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Environmental Justice (new topic, Feb 2021!)

Can we solve the climate crisis without confronting global inequities?

A recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA found that white residents in the USA produce more climate pollution than black or hispanic residents, but black and hispanic people are exposed to more air pollution.

And that is just the USA! Think about the global inequities in the "haves" and the "have nots".

And how are we going to lift people out of poverty without making the climate crisis even worse?

If you are a resident in a wealthy country, is it your responsibility to address both problems at once? And what would that look like in terms of national and international policy?

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Environmental Justice

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Aqua Elephant   Today 11:16:55
Climate Change Education

More people need to be educated on Climate Change. The fact that so many people still doesn't believe it is real is insane.

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Fatimah   2022-11-04 12:31:28 (Last post: Today 10:06:14)
Stop littering!

People should stop littering and throwing their junk such as plastic bags on the ground whenever they are done with the snack they just ate. They should rather stop being lazy and throw their waste in the trashbin. Saving the community from pollution by doing a simple act of consideration should not be too much of a hassle.

connor4412   Today 10:00:33

I think we can all agree that littering is bad and I don't think anyone would disagree with out on that. I think that there a multiple causes of littering and pollution, but while the are related, they are kind of two different things. I think of littering as something like dropping a wrapper on the ground, and I think of pollution as a more serious and company controlled issue. So, I do agree with you, but I think that pollution is a little bit different.

Loic1234567890   Today 10:06:14

I agree with you conner however I think it needs to be treated the same in order to truly stop it

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ilya1   2023-04-28 11:14:12 (Last post: Today 09:32:23)
coral bleaching due to climate change

One major habitat that is hugely impacted by an increase in temperatures is the coral reef. These groups of reefs serve as home to many incredibly diverse species. However, as the ocean temperatures rise due to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the corals go through a process called "bleaching." Corals have a symbiotic relationship with a kind of single-celled dinoflagellate called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live inside the corals, giving them their vibrant colors and energy through photosynthesis while the corals protect the organisms. As the temperature of the ocean rises, the corals experience stress due to the shift in their environment, leading them to release the zooxanthellae. This rids them of their beautiful colors (hence the "bleaching" part) and their main source of food. So, as these corals starve and eventually die, all of the organisms that rely on the reefs as a habitat are also affected, effectively destroying an entire ecosystem. When such an important ecosystem is impacted so strongly, the rest of the world will be affected in some way, so it is vital that coral bleaching is stopped and measures are put in place to protect the reefs and other environments affected by climate change.

CAGR   2024-05-12 21:18:59

I agree, coral bleaching is a very serious problem impacting our oceans, and there needs to be action to fight the massive disruptions to coral reef ecosystems. For example, many species are getting pushed out of coral reef ecosystems or having to adapt to their changing habitats. Invasive species, like lionfish, are also becoming a problem in these habitats. Research by NOAA outlines the effects of invasive lionfish on coral reefs and how they add to the stress of coral reefs.

fidaBOD   2024-05-14 14:21:23

There is clearly a correlation between the two situations. in 1980 NOAA recorded an average ocean surface temperature of 0.25 degrees celsius. In 2022 the recorded an average of around 0.7 degrees celsius. Below is an image comparing images from the Great Barrier Reef from 1980 to 2020.

ClaireAmrhein   Today 09:32:23

I agree save the ocean we need to stop coral bleaching and protect are ecosystem

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James C USA   2024-04-23 11:12:45 (Last post: Today 09:30:33)
Reusable lunch trays

Today I had to do an assignment in class and it was about reducing carbon footprint. All day I have been thinking what to do, that's when I thought of it. Do you know how much plastic is being used and thrown away each and every day due to school lunch trays. For this fact I think we should start using reusable lunch trays. The reusable lunch trays will basically just be a materials we can use over and over again for lunch hints the name reusable lunch tray.

