
Wyoming is nestled against the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains. In the northwest corner, where our sites are clustered, the geological drama of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks creates a counterpoint to the beautiful but more gentle terrain surrounding them.

The most direct driving route to Wyoming is through Montana. For northeastern Wyoming (Sheridan), you would turn off I-90 near Billings. For Jackson, the most direct route is to turn south on I-15 at Missoula and then go from Idaho Falls over Teton Pass down into Jackson. This can be an exciting or impossible trip in the winter. Plan 12-14 hours behind the wheel.
If Yellowstone is open to vehicles, you can get to Jackson by taking the north entrance to the park via Livingston and going through the park; add 3-4 hours travel time minimum for this route.

There are no direct flights to Wyoming from Seattle. Depending on destination and time of year, you can connect through Boise, Salt Lake City, or Denver. However, you will want a car in the summer and need a car in the winter, so I wouldn’t recommend flying as your primary mode of transportation.

Residents don’t need a license to practice in Wyoming as long as they are supervised by a licensed physician.

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