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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

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Wants or Needs?

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ASIAm   2024-10-15 01:40:35 (Last post: Yesterday 09:52:36)

These days a lot of people buy things that they don't need just because they like them or they buy something that are very cheap and they use them only once then they threw them away. This is due to fast fashion, but if we want to save our planet we have to change our mind and start also thinking the consequences before buying. We can reuse cloth, in our school we have a room that is called "VINTED CLASS" where we can swap clothes.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:43:49

Yes I agree with you that we always buy stuff but never use it like maybe we buy a peice of clothing but only use it once so then we are just wasting materials and if you think about it you are also wasting your money.

jangru   2024-10-15 10:57:01

I also agree that we buy stuff, but then only use it once. For example; the people that will celebrate Halloween, most people will buy there costume and wear it on Halloween, but never wear it again. wink

Jachar   2024-10-16 10:17:02

I agree there are a lot of people that just buy things for the show factor and not thinking about what they really need.

RILSHI   2024-10-16 10:48:09

But when you wear a Halloween costume only once, you can sell it for someone else to use.Another way To save money you can use some of your old costume for new things on your new costume.

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:00:40

You could get your clothes from a thrift store or get hand-me-downs.

BilGye123   2024-10-16 11:05:56

I find it hard because I never reuse my halloween costumes and I feel like i'm wasting a lot

joayu   2024-10-16 11:40:07

You could donate those clothes that you have grown out of

sethw20   Yesterday 09:52:36

I agree we have to put the planet first before our wants and needs. Donating clothes to places like good will or the salvation army is great way to have your old clothes re used!

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anak laki-laki berair   2024-04-28 05:15:54 (Last post: Yesterday 09:49:02)
Dont waste food

Hi i am Cody Hsu i think people shouldn't waste food because some people are hungry.

cyslBOD   2024-05-12 21:49:53

Absolutely, not wasting food is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to reduce environmental impact by saving resources like water and energy used in food production. Secondly, it is economically prudent as it saves money spent on purchasing and preparing food. Thirdly, it aligns with ethical considerations by acknowledging the global issue of hunger and food insecurity. Finally, minimizing food waste promotes a more sustainable and responsible approach to consumption, benefiting both people and the planet.

Reddd   2024-09-25 09:31:25

I agree with you, you make some really good points.

Loic1234567890   2024-09-25 10:14:26


jadtam090@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:02:23

I agree if you don't waste food it'll help because then no food gets wasted and your points are very explanatory

dranok   2024-10-16 10:21:14

yes that is a do not do right there! and did you know it watse monney

lucmot   2024-10-16 10:46:43

We really don't need to waste food. ex. have a big meal and then not finish it.

Atticushash   2024-10-16 11:12:05

of course. that is very true. wasting food is not acceptable. if you do that you are  not helping the beautiful planet. think about all the people that are not as lucky to have good food, so if you waste your food it would not be helping the world and even people.=)

super123   2024-10-16 13:09:37

i eat to little food

naodas048@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 14:17:39

every time we go out for dinner we normally end up having leftovers and my mom will NOT toss it out so we will either eat it for dinner the next day or give it to a homeless person:)

sethw20   Yesterday 09:49:02

Hi Cody, I agree with you! Food is such a precious resource that many people take for granted. There are people out there who are starving or don't know when their next meal is going to be. So not wasting food is very important!

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ruggine1   2024-10-08 12:26:52 (Last post: 2024-10-17 17:49:53)
thnik before buy something

i thunk that a lot of people buy objects and never use them, this is really a waste, so if you have to buy something make sure it's really useful.

alacor   2024-10-11 10:10:32

i agree

mirmen1   2024-10-11 10:21:48

I agree that if you buy something and don't use it why wast your money.

ethlou   2024-10-11 12:16:32

Yes always think before buying stuff because you might end up not using it, and it becomes a waste.

jefcho   2024-10-11 12:22:45

I agree because most people will see adds and buy it but not use it.

yualiu   2024-10-11 13:59:43

I agree

Giodes992   2024-10-16 10:13:39

I agree because some people think it looks cool but they just never use it or they just leave it to get dusty and rusty and that is not good so you just throw it away all the time and your family might just always do this and it is bad for people so I suggest to only buy what you need like food or water and some toys.

Dylcom   2024-10-16 10:15:40

I agree, that happens to me a lot. I buy things but I don't really use them. Just think about if you will use it before buying things.

alaflo   2024-10-16 10:18:09

I agree big_smile smile wink

Eme_Lou!   2024-10-16 11:06:19

I definitely agree, I need to work on this myself. When me and my family go shopping, I am always so tempted to just buy the first thing that I like in the store. Most times, the things that I want are snacks in single use packages. I have to remind myself that we have delicious food and snacks at home.

