
You will be working in a three-physician internal medicine practice located in Montesano, which has a population of approximately 3500. The resident will work in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Inpatient care is provided at Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, which is about ten miles west of Montesano. There will be plenty of hands-on experience in acute cardiac and ICU care. In addition, opportunities for minor surgery, exercise tolerance test, and flexible sigmoidoscopy are available in the outpatient clinic. The preceptors are former UW internal medicine residents.

Montesano is one one-half hours southwest of Seattle and about 45 minutes east of Ocean Shores. There are great opportunities for fishing, hiking, and camping along the Pacific Coast and Olympic National Park on weekends.


  • Selected blocks only based on student schedule

Rural (3,500)

Contact info:
Primary Preceptor:
Ki Shin, MD

Residents who’ve been there:

  • Margaret Roller
  • David Levitt

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