James C USA   2024-04-24 11:14:15

Today I had to do an assignment in class and it was about reducing carbon footprint. All day I have been thinking what to do, that's when I thought of it. Do you know how much plastic is being used and thrown away each and every day due to school lunch trays. For this fact I think we should start using reusable lunch trays. The reusable lunch trays will basically just be a material we can use over and over again for lunch hints the name reusable lunch tray. According to cafeteriaculture.org which did an estimation of New York's schools. They found out that NYC public schools throw away 850,000 styrofoam trays a day. All together about 80 trays per foot adding up to a whomping 2 miles high, if stacked on top of each other. They found out that this is 8.5 times the height of the empire state building. It is important to know that this is all just in one day in just one city. Now just imagine how much more this problem would be weekly. Around 4,250,000 styrofoam trays a school week. Now if you take this and use 80 trays per foot, you get 10 miles of styrofoam trays a week that get thrown away. If your worried people won't be interested in helping, a lot of people will be willing to partake in using reusable lunch trays. “We created giant NO-STYRO data PUPPETS, each made of 500 used and washed lunch trays. We took the puppets all over NYC and to City Hall. People laughed first, then heard our story of toxic and polluting styrene foam and were inspired to take action!” STYROFOAM OUT OF SCHOOLS. By reducing the amount of styrofoam thrown away it can help bring justice for the environment by eliminating the amount of trash around the world. Styrofoam also when broken down can be easily mistaken as food for smaller marine animals. This will help the environment in the long term along with other ideas that the new younger generation has, which can help keep the earth going for a long time. https://www.cafeteriaculture.org/foam-t … hools.html

stationary   Today 09:23:37

I have seen some videos of 'school lunches around the world' and I noticed that some of them had metal lunch trays. I wonder how easy that would be to integrate into US schools. It seems like it might be expensive to make and install a way to clean them. Is that what you meant by reusable lunch trays?

c00per   Today 09:27:04

In my school we are still using throw aways cardboard trays. However i think it would be much more efficient if they used metal or plastic trays. This will lower carbon foot print and save money for other things in the school that provide for students. It may cost a bit to clean but i feel like they could make profit not after a long time.

calim   Today 09:30:33

many people still use plastic bags for their lunches. we should only be using things we can wash and use again for lunches,

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trrntoo   2024-04-26 10:21:26
Begin to change our habits to save the planet together

It is preferable to recycle all plastic bottles to store detergents or soaps

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HenryLin   2024-04-23 00:32:18 (Last post: 2024-04-24 17:36:23)
Why oil is bad for the environment

Hi my name is Henry today i would like to discuss why oil is bad for our environment. Oil was first discover around the 600BC by the Chinese at first it was mainly use to transport bamboo as time changed the first car invented around the second world war that was when oil was start being use for automobile. Till today oil is one of the main fuel use for cars, but even though its a great fuel for cars but did you know that oil can actually damage the environment based on a article written by the World Wildlife Fund organization they state that Oil and gas operations could release many tons of harmful pollutants into the air and discharge dangerous chemicals into the water, thereby degrading the clean air and water. Not only that it will damage the environment but the toxic effects of inhaling vapors and ingesting oil when grooming or feeding can cause animals sick therefore i believe that using oil is damaging our environment.

By Henry
Heres a video from youtube about this discussing i will post down here

Carl2010good   2024-04-23 03:36:01

Hi Henry, I hope that companies could stop using oil but unfortunately for this time, it is like a fantasy story being told to small children. Big companies would die not to stop oil production since you would get lots and lots of money. But what happens if there is no Earth to earn that money? Do companies think that far into the future? Adults now only think about their life now, not about our life as Gen Z or Gen Alpha. They will life a life with luxury and air to breathe but for us, dirt and air hard to breathe. Adults only created Covid, not us as children. They are the reason why the only home we have is at risk. But, adults are hard to control, especially since the “Golden Rule” says respect your “eLdErS”.

WilsonWu   2024-04-23 04:09:24

I completely agree with this statement. Companies using oil is causing tons of pollution to our Earth. Companies nowadays are thinking about saving money, making profit, and thinking about current times. Thankfully many companies are starting to turn from gas cars to electric cars. Many companies are thinking making their cost cheaper and making high profit, using gas now are more efficient and cost saving for many tools. But it is pretty hard to get companies to start going to electric

W Smores   2024-04-24 17:21:38

I agree that oil is bad for the environment.

Vvivianl   2024-04-24 17:36:23

Hi Henry, I agree what you said. Although oil is a conventional source, it still caused a lot of damage to our world. People should start taking this seriously and take actions too. Like, understand how it impacts out world and know what you can help.

