November 28, 2018

‘The Wonderful Awareness of Living’: Poems by David Leek

David Leek, a community member, invites us to read his poems written after a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease: It's All Good / The Feast of Life

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Categories: News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

Personal Experiences with Lewy Body Dementia

Jean Rough shares her personal experience with a difficult diagnosis and the struggles, sources of support, and daily life strategies found along the way.

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

November 05, 2018

“Let’s Bring Dementia Out of the Shadows.”

Inspired by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Dr. Barak Gaster of the UW MBWC argues that diagnosing early-stage memory loss can improve patients' quality of life in meaningful ways. Read his Op-Ed in the Seattle Times.

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News

November 02, 2018

Dementia Friends Comes to Washington State

Learn how you can become a 'Dementia Friend'! The UW Memory & Brain Wellness Center is working to implement a public awareness anti-stigma campaign focusing on dementia and working to remove the stigma that people and their care partners face as symptoms progress.

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Categories: News, Dementia Friends, Dementia-Friendly Community

October 29, 2018

Highlights from the 2018 AAIC

UW's Briana Lee brings back highlights from the 2018 Alzheimer's Association International Conference, touching on NIH funding news, early disease detection, brain imaging, and the brain immune system's role in Alzheimer's disease.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

October 10, 2018

Bringing a New Vision of Social Citizenship to Cascadia

A new collaboration between the UW and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver aims to develop dementia-friendly research practices and community programs.

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Categories: Science Updates, News, Dementia-Friendly Community

October 04, 2018

The Gut Microbiome and Brain Health

Can we invite the right community of microbes into the gut to help prevent brain diseases?

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Categories: Science Updates, News

September 27, 2018

Steve’s Deep Brain

A film in the 2018 Brain Awareness Video Contest tells the story of Steve Gilbert, PhD, a Parkinson's patient at UW Medicine who benefits from deep brain stimulation (DBS) for treatment of tremor.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

August 15, 2018

Highlights and Photos: Adult Changes in Thought Symposium 2018

August 13-14th, researchers from around the country shared updates on research that leverages data from the UW/Kaiser Permanente ACT study on brain health and dementia.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

August 07, 2018

Clinical MRI Brain Scans Will Enrich the Adult Changes in Thought Study Data Resource

The ACT Imaging Records Project, made possible by a new NIA grant, extends the research potential of Seattle's long-running study of aging.

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Categories: Science Updates, News