying less things, using greener transportation, trying to invest in longer lasting and more sustainably crafted clothing and trying to eat foods grown locally while they are in season.

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ZHBOD   2024-05-08 09:57:30
Enviornmental Science

There are many things that contribute to global warming and our atmosphere. For example, there are greenhouse gasses that keep the heat in the atmosphere (CH4, CO2, H2O), and there are non greenhouse gasses that keep the heat out of our atmosphere (N2, O2, H2). Many things in our day to day lives contribute to our atmosphere. Like driving, what food we eat, buying things, and even the way we use our energy in our houses. It is important that we maintain a low carbon footprint so that greenhouse gasses are not released into the air. Some ways we can do that is not eating fast food, taking the bus or riding a bike, not buying things from fast fashion brands, or reducing your flights. Cows release methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Because of fast food our demand for cows has skyrocketed, forcing more methane into the atmosphere. Our way of getting around also affects the atmosphere because cars and planes emmit lots of CO2, taking the bus or riding your bike can save energy. It is very important that we stop the flow of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere because the global temperature is rising, affecting animals and natural habitats are being destroyed by high heats.

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soblBOD   2024-05-08 09:50:14
Science and the Enviroment

Over the past three days, I have learned about my carbon footprint, how I indirectly and directly produce greenhouse gasses, and how I contribute to climate change. Using the carbon footprint calculator, I discovered that most of the carbon I produce comes from transportation. I travel a lot during the winter, to get to my ski team, and while my traveling across the state may seem harmless, it produces a lot of greenhouse gasses, which contribute to climate change. One of the most common greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide or CO2. Co2 is a naturally occurring gas in the Earth's atmosphere. It helps keep the planet habitable, by trapping heat in the atmosphere. According to the article "How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?" Co2 soaks up infrared energy or heat. The molecules vibrate and re-emit the energy in every direction. About half the heat that Co2 absorbs ends up back in the atmosphere, but half of it is still on Earth. Unfortunately, human development has created much more Co2, and this gas is still being produced. This means that as more CO2 is being produced, the temperature of the Earth is rising, causing irreversible damage.

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KiRaBOD   2024-05-08 09:02:07
Science and the Environmental

Over the last three classes, I have learned a lot about climate change, greenhouse gasses, and my carbon footprint. Using prior knowledge and information I have learned from articles we have read, I believe that the one thing they each have in common is their detrimental effect on our earth. To back up, we have answered a 50-question survey to understand our carbon footprint in terms of statistics, learned about non-greenhouse gasses and greenhouse gasses and how they affect our planet, and read articles that help us understand our carbon footprint and find solutions to better help our planet. In class, we learned about non-greenhouse gasses and greenhouses and the impacts they have on our earth. Non-greenhouse gasses work because, due to their imbalance, they are able to spring off new heat and instead release it back into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses are the opposite, as they keep radiation in our atmosphere. Finally, in the article More stuff = more climate e change, we learned about how carbon emissions are produced and some of the main producers, which include transportation, housing, and food. One thing I found interesting is how big of an impact transportation has on our carbon footprint, as it takes up 25%. This is because when we drive our vehicles, we release nitrogen dioxide and other harmful gasses into our atmosphere, further spreading global warming.

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ReBeBOD   2024-05-07 21:34:37
Science and the Enviroment

Over that last 3 days I have learned how much I have been contributing to the Earth's global warming issue. I have learned that by traveling as much as I do, on busses and planes, I am producing mass amount of carbon. I learned this information when doing the assignment "Calculating Carbon Footprint". I have learned that when producing CO2 it fluctuates to obsorb infrared heat keeping heat inside the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

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ansoBOD   2024-05-07 21:17:04
Science and the Environment

Over the past three days, I have learned that my carbon footprint of around 6,904 is below the average footprint in my state, but higher than the world average. This made me realize that it is easier for people in some parts of the world to use up more carbon, especially because of easier access to cars and other transportation rather than walking. I also realized that an airplane flight is equivalent to numerous car rides, which is why flying sparingly is beneficial to the environment. I learned that the heat that is reradiated from the earth can not pass through the greenhouse gas carbon, causing it to be trapped. This is slowly warming up the planet, leading to climate change. As a result, the greater a person’s carbon footprint, the more they contribute to climate change, which is why it is crucial that we reduce our footprints. Additionally, I learned that in the far future there will be billions of people suffering from climate change if we don't do anything about it. I learned from Colombia Climate School's article that a way to prevent this is by decarbonizing the energy supply, pulling carbon from the atmosphere, and also promoting more sustainable ways of living. Some smaller actions can include walking more often, thrifting, leaving lights on less, and using reusable containers/bags.