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Camille6321:   2024-04-23 03:35:26
Happy Late Earth Day

Every year, people throughout the world commemorate Earth Day to show support for environmental conservation. Earth Day inspires people to come together and take action in favor of a healthier world and a better future by serving as a global reminder of the importance of environmental sustainability and conservation. How can you support our house in any way? Here are a few easy ways we can all do our part to improve the planet. We have the option to take part in beach clean-ups and donate to companies who recycle plastic to make bags, chairs, and even tables (Enviro Tech Winder recycling)! Even the simplest actions can have the greatest impact on our world such as bringing your bags when you go shopping and using reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic ones in the supermarket. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, about 5 trillion plastic bags are used by Americans each year. This ends up with about over one trillion plastic bags in the ocean. Imagine all the animals suffering and ending up dead because they're thinking that the plastic bags are jellyfish due to the way they move. Earth Day is just a friendly reminder that the earth is polluted with tons of trash and that it is our responsibility to take care of it and help clean it up.

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KatieMDavis22   2022-10-06 20:29:19 (Last post: 2024-04-05 06:51:06)
adding compost bin to cafeteria

YES YES YES! All schools these days should 100 percent get a compost bin for the cafeteria, cause just think of all the uneaten food and where it's going out into the world.

smnz   2022-11-06 20:23:59

I totally agree. Compost bin in cafeteria is one way that students can participating in helping the environment. Here are some advantages that I found online. To begin with, approximately 84% of food waste from restaurants is disposed of in the garbage, according to a research on restaurant food waste done by the Business for Social Responsibility. Composting not only stops this percentage from rising, but it also has positive effects on the environment. The absence of synthetic chemical fertilizers in compost is the largest advantage for the environment. We consume these chemicals when they are employed in the soil to cultivate fruits and vegetables. Additionally, when it rains, synthetic fertilizers wash away and harm local species. Composting produces healthier produce and has less of an adverse impact on the environment than chemical fertilizers.

Hudson B.   2022-11-06 22:09:19

I Agree with you. I know someone who works as a school lunch server and they have told me about how much food is wasted because all they do with the excess food is throw it in the trash. I believe schools, restaurants, and other places with lots of food shouldn't throw away unused food but give it away to people in need. They could do many things like give it to charities or serve it to the homeless, or even put it in to a compost bin. In conclusion people in general should try their best to avoid wasting food and if they can give some to people in need.

hanavresk1   2023-04-30 03:10:41

I totally agree with you. I like the idea of having compost bin for the cafeteria. In my last school we had compost in the school yard. I think that every school (and all the places that produce a lot of food) should have it because a lot of food goes to waste. Composting also has a positive impact on the environment.

georgeta.bujor   2023-04-30 06:11:38

Students who live in an urban center know less about composting. Examples of good practice could be integrated into their everyday life.
The coordination of specific activities would contribute to the integration of these behaviors that will have a finality in a more or less near future. EDUCATION makes the difference

irmacikac1   2023-05-02 08:59:32

I totally agree with you. I think that is a great idea because lots of food gets thrown away. Compost bin in cafeterias can have positive impact on the environment.

Thomas.Forsyth   2024-04-01 06:01:13

Compost bins are one of the great options for buildings and companies to take a bit of climate initiative. One of the big issues in schools though is that children don’t sort their waste properly. To combat this we can educate them earlier on little ways they can make change, and push for compostable utensils and plates.

JudahBurgess3232   2024-04-05 06:51:06

Very true, I think composting is a great way to reuse the food we don’t eat. Also home gardens could be a great way to implement compost and get fresh food out to everyone.

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JudahBurgess3232   2024-04-05 06:23:32
Solar panels

I think that in order to make our energy more clean that we need to advocate for more solar panels and other clean energy sources like wind turbines.

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domdomareki   2024-03-28 07:56:48 (Last post: 2024-04-01 05:47:41)
Negative effect's of cattle farming.

Cons of cattle farming-

Contributes about 11%–17% of global greenhouse gas emissions
.methane and nitrous oxide released from digestion
.land use and conversion and desertification
.vast amount of food and resources being consumed
.1,800 gallons of water per pound of beef produced.