RILSHI   2024-10-16 11:09:27

You can always reuse it on other stuff like crafts,costumes,DIY,home stuff,parties,or sell it.

dahcol   2024-10-16 11:41:26

I agree. If I ever don't use something I usually give it to a relative or donate so it  can be used as intended

Natbar   2024-10-16 13:06:55

I also agree because many items we want but not all we need, so we should try to limit ourselves to how much we buy. smile

thalee   2024-10-16 13:08:37

I agree, if you accidently buy something and you can't return it, you could give it to a thrift store or sell it.

hanshi   2024-10-17 15:03:22

Huge Problem for me I buy a lot stuff I don't need so I been working on this.

Avaell776   2024-10-17 17:49:53

I agree, there is a good amount of people who buy stuff that they just see and WANT instead of getting stuff that you WANT, get stuff that you NEED! There are a lot of people who can't even get stuff that NEED things such as food,clothes,water and other stuff that you NEED to survive in this world. Next time think about this post before you go out getting stuff that you don't necessarily "need"  smile

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linkim   2024-10-15 13:43:47 (Last post: 2024-10-17 15:06:03)

Shopping can be fun, but it can also be very harmful to the earth. Not to be offensive, but parents who spoil their children just buy whatever their children want, not thinking about the consequences. They buy them toys that they barely play with, clothes they never wear, throwing it all away in the trash. They don't think about where those things are going, possibly dumped out into the ocean, or strewn on the ground in a desolate place. But what about animals who live there? We need to think about what are actions cause us, even if they're not immediate.

Emmche   2024-10-16 10:12:53

Yes I agree that so many people just buy whatever they want but in the end they just end up throwing it away or never using it. To stop this I think that people could be more mindful about what they buy or maybe if they have clothes that they never use they could donate it to a charity or to goodwill.

maiwer   2024-10-16 10:14:18

I've actually never thought about it that way and I have to say I agree with you. We really need to put thoughts into what we buy if we also think about shoes that we buy that we sometimes don't wear can be wasted. I'm sure there are many more I will now be thinking more about what I buy  when I shop.

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:05:38

I agree with you because I think some animal may eat and get stuck in it .That is not good for the environment , our sea is gonna yo be with trash.

linkim   2024-10-16 13:09:19

For me, I think I'll try to only go shopping for unnecessary things once every 1-3 months. (Is that still a lot?)

alama008@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 13:47:18

I agree and we have to think before we buy

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-16 15:00:37

People never seem to think about what their purchases could do to the environment or will they even use them at all. People should actually think if they need something when at the check out line. All people should get to get items that they enjoy but that should not come at the cost of Earth.

linkim   2024-10-17 13:36:12

Also, I will try not to eat too much processed foods, and more organic, fresh foods.

hanshi   2024-10-17 15:06:03

I agree it has been a problem on youtube videos I see with YouTubers where the buy random stuff to look cool  and do nothing with it but some give it away like useful things !!

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Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-16 15:02:15

People never seem to think about what their purchases could do to the environment or will they even use them at all. People should actually think if they need something when at the check out line. All people should get to get items that they enjoy but that should not come at the cost of Earth.

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H3w0!   2024-10-16 11:07:39 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:08:09)
Wants or needs

There are people in the world that can't afford to buy things and if u just waste money on things you don't really need then you are just being selfish. Only buy things you need. Not want.

Natbar   2024-10-16 13:08:09

Yes I agree, we shouldn't be selfish and buy things we only NEED.

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becjoh731@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 11:04:16 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:06:17)
wants or needs

things with meaning and usefulness are essential in our daily lives. But at the end of the day were humans so if were going to get something we want we better use it. And if you don't like it see if it can be returned.

selzha   2024-10-16 13:06:17


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Ryanctz   2024-10-06 07:39:42 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:42:58)
Wait before buy

If you want buy something but you don't know if you really need it or only wanted, just wait few days and if you still thinking about that, maybe you need it

alaflo   2024-10-16 10:16:41

I agree because I have that problem because one time I thought of buying something so I got it but I didn't need it at all

emiagha   2024-10-16 11:28:32

I agree. I think that it is best to only buy something if you need it or know that you will use it often. Don't buy something just to have it

chavar   2024-10-16 11:42:58

Yeah, I agree to you should always see if you really need something before buying it, because you don't want to buy something that is not going to be used a lot.

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lilianah   2024-10-16 10:23:09 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:02:08)
wants and needs

Some things you need to survive and some thing we just really want. But we don't need thoughs things.

lilianah   2024-10-16 10:24:26

we don't need everything we want

EzrTurv   2024-10-16 11:02:08

I agree to a degree, but some wants might help the fight for climate change, would you agree that there are some exceptions to your statement?

