Upward Bound 1996

The University of Washington Upward Bound Program has been serving eligible students at Nathan Hale and Cleveland High Schools since 1983. Upward Bound prepares students for college. It is a federally funded program for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and/ or from families in which the student would be the first generation to complete a four-year college degree. Upward Bound offers instruction to improve a student’s chance of being accepted and then of graduating from college.

There is no charge for Upward Bound’s services.

During the school year, classes are in Math and Language Arts. Students receive training to improve their SAT scores and work on applications for college tutoring and a special Math/Science class. Students receive regular high school credit for all of these classes. Staff regularly meet with students individually.

During the summer Upward Bound conducts an intensive six seek program on the UW campus. Students take classes in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Art. Classes are from Monday to Friday. Taking classes on campus enables preparatory classes for high school credits. The program pays a stipend, provides lunch allowance and transportation.

Students interested in Science and Math may apply to Upward Bound Math/Science Centers at colleges out of state. Upward Bound pays expenses and awards credits.



Get to Know Us

(Click on a name)

	Abigail G.          		Judy R.			Samon T.
	Andy C.             		Leah V.			Sang K.
	Camille G.         		Leah W.			Sernlouang S.
	Cheryl B.           		LeNeeshia L.		Shahana S.
	Chu H.               		Loan N.			Sharon S.
	Erika B.             		Maricel F.		Sinath S.
	Falice F.            		Meuy S.			Sony T.
	Faye L.				Michael L.		Sung L.
	Helen F.			Mony S.			Zhe L.
	Hung B.				Myra F.			Coung N.
	Jamela P.			Nazriet G.		Judy T.
	Jeanette A.			Ray B.			Lie Fan Z.
	Joan T.				Ryan C. 		De Shiang F.		
	Huston G.


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