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dasaBOD   2024-05-07 18:37:46
Science and the Environment

What I have learned about the Carbon Footprint over these past three days is that my Footprint affects the earth much more than I expected. These past three days have helped me notice things I would usually not. Like being aware of what fast fashion is, how recycling can save lives, and how my carbon footprint is a valuable tool for measuring the offering of climate change by an individual, organizations, products, and services. For example, by computing the industrial carbon footprint, an industry can better understand its major sources of emissions and find ways to minimize them. This has helped me understand what I can also do to minimize the amount of CO2 i release into the atmosphere.

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isdrBOD   2024-05-07 17:32:45
Science and The Environment

Science and The Environment

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isdrBOD   2024-05-07 17:31:44
Science and The Environment


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maga27BOD   2024-05-07 13:11:48
Science In The Enviroment

Over the past 3 classes I have learned about my carbon footprint, what contributes to it, what more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere mean, how to reduce carbon my carbon foot print and how ghg's trap heat. Using the carbon footprint calculator I was able to find out that most of my carbon footprint came from transportation, which I expected as I have to drive to and from sports, but compared to other Californians my carbon footprint not counting transportation was quite low, as I do not buy very much clothing and use it until it is too small/ beyond repair and will donate it if possible. According to the More Stuff=More Climate Change article, most of large and "first world" countries' carbon emissions come from transportation and purchases which explains why the transportation section of a Californian's carbon footprint was from transportation. I also learned how greenhouse gas compounds in our atmosphere use their polarity, which means that most of the positive-based atoms are on one side, and negative on the other to bounce back UV rays of heat back down to earth 1-2 times before it escapes into the atmosphere. This brings to mind the problem of having too many greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, as it will trap the UV heat rays for longer thus increasing global warming. All of these things are connected as carbon footprints no matter how big or small contribute greatly to the amount of carbon(which is a ghg) in our atmosphere which bounce back more uv rays and thus raise temperature in our atmosphere, so in order to prevent the further rise in global warming we first have to lower our carbon emmsions by: Buying less things, using greener transportation, trying to invest in longer lasting and more sustainably crafted clothing and trying to eat foods grown locally while they are in season.

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vmBOD1   2024-05-07 12:52:11
science and the environment

In the past 3 days what i have learned is that my carbon footprint is mostly coming from food. I am not surprised that that is my most because yes i do eat a lot and my family buys a lot of food for us too eat. Greenhouse gases are unsymmetrical so that means they are able to trap infrared energy. what i have also learned about climate change is that these carbon footprints really do have an affection to our world and a cause. For an example more heat could be trapped in our atmosphere leading to global warming and climate change.

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syadBOD1   2024-05-07 10:45:05
Science and the Environment

What have you learned over the past 3 days about your carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and climate change? How do they all relate to each other?

Over the past several days we have discussed how greenhouse gases affect climate change, and how our own carbon footprint contributes to these gases. Though some actions may seem harmless, such as taking a flight, there are serious results, such as significant emission of harmful gases, such as CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas everywhere, caused from trees getting cut down, burning fossil fuels, and more. According to the article "How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?'' it states, "as CO2 soaks up this infrared energy, it vibrates and re-emits the infrared energy back in all directions. About half of that energy goes out into space, and about half of it returns to Earth as heat, contributing to the ‘greenhouse effect.’" This means that as more CO2 is released, the more heat that is pushed back to earth, therefore heating up the earth due to the surplus of carbon being released.

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emwaBOD   2024-05-07 09:41:17
Science and the Environment

Over the past 3 days, I have learned a lot about my carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and climate change. I have learned that my carbon footprint is larger than I thought it would have been and most of that is due to transportation. Carbon footprint is related to greenhouse gases because someone's carbon footprint is the creation of excess greenhouse gases, and how much greenhouse gas a person amits. Climate change relates to this because of all of the extra greenhouse gases and how that creates too much trapped heat in our atmosphere. My carbon footprint is a bit larger than the average, and I can minimize this by trying to take more eco-friendly forms of transportation when possible. This means I can create fewer greenhouse gasses, and combined with others who are doing this there will overall be fewer greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, making it easier for the appropriate amount of heat to escape.

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edpaBOD   2024-05-07 09:05:13
Science and the Environment

In the past three days, I have learned that my carbon footprint is less than the average footprint in my area but more than the average in the world. I have learned about all of the direct and indirect carbon emissions I can cause. I have learned that people with higher incomes generally have higher carbon footprints because the biggest culprit to carbon footprints is buying stuff. Some ways to reduce your carbon footprint are to walk or take public transportation instead of driving, eat less meat (especially red meat), borrow instead of buying, and shop second-hand when needed. Carbon is a greenhouse gas. Its polar covalent bond of CO2 and geometrical composition allows it to absorb the infrared rays from the sun. Carbon vibrates, releasing half of the infrared rays back to the Earths surface in the form of heat. With the increase in CO2 emissions, more heat is getting trapped in our atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. This effect is why it is so important that we are conscious of our carbon footprint and do everything we can to lower our carbon usage on an individual and community level.

