January 11, 2022

Get to Know Astrid-Suchy-Dicey, Epidemiologist and Notable Woman in STEM

Washington STEM features a Q&A with Astrid Suchy-Dicey, UW ADRC Investigator and WSU epidemiologist, about her education and career path. Dr. Suchy Dicey works to better understand how a wide variety of factors, from educational to economic, impact minority communities.

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Categories: Science Updates, Team Spotlights, News

December 07, 2021

NACC is now accepting applications for the New Investigator Awards!

Researchers in the early stages of their careers are invited to apply for NACC’s New Investigator Award. Applications are due January 21, 2022.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

November 29, 2021

Indigenous perspectives on dementia and dementia-friendly communities

Takeaways from 'Indigenous perspectives on dementia and dementia-friendly communities', a panel discussion at the Memory and Brain Wellness Center’s Collaborating for a Dementia-Friendly Washington: Expanding Possibilities Conference.

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Categories: ADRC Indigenous Aging Brain Health Series, News, Dementia-Friendly Community

November 28, 2021

Homespun comfort: My fidget apron project

By Emi Takayama, Junior, Lakeside High School and MBWC fall intern

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Categories: Caregiving, News, Art

November 22, 2021

Dementia, COVID-19, and the Holidays

The holidays can be a joyous, yet stressful time under typical circumstances. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this holiday season presents new challenges, especially for those who have a loved one living with cognitive impairment or dementia. Our team discusses some special considerations to help adapt these strategies this holiday season to effectively connect with our loved ones. (From the archives!)

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Categories: Care & Treatment , News

November 12, 2021

Roundup of 3 recent studies on dementia risk

UW Medicine researchers examine links to cognitive decline of hearing loss, military service, and timeliness of diagnosis.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

October 08, 2021

A Discussion about Diet and Brain Health Research with Dr. Angela Hanson, MD

Angela Hanson, MD, explains the science behind three currently enrolling studies at the UW ADRC: The Meal and Memory Study, the Lipid MRI Study, and the Metformin and Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Study.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

August 27, 2021

Wearable sleep monitoring technology to improve diagnosis of Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dr. Debby Tsuang presented on technology for early dementia diagnosis at 2021 Symposium on Digital and Wearable Biomarkers in Lewy Body Dementias

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

August 10, 2021

Fine particulate air pollution associated with higher risk of dementia

In the UW-led study, a small increase in the levels of fine particle pollution averaged over a decade at specific addresses in the Seattle area was associated with a greater risk of dementia for people living at those addresses.

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Categories: Science Updates, News

July 29, 2021

Alzheimer’s study explains how tau pathology affects brain cells

In a new study, the Kraemer Lab and the UW ADRC Neuropathology Core team provide evidence that tau pathology interferes with genetic expression in cell organelles called "nuclear speckles" in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Categories: Science Updates, News