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ASIAm   2024-10-15 01:40:35 (Last post: 2024-10-18 09:52:36) in Wants or Needs?

These days a lot of people buy things that they don't need just because they like them or they buy something that are very cheap and they use them only once then they threw them away. This is due to fast fashion, but if we want to save our planet we have to change our mind and start also thinking the consequences before buying. We can reuse cloth, in our school we have a room that is called "VINTED CLASS" where we can swap clothes.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:43:49 in Wants or Needs?

Yes I agree with you that we always buy stuff but never use it like maybe we buy a peice of clothing but only use it once so then we are just wasting materials and if you think about it you are also wasting your money.

jangru   2024-10-15 10:57:01 in Wants or Needs?

I also agree that we buy stuff, but then only use it once. For example; the people that will celebrate Halloween, most people will buy there costume and wear it on Halloween, but never wear it again. wink

Jachar   2024-10-16 10:17:02 in Wants or Needs?

I agree there are a lot of people that just buy things for the show factor and not thinking about what they really need.

RILSHI   2024-10-16 10:48:09 in Wants or Needs?

But when you wear a Halloween costume only once, you can sell it for someone else to use.Another way To save money you can use some of your old costume for new things on your new costume.

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:00:40 in Wants or Needs?

You could get your clothes from a thrift store or get hand-me-downs.

BilGye123   2024-10-16 11:05:56 in Wants or Needs?

I find it hard because I never reuse my halloween costumes and I feel like i'm wasting a lot

joayu   2024-10-16 11:40:07 in Wants or Needs?

You could donate those clothes that you have grown out of

sethw20   2024-10-18 09:52:36 in Wants or Needs?

I agree we have to put the planet first before our wants and needs. Donating clothes to places like good will or the salvation army is great way to have your old clothes re used!

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anak laki-laki berair   2024-04-28 05:15:54 (Last post: 2024-10-18 09:49:02) in Wants or Needs?
Dont waste food

Hi i am Cody Hsu i think people shouldn't waste food because some people are hungry.

cyslBOD   2024-05-12 21:49:53 in Wants or Needs?

Absolutely, not wasting food is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to reduce environmental impact by saving resources like water and energy used in food production. Secondly, it is economically prudent as it saves money spent on purchasing and preparing food. Thirdly, it aligns with ethical considerations by acknowledging the global issue of hunger and food insecurity. Finally, minimizing food waste promotes a more sustainable and responsible approach to consumption, benefiting both people and the planet.

Reddd   2024-09-25 09:31:25 in Wants or Needs?

I agree with you, you make some really good points.

Loic1234567890   2024-09-25 10:14:26 in Wants or Needs?


jadtam090@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:02:23 in Wants or Needs?

I agree if you don't waste food it'll help because then no food gets wasted and your points are very explanatory

dranok   2024-10-16 10:21:14 in Wants or Needs?

yes that is a do not do right there! and did you know it watse monney

lucmot   2024-10-16 10:46:43 in Wants or Needs?

We really don't need to waste food. ex. have a big meal and then not finish it.

Atticushash   2024-10-16 11:12:05 in Wants or Needs?

of course. that is very true. wasting food is not acceptable. if you do that you are  not helping the beautiful planet. think about all the people that are not as lucky to have good food, so if you waste your food it would not be helping the world and even people.=)

super123   2024-10-16 13:09:37 in Wants or Needs?

i eat to little food

naodas048@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 14:17:39 in Wants or Needs?

every time we go out for dinner we normally end up having leftovers and my mom will NOT toss it out so we will either eat it for dinner the next day or give it to a homeless person:)

sethw20   2024-10-18 09:49:02 in Wants or Needs?

Hi Cody, I agree with you! Food is such a precious resource that many people take for granted. There are people out there who are starving or don't know when their next meal is going to be. So not wasting food is very important!

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sethw20   2024-10-18 09:42:34 in MY Family Footprint
My Family Footprint

When my professor asked us to calculate our carbon footprint, I was pretty shocked. I could not believe how big my family's carbon footprint is. So, when we were asked to do this assignment the idea of how my family could reduce their carbon footprint really interested me. I found this article that shows a bunch of different cool ways to reduce our footprint. Such as using less paper, growing our own vegetables and even watching what our thermostat is set at!
https://amerisleep.com/blog/reduce-fami … footprint/

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sethw20   2024-10-18 09:34:40 in Reuse & Repurpose
Reuse and Repurpose

We as humans are so wasteful. We have so many possessions that we just throw away or never use again. I found an article that shows a bunch of items that we all have lying around our house that could be repurposed! Such as using an old toothbrush to scrub those tight spots around the house or using old socks as cleaning rags!
https://www.kindafrugal.com/17-creative … day-items/

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esterrodriguez   2024-10-17 22:48:36 in Extreme Weather
Ester Rodríguez Clínica Dental en Salamanca

La Clínica Dental Ester Rodríguez en Salamanca se dedica a ofrecer tratamientos dentales de alta calidad, combinando tecnología avanzada con una atención personalizada. Nuestro equipo de profesionales está comprometido en brindar soluciones integrales para el cuidado de tu salud bucodental, asegurando tu bienestar y una sonrisa saludable.