Thomas.Forsyth   2024-04-01 05:47:41

The costs of the cattle industry greatly outweigh any benefits in my opinion. It takes up massive plots of land while producing minimal meat. There are a lot more climate friendly options, like Guinea pigs that take up a lot less space and resources. Alternatively, you can pick a vegetarian or vegan diet.

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100borja   2023-11-09 03:18:59 (Last post: 2024-03-22 06:45:19)
Environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is a very negative thing that affects the entire planet sooner or later, for example animals, humans, landscapes, forests.
If we do not end them in the future we would not be able to live on our planet due to so much pollution.

willa_yetman   2024-03-22 06:45:19

I agree with you, but I think that there are more details that you can bring to the surface. Humans are the main cause of environmental pollution. Our everyday tasks and everyday routines pollute the environment. Some examples of this are, bonfires, eating not organic meats, phone usage, and clothes that we wear that are produced in factories. But, we can do better with these things in the future. Some things that we can do to reduce environmental pollution are eating more vegetation foods, turning off lights when we don't need them on, trying our best to conserve energy, and not buying things from huge industries. Those are only some of the things we can do to make environmental justice, save animals, landscapes, and forests from what we are doing to ourselves.

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carbonara123   2023-11-13 22:09:28 (Last post: 2023-11-17 11:46:40)
The rich and wealthy


I think that sustainability can come naturally to those who can't go around tossing money down the drain. I find families with less money tend to use items that would otherwise go in the garbage or find creative solutions that don't involve buying more products. For example: reusing Ziploc bags, using plastic bags as garbage bags, using bread bags to store food in the fridge, keeping plastic takeout cutlery and containers and unused condiment packets. I can't imagine most of the ultra-rich do this as well.

Millyvanilly   2023-11-17 11:46:40

I definitely agree with this, I think being in the upper middle class, I don't tend to see the luxuries of having unlimited supplies of single use practice but having that never ending supply makes reusing it seem not necessary which causes me to use more. I think it hard to get this through the upper classes head, the thought of finding alternate uses for what they see as "garbage" would probably go against their lifestyle which most have been taught their entire lives.

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MD5492   2022-11-04 12:47:32 (Last post: 2023-11-14 00:34:30)
Plastic recycling

Instead of throwing your plastic away after the very first use, you could reuse it, like plastic water bottles, plastic containers, etc, and when you are done using them, you could recycle them and take them to a local plastic recycling place.

Julian Beck   2022-11-04 13:11:05

I agree we should reuse plastic and recycle it when we cant anymore. Though I wonder how much of the plastic actually gets reused when we recycle it.

julieScience2   2022-11-04 13:18:51

I agree. Also, I recognized as a German that more countries should start separating their trash. Most of people just throw everything together, but we should separate plastic, glass, and paper so we can reuse them.

triniti   2022-11-04 14:10:30

Plastic recycling is so beneficial to our environment, in more ways than one. Recycling our plastic means we won’t have to keep filling up the landfills with plastic that could be reused and reduced.  Reducing our trash in the landfills also means, we reduce how much of it ends up in the oceans, streets, homes, etc. Being able to reuse the trash helps us with keeping out landfills and the environment even cleaner.
--Triniti Tikoi

HarryS   2022-11-04 14:19:34

I believe that there should be more regulations on recycling certain products in order to have a reason for people to recycle instead of leaving trash and plastic on streets that eventually ends up in the ocean and ultimately killing innocent sea creatures.

Ariellee   2022-11-04 14:47:56

I agree that if we are going to use plastic we should reuse it and then recycle it when it can't be used anymore, but it would be better to buy reusable containers/water bottles than plastic.

hanavresk1   2023-04-30 03:22:42

I agree with you. I recycle trash at home. Plastic is a big problem for our environment. I try to reuse plastic because it takes a long time to dissapear, but I don't use plastic as much as I used to. I try to replace plastic items with cloth or paper ones. I also agree with the idea od buying more reusable containers than plastic.
Recycling is not difficult, it takes a very short time, but it helps the environment in a positive way.

irmacikac1   2023-05-04 08:13:39

I agree. I think we should recycle and reuse plastic as much as possible. Also, it is important to recycle plastic at home too. We should reduce the use of plastic bags and water bottles by buying the reusable ones instead. That can also have a positive impact on the environment and sea animals.