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evyUSA   2024-04-23 08:49:29 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:37)
Wants Vs. Needs

Wants and Needs are very different considering what is a necessity to live or compared to luxuries. Needs are an essential to live. Such things like a home, transportation, food, clothing, etc. You can cut back on some carbon footprint for needs by cutting down on things like transportation. For example, on a nice day maybe you can take a walk to school or ride bike instead of driving. Another example could be rather than going somewhere to eat like a restaurant you could cook something homemade at your own house. Most of people’s carbon footprint comes from transportation. People like to ride dirt bikes, or side by sides, etc. for fun. If you find other things to do besides things with motors, you could bring it down way more. Through this you can even cut back needs, because even our needs aren’t fully a necessity. Everyone has wants, as we are human. We want to go places such as the mall, the movies, the fair, etc. But there are some alternatives to make our world a better place. For example do you really need to go to the mall? Think about do you really need more clothes? You buying more clothes causes them to produce more, causing more pollution. As opposed to going thrifting, which will decrease carbon footprint and pollution. You and your friends want to hang out to go to the movies. Why not instead go to someones house and use a projector to watch a movie? If we all work together to cut back on our carbon footprint, we can make the earth healthier. Such simple things are possible.
Need or Want? | BioEd Online

mirmen1   2024-10-16 10:12:08

I agree that we should not use things with motors for fun and we only use them for a time when needed.

thelok   2024-10-16 10:16:37

I agree, so many families just buy toys that they play with for like, only like 2 days and then leave them in the corner to gather dust. I believe that people should only buy something if they have been wanting it for a long time, and rarely buy toys. Instead, people should focus on buying food and things that they really need.

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Abigail lee   2024-04-23 00:23:51 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:26:33)
Do we really need it?

What is the difference between wants and needs? In my opinion, wants are things that I can live without, but needs are things I can’t. For example, water, food, clothes are obvious needs. But what about those shoes that you want, do actually need them? If you have no shoes then yes, but what about those shoes sitting at the back of the shoe closet. Buying whatever you want and getting sick of it is just a waste of money and material. Prioritizing needs over wants ensures efficient resource allocation. Indulging in wants without consideration can lead to wasteful consumption. Being mindful of consumption habits not only benefits finances but also reduces environmental impact and promotes sustainability. Therefore, before indulging in a want, assess its alignment with needs and values.

Camille6321:   2024-04-23 03:20:10

I agree. Things that are essential to life, such as food, water, and shelter, are called needs. Conversely, desires are items we would want to have, including toys, new technology, and more. Most of the items we purchase, including pricey clothing and other items, wind up in a landfill. Anything that we use and eventually breaks or grows too tiny ends up in a landfill. Over 92 million tons of apparel end up in landfills, according to the report. This is due to fast fashion. Fast fashion is very common these days and shops like ZARA, H&M, and TOPSHOP are the biggest producers of it. This is why we have to consider when we buy clothes. Be reasonable. Don't buy clothes every single day.

Jay-Seanusa   2024-04-30 07:24:22

Wants and needs vary, a simple definition is needs being things you must have to survive most which fit under the criteria of food, rent/mortgage things that are necessities. While wants are simply things you want to have could be a game console, a new tv or some snacks. The separation between wants and needs is that the more necessities or needs that you have the more money or time/effort you have to put into it which in some cases causes more pollution which isn't good. Aswell as adding to that with your wants, the more wants the worse it can be. So ultimately your wants and needs can affect your pollution and your carbon footprint. They can affect it with things such as lights.Also anything that affects energy can add to your footprint. As well leaving a tv on and running adds to your footprint which in some cases are wants like when you want to watch tv and then your done and leave it on it constantly adds up more and more and other things like food the more snacks and stuff you buy just because you want it also adds to your footprint. As well as your purchases this adds as well and driving around. All these things add to your footprints and can be affected by how you use them for your car. Maybe you have to drive to work but after you want to go to McDonalds, that's a want that affects the pollution. Maybe you're at the grocery store and you see some clothes that you want that affect your carbon footprint.

emraBOD   2024-05-09 13:53:28

I 100% agree. Wants and needs are completely separate things. While food, water, oxygen, and shelter from the elements are things that we could not live without, there are so many things that we use that are unnecessary. In California, USA, the average person uses 1,191 kgs of CO2 on purchases alone. I use 119 kgs of CO2 alongside my purchases. I know that a lot of those purchases are unnecessary and I also know that it will be higher when I have to pay for everything myself, however, this is just to show the high level of wants vs needs in the world, specifically the USA and my own state.

