News in Dimensions 2024

September 02, 2024

Life’s Tapestry

Preserving memories through a conversation game

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Categories: Community Stories, Dimensions 2024, News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

Discoveries Made Possible By You // Fall 2024

For these studies, researchers used data from participants in the UW ADRC Clinical Core, with gratitude.

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Categories: Science Updates, Dimensions 2024, News

Dr. Swati Rane Levendovszky’s Brain Imaging Approach to Studying the Brain’s Blood Vessels and Alzheimer’s Disease

Swati Rane Levendovszky, PhD, an associate professor of radiology at the University of Washington, explores blood vessel pathology and its relation to Alzheimer’s disease in the living brain using brain imaging. Her work on UW, national, and worldwide research projects has propelled her to new levels of leadership in the UW Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.

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Categories: Science Updates, Team Spotlights, Dimensions 2024, News, Brain Health Awareness

September 01, 2024

Latest Findings in Alzheimer’s Research and Brain Health

This year, several big findings with relevance to brain health grabbed headlines. Learn about the preliminary research presented at the 2024 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.

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Categories: Dimensions 2024

July 22, 2024

My Experience Caring for My Wife Gail and What I Learned About Communication and Alzheimer’s.

I was the caregiver for my late wife Gail over the last five years of her life. I hope to share my experience with other caregivers and relate how changing my way of communicating helped us.

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Categories: Community Stories, Caregiving, Dimensions 2024, News, Nature

March 27, 2024

Community Partnership: Update from the ADRC Native Research and Resource Core

"The purpose of the NRRC is to increase access to research and resources for Native communities, as they rightfully deserve to be included in these conversations about health and public health,” says Breanna Jones (Cherokee and Seminole Ancestry) Research Study Supervisor, WSU IREACH and ADRC

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Categories: Team Spotlights, ADRC Indigenous Aging Brain Health Series, Dimensions 2024, News