bioprint   2023-05-04 10:44:59

I totally agree, we need to reduce the amount of plastic in the world and that isn't possible if we are taking in more plastic every day. One of the solutions is recycling, but we could also use some other sources except plastics in every day life, we already have paper bags, we could maybe use glass bottles for milk and refill them, instead of buying new plastic packages of milk every time. Or maybe use paper packages for products that don't need to be wrapped in plastic.

vita barbir   2023-05-04 11:15:08

We need to recycle in order to reduce the amount of waste we create and save natural resources like water and energy. By recycling, materials don't need to be produced anew, which means that the need for extracting new raw materials from nature is reduced, thus reducing our negative impact on the environment.

Elean0r   2023-05-15 04:05:44

You would have to get rid of most plastic waste it would save money and the environment would be better off. Many people do not know that plastic not only harms animals and the enviroment, but also us humans. Everyone has plastic in their blood.

Lyasia._.   2023-11-03 11:19:57

I agree with this statement. Recycling could be very positive to the earth and its many environments. The start of mass recycling could also help with dying animals such as see turtles. Not only is plastic dangerous but so are the bottle caps on the bottles. We should definitely invest in a recycling bin for our house. Take care of our earth!

elaria   2023-11-14 00:34:30

I agree that it’s a great idea to reuse plastic water bottles and containers. While recycling is great, depending on your city, not everything you put in the recycling actually gets recycled, in fact, a lot of it ends up in the landfill. So if you can find a way to reuse plastic waste, choose that over recycling.

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abmcfly   2023-11-02 13:57:56 (Last post: 2023-11-14 00:11:34)
Destruction of environments

The destruction of resources and open land is a waste of time for everyone. Why build a giant supercomplex on good farmland when you can build good things, like a farm, or an animal shelter, or a hospital. New buildings that go up these days that are not for good things are all just a waste of space. In further, all of the open spaces that are condemned or not being used for anything should be developed into good things, as mentioned before, like hospitals, animal shelters, and homeless shelters.

Kalen.1   2023-11-14 00:11:34

You say that the "destruction of resources and open land is a waste" but what exactly are we wasting here? I agree that the destruction of natural habitats are most certainly awful and should be discouraged. But in highly populated urban areas tearing down an old house or other building is not necessarily a waste of space/resources. You mentioned lots of helpful buildings we could build instead of a complex like a hospital or an animal shelter, and don't get my wrong those are wonderful ideas. But if we look more closely at what exactly is needed in developing countries and even fully developed countries that have a poverty/overpopulation issue I feel we could use that space more affectively building affordable housing for struggling families. Or taking it a step further and building eco friendly housing. This is good for the environment and helps with poverty. Saying that what each urban area needs will differ wherever you look; so it could definitely be more useful to build a hospital like you suggested, prime ideas will vary in different communities.

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noragomes   2023-11-10 15:34:12
Country Environmental Equality

Wealthy countries such as the United States and Canada contribute to climate change much further than poverty-stricken countries do so. This is because of the rapid industrialization, deforestation, and energy overuse that the US and Canada partake in, disrupting the carbon cycle and causing more carbon to be released into the atmosphere. However, although large and wealthy countries's carbon emission are above others, the consequences to their actions have a profound effect on poverty-stricken or poor countries of the world. Countries that are unable to defend themselves against the harsh effects of climate change (unpredictable weather patterns, rising temperatures, loss of wildlife and biodiversity) are the countries that have to pay the price for our privileged negligence. I believe that wealthy countries that evidently put less-fortunate countries in a dangerous situation with the environment should be held accountable, and asked to help people and communities affected by the consequences of their actions.

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noragomes   2023-11-10 15:30:31
Country Environmental Equality

Wealthy countries such as the United States and Canada contribute to climate change much further than poverty-stricken countries do so. This is because of the rapid industrialization, deforestation, and energy overuse that the US and Canada partake in, disrupting the carbon cycle and causing more carbon to be released into the atmosphere. However, although large and wealthy countries's carbon emission are above others, the consequences to their actions have a profound effect on poverty-stricken or poor countries of the world. Countries that are unable to defend themselves against the harsh effects of climate change (unpredictable weather patterns, rising temperatures, loss of wildlife and biodiversity) are the countries that have to pay the price for our privileged negligence. I believe that wealthy countries that evidently put less-fortunate countries in a dangerous situation with the environment should be held accountable, and asked to help people and communities affected by the consequences of their actions.