En la Clínica Dental Ester Rodríguez, contamos con servicios especializados en implantología, ortodoncia, estética dental y odontopediatría, adaptándonos a las necesidades de cada paciente. Nos enfocamos en la prevención y el tratamiento eficaz, utilizando las últimas innovaciones del sector para garantizar resultados duraderos y estéticos.

Tu sonrisa es nuestra prioridad, por ello, trabajamos con un enfoque cercano y profesional, para que cada visita sea una experiencia cómoda y segura. Ven a conocernos y descubre por qué somos una clínica dental de referencia en Salamanca. ¡Confía en nosotros para cuidar tu salud bucodental!

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Nikki03r   2024-10-17 18:31:25 in Student Footprints
My Carbon Footprint

When doing this project I really felt my carbon footprint would be much higher than it actually was. I still want to do more though to continue bringing my carbon footprint down. One way I am going to is by trying to recycle and reuse items more often. I found some interesting sites that talk about how to reuse a lot of household items. But right now I am researching ways to reduce my carbon footprint. Here's a site I found interesting, https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2018/ … footprint/.

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Nikki03r   2024-10-17 18:23:52 in Reuse & Repurpose
Reusing Plastic Bottles

After doing this carbon footprint project. I came to realize just because my area doesn't do recycling as part of trash pick up, I could be using the plastic bottles in our household for so much more. We do use a lot of plastic in our home. I do a lot of gardening and found some great ways to reuse those plastic bottles. I already use gallon milk jugs as watering cans. I also take the gallon milk jugs and put small holes at the bottom to make a hand sprinkler. But in the article 27 Easy Plastic Bottle Crafts (https://www.pillarboxblue.com/plastic-bottle-crafts/), I found so much more ways. Since plastic is non biodegradable, I want to find ways to keep them out of the landfills as much as I can with my part. Check out all the creative things you can do with plastic.

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erijoh   2024-10-11 11:36:09 (Last post: 2024-10-17 17:53:31) in Extreme Weather

is can destroy a lot of stuff

aissur   2024-10-11 12:10:34 in Extreme Weather

Tornado's can also also be a extreme weather as it can severely destroy houses, and buildings.

Avaell776   2024-10-17 17:53:31 in Extreme Weather

I agree with these other posts about extreme weather, it can cause peoples lives and homes!

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ruggine1   2024-10-08 12:26:52 (Last post: 2024-10-17 17:49:53) in Wants or Needs?
thnik before buy something

i thunk that a lot of people buy objects and never use them, this is really a waste, so if you have to buy something make sure it's really useful.

alacor   2024-10-11 10:10:32 in Wants or Needs?

i agree

mirmen1   2024-10-11 10:21:48 in Wants or Needs?

I agree that if you buy something and don't use it why wast your money.

ethlou   2024-10-11 12:16:32 in Wants or Needs?

Yes always think before buying stuff because you might end up not using it, and it becomes a waste.

jefcho   2024-10-11 12:22:45 in Wants or Needs?

I agree because most people will see adds and buy it but not use it.

yualiu   2024-10-11 13:59:43 in Wants or Needs?

I agree

Giodes992   2024-10-16 10:13:39 in Wants or Needs?

I agree because some people think it looks cool but they just never use it or they just leave it to get dusty and rusty and that is not good so you just throw it away all the time and your family might just always do this and it is bad for people so I suggest to only buy what you need like food or water and some toys.

Dylcom   2024-10-16 10:15:40 in Wants or Needs?

I agree, that happens to me a lot. I buy things but I don't really use them. Just think about if you will use it before buying things.

alaflo   2024-10-16 10:18:09 in Wants or Needs?

I agree big_smile smile wink

Eme_Lou!   2024-10-16 11:06:19 in Wants or Needs?

I definitely agree, I need to work on this myself. When me and my family go shopping, I am always so tempted to just buy the first thing that I like in the store. Most times, the things that I want are snacks in single use packages. I have to remind myself that we have delicious food and snacks at home.

RILSHI   2024-10-16 11:09:27 in Wants or Needs?

You can always reuse it on other stuff like crafts,costumes,DIY,home stuff,parties,or sell it.

dahcol   2024-10-16 11:41:26 in Wants or Needs?

