Livingston, MT

I never saw a grizzly bear during my month in Livingston, even though I spent the entire time reading about them and keeping an eye out for them on hikes.  This was probably a good thing.  There were 9 grizzly attacks in Montana this year; two of the victims came to Livingston Hospital while i was there and I got to help care for a Hunter who had been severely mauled (had his face torn off).  I heard about the attack on NPR the next morning. 

The mountains surrounding Livingston are amazing (the Absorokas, the Bridgers, the Crazies).  I spent my free time hiking among these mountain ranges and exploring Yellowstone.  The Paradise Valley is literally a two minute drive from the house and is breathtaking.  Be careful not to drive off the road while you ogle at the Absoroka Mountains.

The clinical experience is priceless, no matter what you go into, ranging from clinic, to inpatient, to ER.  The main preceptor (Dr. Wadle) was a great teacher and host.  The hospital staff treated me like one of the family.  Pop me an email if you have questions about this experience; I can’t say enough about it.