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Louisa Schwarm   2023-11-05 21:18:21
Should the wealthy be taxed?

I believe that in richer countries (ie. countries that have high GDPs), the wealthy should be held responsible for their impacts on the environment. Where I'm from in the US, the wealthy often live very extravagant lifestyles, flying quite frequently, buying new cars, and using massive amounts of energy with little regard for others, not just in the US but in a larger sense, the world. Despite having the money to purchase more climate-friendly alternatives (which are often quite expensive), they squander their money on trendy brands to help fit in with the other wealthy individuals. I think that because of this the wealthy in richer nations should be taxed an environmental tax to help make up for their large carbon footprints and possibly to make them reflect on their use of resources. They should be assessed by a government official who is sent to their house and notes the appliances they use. The government official should also ask them about their flying habits or how often they leave the lights on, questions that help to create a more accurate reflection of their carbon footprint. They should be placed into tax brackets with those who have higher carbon footprints being taxed more and those who have lower carbon footprints being taxed less. I think that if this were implemented in countries with high GDPs, that the wealthy would start switching their lifestyles to be more eco-friendly to avoid taxing. Additionally, since people often want to emulate the wealthy, if the wealthy began using eco-friendly alternatives to products and trying to reduce their carbon footprints, ordinary people may follow which could cause a large decline in carbon footprints everywhere.

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3468   2023-05-03 23:37:25 (Last post: 2023-11-04 17:06:01)
Ocean Conservation

Ever since I was little it would always amaze me how careless people could be; throwing their junk into the ocean. Don't they know there are living creatures living there? But let's be honest we have all made mistakes before this however cannot be an excuse to keep on repeating the same ones. We as of right now must stand up for our oceans. Turtles suffocating on plastic bags and sharks getting trapped in old fishing nets are just not right. Why do we have to be so cruel when they did nothing wrong? Hope is still not lost, we can change. But all it takes is a step, a step that everyone can make, a step that can be so powerful it can change millions of lives underwater. So please next time you feel an urge to throw your trash on the ground, remember the animals you will be hurting, the ecosystem that is slowly declining.

zacab   2023-05-04 02:28:12

yes i agree with your opinion because when i go surfing i can see a lot of trash and it didn't make me feel good. I can't understand why can't people make an effort to throw trash in the trashcan. I thought that with the new technology we would have better lives in 2023.

Maryam09   2023-11-04 17:06:01

I also think that we have to help save our planet through not polluting our precious oceans. We have to live together with our animals and not against them. We can do this through using our trash cans to the best of our abilities. If we do not see any trash cans around, we have to hold onto the trash until we can get rid of it wisely. Another way we can help our oceans is by helping to pick up trash around them. There are many organizations that are focused around helping to clean the ocean and pick up as much trash as possible in a day. One of these organizations is The Ocean Cleanup. This organization is a non-profit that has the main goal of cleaning up to 90% of the oceans floating plastic pollution.

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kaylee sy   2023-11-02 17:00:28
how 2 help people in poverty without making climate crisis worse?

There are many reasons why we should help people in poverty without making the climate crisis worse.  Here are a few:
- Moral obligation: We have a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate than us, especially those who are living in poverty.  This obligation is even greater when we consider that the climate crisis is largely caused by the actions of wealthy countries, and that people in poverty are disproportionately affected by its impacts.
- Human rights: Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living, and this includes access to food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education.  Climate change is making it more difficult for people in poverty to access these basic necessities.  By helping to reduce poverty and address climate change, we can help to ensure that everyone can enjoy their human rights.
In addition to the above reasons, helping people in poverty without making the climate crisis worse can boost economies.  Investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and other sustainable development initiatives can create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve the quality of life for everyone.

