March in Livingston

Livingston Memorial Hospital

I’ve gotten pretty comfortable working in Livingston over the past month.  I’ve learned an enormous amount by working with Dr. Wadle.    His clinic patients are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and they have different problems than many of my continuity clinic patients at Harborview.  Dr. Wadle takes care of his patients in the clinic and the hospital in addition to doing his own screening EGDs and colonoscopies every two weeks.  I also enjoyed visiting one of the local nursing homes with him.  Working in all of these settings allowed me to get to know Dr. Wadle’s patients very well; the continuity of care here is amazing. 

I also had some time to explore the surrounding areas.  I went hiking and snowshoeing in Yellowstone, swimming in the Boiling River (you MUST do this in Yellowstone), dog sledding, skiing and snowboarding.  I also went running with Dr. Wadle on Tuesdays at lunch; he goes rain or shine with one of the family practice doctors from the hospital.

Livingston itself is pretty small, so I ventured out to Bozeman few times (it’s only 25 miles away).  Working in Livingston for the month has been amazing – I highly recommend it!