NWH & UWMC Integration Business Cards

The Business Card template features various options for professional and departmental use. Once you’ve chosen the best option for your use, order online through Creative Communications.

Business cards, Front

There are three options for the front of your business cards:

Option A: Standard Professional (Single Title)
Option B: Standard Professional (Multiple Titles)
Option C: Standard Department

Each is available with four options for the back side.

Front option A (Single title)

This is the standard choice for professionals and providers.

Red square indicates campus location.

Front option B (Multiple titles)

Red square indicates campus location.

Front option C

This is the standard choice for department-wide business cards.

Personal pronouns

When using Personal pronouns on the Option B business card you will only be able to have two professionally focused titles. Approved pronouns on business cards will be the following: she, her, he, him, they, them, their, ze, sie, zie and hir.

Business cards, Back

There are three options for the back of business cards.

Option A: Standard Back (UW Medicine logo on purple background)
Option B: Standard Back (University of Washington Medical Center on purple background)
Option C: Appointment Reminder (for providers who book appointments with patients)

Back option A

Back option B

Back option C

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