Here are some ways to help people in poverty without making the climate crisis worse, according to the World Resources Institute: https://www.wri.org

- Invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency.  This will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create jobs in the clean energy sector.
- Support sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.  This will help to reduce deforestation and soil erosion, and improve food security for people in poverty.
- Provide access to clean water and sanitation.  This will help to reduce the spread of disease and improve the health of people in poverty.
- Invest in education and healthcare.  This will help people in poverty to develop the skills and knowledge they need to improve their lives and adapt to climate change.
- Promote gender equality and women's empowerment.  Women are often disproportionately affected by poverty and climate change, so it is important to ensure that they have equal access to resources and opportunities.

Let me know if I missed any ideas so far smile

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1thdodd   2023-09-28 11:18:45 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:23:10)
Carbon footprint

Unfortunately most of my footprint was caused by my travel because I move around a lot. this was still happening even though I bike to school everyday. I don't know how to lower this, anybody have suggestions?

Vananthony   2023-10-30 10:23:10

Ways you can reduce your carbon emissions is recycling, reduce meat and dairy consumption, reduce a/c use, and compost.

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NathBOD   2023-05-14 22:13:15 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:21:36)
How can our daily lives change to affect our carbon footprints?

My carbon footprint was affected most because of the food I ate. As well as the driving my family does for me on a daily basis. The simple way to get around transportation is probably for me to carpool more with others or possibly take the bus to school. Which I plan to do, but next year. Un.org says that eating plant-based foods can help you reduce the greenhouse gas emissions you put in the world. This website also provides a chart that provides evidence for this claim. Another way that you can change your food intake is to eat homegrown food since it takes down the emissions that go into the air when you have to transport the food to your local market or to your house. Other ways to change your carbon footprint is to use a more natural heating and cooling system such as opening the window when you are hot or putting a blanket or more clothes on when you are cold. Also having an electric car helps with transportation as well as many other electric devices. Overall our daily lives can change massively to affect our carbon footprints in an eco-friendly way.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/sci … ed%20foods.

1mfspinosa   2023-09-27 16:01:11

Lowering your carbon footprint is a great way to reduce emissions. Since there aren't a lot of collective actions being made, individual actions can positively affect the carbon in the air and help reduce it.

elliep   2023-09-28 10:40:09

I agree, just our daily lives can affect our carbon footprint. Just driving to and back from school is releasing carbon into the air, and increasing the rate of climate change. Being aware of our actions can help to bring down the amount of carbon in the air.

buffa25   2023-10-30 10:21:36

Even the efforts that seem small that you are able to do, play a big role in reducing your emissions into the air. Any effort is actually a huge part into helping climate change.

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Sydney22   2023-09-27 10:06:14
Environmental equality

Environmental equality means larger, wealthy countries need to support smaller countries in the fight against climate change. Wealthy countries such as the United States produce the majority of carbon emissions, but the climate change that this causes disproportionately affects poorer countries. This is obviously extremely unfair, and it needs to change. The United States, and other wealthy countries, need to step up their game.

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lumiBOD   2023-05-16 12:46:14
Climate change, Conservation, and Climate action

Wildlife conservation and climate action are often viewed as distinct environmental concerns, but they are intricately interconnected. It is widely recognized that addressing climate change is crucial for preserving global wildlife populations. However, the converse is also true: wildlife conservation plays a vital role in regulating our climate. By safeguarding wildlife, we contribute to the preservation of our planet, including ourselves. At present, Earth is undergoing its sixth mass extinction event, primarily caused by human activities and the subsequent increase in global temperatures. According to the WWF Living Planet Report 2022, within a span of less than 50 years, the world has witnessed a staggering decline of 69% in mammal, fish, bird, reptile, and amphibian populations. The presence of a diverse array of life on our planet is pivotal for its well-being. Biodiversity ensures that all species collaborate within their respective ecosystems, maintaining a delicate equilibrium that sustains life.

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Joseph O   2023-05-11 22:07:19

Environmental Justice has been growing throughout the past couple years. People have realized the importance of it, and are starting to spread the world and do things to try and make an impact on it. It has gained the attention of important people like presidents or famous people. This had led to presidents passing laws, singers making songs, new movies and documentaries releasing, and many others to gather more awareness to hopefully eliminate a good amount of things hurting out earth. According a-z-animals, approximately 55k to 73k species go extinct every year. There are many other problems regarding the environment, and we have to make a change now in our lifestyles before it is too late.

https://a-z-animals.com/blog/how-many-s … -per-year/

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