hepfBOD   2024-05-09 17:34:37

I think that there is a part of me that wants to fuel my want, and another part that tells me to not be wasteful. I 100% agree that needs are what should be prioritized and that we should be mindful of every purchase we make, but there are some times where being frivolous is good if regulated. I think even if purchase causes waste, we can still balance the slightly unnecessary buying habits and the waste that we produce, maybe just to twice a year or something like that. Knowing that a balance between these two is the ultimate want, It begs the question- Which should/can we choose first, the fulfillment of human want, or the necessity of global cleanliness? I think that this is what the world is struggling to work past. the general public, governments, people in power, i feel, have been taking the easy route. they have been focusing on themselves and what directly affects them or their group in this moment, which is not always what we should be thinking about. they have only scraped the surface of what it means to have a balance of the two in the last couple years, and even through all the protesting and attention that this movement is getting, it just isn't enough. I know that once the necessity of global cleanliness has caught up to the people in power who chose to step aside, who chose to deal with other matters first, will be then facing a problem that they cannot handle. this is what scares me.

bewoBOD8   2024-05-09 22:09:49

I agree as well. Nowadays, with social media constantly advertising new products and steadily generating new trends everyday, our consumption numbers have gone up significantly. This has caused our carbon footprint to increase. Content creators are constantly displaying a plethora of new clothes and “trendy” items they purchase consistently and influencing their thousands of followers to do the same. In my own personal experience, I see influencers on social media buy frivolous pieces of clothing that are an example of fast fashion. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, fast fashion is, “an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers.” In other words it is cheap, poor-quality clothing, made quickly to keep up with the trends being perpetuated by social media. This clothing is not sustainable because of its poor quality and because it is a part of a trend that will most likely “go out of style” within the next few months. Once one trend fades, another is created and the cycle continues. People will continue participating in fast fashion to keep up with the trends, just to throw away those clothes in the subsequent months. All this clothing is being quickly produced and just as quickly thrown away takes a humongous toll on our carbon footprint. Giving into these trends and purchasing unneeded clothing is leading to wasteful consumption.

JaLuBOD   2024-05-10 16:31:57

I agree with everything that has been said on this thread but I would like to add the aspect of how influencers can cause us to make "impulse purchases". When we see someone we really like to watch advertise a product on social media it causes us to have a more biased take on the product, as if one of our own friends had recommended it, we feel like because this "internet famous" person owns and loves this product, and since they are recommending it then it must really be a good product. But their praise may cause us to cloud our view of if the product is actually worth it or not. Many influencers just advertise products for the money even if they don't like the product and see it as a useless item. I would recommend everyone having their own unique checklist as to what is worthy to buy and what is not, and just because an influencer praises something doesn't mean it should meet your checklist. By making these impulse buys just because we saw it online and it is easy to order through amazon, we waste our time, the workers time, our money and precious resources which are limited to this world. Every time we make an unnecessary purchase we have a bigger impact on the earth because of the carbon footprint from that item being made, transported, and then dumped into a landfill. We need to cut these purchases out of our lives.

JohoBOD   2024-05-10 18:52:20

I concur. The things we need to survive, like food, water, and shelter, are known as needs. On the other hand, the things we desire, such as toys, new gadgets, and more, fall under the category of wants. Unfortunately, most of the items we purchase, including expensive clothing, end up in landfills. Anything we use that eventually breaks or becomes too small is also discarded.

olma   2024-05-13 17:17:49

I definitely agree. Purchasing things you don't need, such as clothes and other products, to merely stay "on trend" is wasteful and has a bigger impact than you think. The transportation and shipment involved in each purchase contribute to these carbon emissions. From the resources used in the production to the emissions generated during transportation, each step contributes to its overall environmental footprint. According to BBC.com, "The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global emissions." Most of this impact comes from raw materials such as cotton, synthetic materials, oil, and chemicals from dyes. These wants are nonessential, while our needs are crucial to human survival in today’s society. These needs include food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Prioritizing these necessities is vital for people to live fulfilling and dignified lives.

Char B   2024-09-26 20:23:30

I completely agree with your distinction between wants and needs. It's so important to recognize that while we might desire certain items, they often aren't essential for our well-being. The example of shoes is perfect; having a few pairs is practical, but accumulating more than we need just leads to waste—both financially and environmentally. Prioritizing needs over wants is a wise approach that encourages more responsible consumption. By being mindful of our habits, we not only make better financial choices but also contribute to sustainability efforts. It's crucial to pause and assess whether our purchases truly align with our values and needs. This way, we can reduce waste and make more intentional decisions that benefit both ourselves and the planet.

Emmche   2024-10-11 10:26:33

Yes I completely agree that we are spending a lot of money on things that we want like candy, toys etc. I think we should be spending money on things that we need like food, water, clothes , and shelter. Sometimes we spend to much on something like clothes, you need clothes but you don't need so many that your whole room is covered in them, or shoes you need a few pair but not so many that your shoe rack is overflowing with them.

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Seabasstan   2024-09-25 10:21:37
Is it a WANT or a NEEDDDD?

is it a want or a need bruh.

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