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jawiBOD8   2024-05-06 19:32:46
Science and the Environment

Over the past three days, I have learned a lot about carbon footprints, greenhouse gasses, and climate change. To start, I learned that people with higher incomes typically have a higher carbon footprint than those who live more modestly. This is because people with higher incomes generally travel more in cars and planes and they buy more stuff. Some ways to reduce your carbon footprint and prevent releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is to walk or bike more instead of driving, shop locally, borrow instead of buying, and go thrifting. Additionally, I learned that greenhouse gasses, like Carbon Dioxide, are electrically lopsided which allows them to absorb infrared heat. As CO2 takes in this energy, it vibrates and re-emits half of the infrared energy in to space and half of it back as heat to Earth. Because we are releasing so many CO2 emissions, more and more heat is getting trapped within our atmosphere, causing Earth to heat up too much. This is why it's important to lower our carbon footprints and monitor our carbon dioxide usage.

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MaAsBOD   2024-05-06 18:03:33
Science in the Environment.

I have learned a lot in these past 3 classes about greenhouse gasses. One thing that I have learned from the lab today is that all greenhouse gases are compounds and all non-greenhouse gases are molecules. This is important because since their electric balance is lopsided, they are very good absorbers of heat which keeps the temperature of our planet balanced. Also, I learned that transportation is the biggest contributor to carbon emissions from the homework article. This is important because it gives us an idea of the main problem and how we can help stop it and cut back our individual carbon emissions.

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roboBOD   2024-05-06 17:26:48
Science and the Environment

I learned that my carbon footprint is slightly below the average for the United States, and that the largest contributor to it is transportation. Your carbon footprint is influenced by not only transport and travel, but also by small things such as food and heating. A large contributor to co2 emissions come from taking flights, so we should all travel less and with more people to reduce our individual carbon footprints. We can also reduce our carbon footprints by thrifting for clothes, and buying fewer things.
Greenhouse gasses are unsymmetrical, which makes them able to trap infrared energy, then send it back to Earth, essentially trapping heat on Earth. global warming is important to learn about because it affects many parts of our lives, from temperatures rising and natural disasters, to food production and sea level rise.

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frsaBOD   2024-05-06 17:04:10
Science and the Enviorment

In the past 3 days, I've learned a lot about my carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, and climate change. I've learned that the most contributing thing to my carbon footprint is the home section. I've also learned about how to cut down on my carbon footprint by: cutting down on heating, not to eat so much beef and/or pork, and to carpool more. From one of the articles we read, I learned that people with higher incomes have much higher carbon footprints because they can afford many more things. Some things I've learned about greenhouse gasses are: that they are compounds, there are a lot of greenhouse gases, but there are more greenhouse gases than in the past. That is why it is getting hotter every year. I've learned that greenhouse gases and people's carbon footprint all contribute to climate change.

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soce   2024-05-06 16:14:49
Science and the Environment.

Over the past three days, I have learned in class and from articles, that buying more things can dramatically increase your carbon footprint and add greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Fast fashion, eating beef, and burning gas for heat are all contributors to your carbon footprint. Colder places and busy cities have a bigger carbon footprint than walkable cities with warmer climates. This is because in cold places, people need to burn more gas and wood to keep warm, these places also have more people driving, releasing more carbon into the atmosphere. The places in Europe with the biggest carbon footprint include the United Kingdom and Luxembourg. Whereas the most climate friendly are Spain and France (Ivanova et al., 2017). Greenhouse gasses trap heat in the atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm. Non-greenhouse gasses release heat from the atmosphere and are non-polar covalent molecules. When greenhouse gasses trap heat on Earth, it makes the climate hotter. Carbon Dioxide, a greenhouse gas, acts like a cap, trapping most of the heat that Earth would have put into space. According to my classmate's carbon footprint calculations, traveling by airplane can make a huge negative impact to your footprint. I've learned that making decisions like getting an electric car and including LED lights in your home are all sustainable things that will help the atmosphere.

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emjuBOD   2024-05-06 14:58:31
ISCFC Discussion Post

Over the past 3 days, I have learned that my carbon footprint is mostly coming from transportation, specifically my travel in planes. I have learned about what makes a greenhouse gas and an example of how to identify a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gasses relate to climate change because the gasses float up into our atmosphere. Once in our atmosphere they are trapped and act like a blanket around the Earth, which makes it a lot hotter. My Carbon Footprint relates to greenhouse gasses and Carbon is a Greenhouse gas which goes into the atmosphere.

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