News in News

May 23, 2018

In the Eye of the Beholder

Take a moment to look closely at 'Witnessing,' a piece of art exploring dementia and personhood, as contributed by Genevieve Wanucha of the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

May 08, 2018

Highlights of the 2018 Discovery Conference

Topics included the transformative role of hope in dementia caregiving, technology for better and safer living with memory loss, community wellbeing, delirium, dementia with Lewy Bodies, and frontotemporal dementia.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

May 07, 2018

Mother’s Day with memory loss or dementia [Video]

Mother's Day is still a reason to celebrate if your mother or loved one has memory loss or dementia. Karen Clay, a social worker with the UW Medicine Memory and Brain Wellness Center in Seattle, offers tips for having a good day with your loved one. "She may not remember what you said, but she will remember how you made her feel."

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

April 25, 2018

At UW Medicine, a New Research Center of Excellence for Lewy Body Dementia

A network of 24 medical research centers, including the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center, has been formed to enhance research and outreach efforts around Lewy Body dementia.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

April 23, 2018

Co-Participants: The Unsung Heroes of ADRC Research Studies

Curious about what happens in a longitudinal research study? A UW ADRC research coordinator writes about cognitive testing in Alzheimer's clinical research and her debt of gratitude to the partners of study participants.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

April 20, 2018

Grand Prize in National Dementia-Friendly Photo Contest

For Seattle resident Jean Mills, living with memory loss has been a catalyst to help others – and has catapulted her to national fame!

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Categories: News, Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

ADRC Awards for Ambitious New Ideas 2018-2019

Learn about the newly funded 2018-2019 Alzheimer's Disease Research Center pilot projects. These one-year projects encourage investigators to use ADRC resources to advance the understanding, diagnosis, and/or treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

April 11, 2018

Discovery 2018 Conference Preview - Workshop: Frontotemporal Dementia: What’s It All About?

A preview of the workshop to be led by Kimiko Domoto-Reilly, MD, a neurologist and FTD expert at the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

April 09, 2018

Fish Oil and Seafood for Brain Health: What’s the Evidence?

Based on current scientific literature, Dr. Angela Hanson gives a dose of advice on taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements to protect the brain and prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

April 04, 2018

6 Things We Know about Resilience in Alzheimer’s Disease

How to build a stronger brain, mind, and spirit at any stage of life

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News, Dementia-Friendly Community