Clinical Core

 The ADRC Clinical Core study meets with participants annually and is part of a nationwide effort moving research findings into improved diagnosis and care for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias as well as find ways to treat and possibly prevent these diseases. This study also looks at changes associated with healthy aging and people who may be at higher risk.  

In alignment with the UW ADRC’s vision of precision medicine for Alzheimer’s disease, the Clinical Core’s activities focus on better defining normal cognitive aging and the transition from normal function to mild cognitive impairment and the earliest stages of dementia. Our research coordinators screen research participants, perform clinical tests, and facilitate clinical trials, studies, and outreach events. Learn more about ADRC Research Participation.


Aim 1: To characterize clinically and follow longitudinally persons with normal aging, presymptomatic, prodromal, and early stage AD.


Aim 2: To characterize clinically and follow longitudinally participants from underserved minority communities of Native American Indians with normal aging, and presymptomatic, prodromal, and early stage AD, in close collaboration with the Outreach, Recruitment, and Education (ORE) Core.


Aim 3: To provide well-characterized participants for clinical and basic research across the continuum from normal aging through presymptomatic, prodromal, and clinically manifest AD.


Aim 4: To obtain and maintain a bank of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), plasma, and serum samples from well-characterized participants with normal and pathological aging, prodromal and diagnosed AD, and non-AD neurodegenerative dementias. CSF, plasma, and serum samples will be provided to UW ADRC, other UW, and other AD investigators nationally for development of biomarkers for assisting in the differential diagnosis of dementia, following disease progression and treatment response, and identifying persons at risk for dementia. The Clinical Core will continue to provide assistance, materials, and education in methods for CSF collection and banking.

►Learn about the available resources from the Clinical Core