I agree. If I ever don't use something I usually give it to a relative or donate so it  can be used as intended

Natbar   2024-10-16 13:06:55 in Wants or Needs?

I also agree because many items we want but not all we need, so we should try to limit ourselves to how much we buy. smile

thalee   2024-10-16 13:08:37 in Wants or Needs?

I agree, if you accidently buy something and you can't return it, you could give it to a thrift store or sell it.

hanshi   2024-10-17 15:03:22 in Wants or Needs?

Huge Problem for me I buy a lot stuff I don't need so I been working on this.

Avaell776   2024-10-17 17:49:53 in Wants or Needs?

I agree, there is a good amount of people who buy stuff that they just see and WANT instead of getting stuff that you WANT, get stuff that you NEED! There are a lot of people who can't even get stuff that NEED things such as food,clothes,water and other stuff that you NEED to survive in this world. Next time think about this post before you go out getting stuff that you don't necessarily "need"  smile

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linkim   2024-10-15 13:43:47 (Last post: 2024-10-17 15:06:03) in Wants or Needs?

Shopping can be fun, but it can also be very harmful to the earth. Not to be offensive, but parents who spoil their children just buy whatever their children want, not thinking about the consequences. They buy them toys that they barely play with, clothes they never wear, throwing it all away in the trash. They don't think about where those things are going, possibly dumped out into the ocean, or strewn on the ground in a desolate place. But what about animals who live there? We need to think about what are actions cause us, even if they're not immediate.

Emmche   2024-10-16 10:12:53 in Wants or Needs?

Yes I agree that so many people just buy whatever they want but in the end they just end up throwing it away or never using it. To stop this I think that people could be more mindful about what they buy or maybe if they have clothes that they never use they could donate it to a charity or to goodwill.

maiwer   2024-10-16 10:14:18 in Wants or Needs?

I've actually never thought about it that way and I have to say I agree with you. We really need to put thoughts into what we buy if we also think about shoes that we buy that we sometimes don't wear can be wasted. I'm sure there are many more I will now be thinking more about what I buy  when I shop.

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:05:38 in Wants or Needs?

I agree with you because I think some animal may eat and get stuck in it .That is not good for the environment , our sea is gonna yo be with trash.

linkim   2024-10-16 13:09:19 in Wants or Needs?

For me, I think I'll try to only go shopping for unnecessary things once every 1-3 months. (Is that still a lot?)

alama008@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 13:47:18 in Wants or Needs?

I agree and we have to think before we buy

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-16 15:00:37 in Wants or Needs?

People never seem to think about what their purchases could do to the environment or will they even use them at all. People should actually think if they need something when at the check out line. All people should get to get items that they enjoy but that should not come at the cost of Earth.

linkim   2024-10-17 13:36:12 in Wants or Needs?

Also, I will try not to eat too much processed foods, and more organic, fresh foods.

hanshi   2024-10-17 15:06:03 in Wants or Needs?

I agree it has been a problem on youtube videos I see with YouTubers where the buy random stuff to look cool  and do nothing with it but some give it away like useful things !!

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-17 14:53:50 in Food & Hunger

Eat less


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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-17 14:48:41 in Reuse & Repurpose
Corporate responsibility

Can't find why I'm SKIBDI RIZZ Ohio sigmatiy

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linkim   2024-10-15 13:32:33 (Last post: 2024-10-17 13:32:57) in MY Family Footprint
What I can change

My family produces 116454 kgs of CO2 a year, which is pretty bad. I would like to change that by turning off the lights more often, and to using less lights in our house.

linkim   2024-10-15 13:34:53 in MY Family Footprint

I would like to reduce this number, but I don't know if turning off lights will work. Does anyone have any other ideas?

sopwin   2024-10-16 10:19:36 in MY Family Footprint

My biggest thing on my carbon footprint was transportation. You could try biking and/or walking to more places. If this is kind of hard to do, you could try carpooling more or taking more public transportation. Also, I don't know very much about this, but I think turning off the lights when not in use does something. So make sure to still turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

sieama   2024-10-16 11:07:43 in MY Family Footprint

I feel as though we should turn off lights more often in my household. My brother leaves his light on almost all day! I try my best to remember to turn off the lights, but sometimes I don't remember to, so I think I can change that:)

linkim   2024-10-16 13:07:40 in MY Family Footprint

Well, I already bike to school, but yeah, I think I'll start turning off the lights in my house WAAAYY too much. smile ...

hanshi   2024-10-16 13:49:29 in MY Family Footprint

Well how often do you use a heater? If so in the winter you could layer and put on blankets it works has well a heater hope this helps!

linkim   2024-10-17 13:32:57 in MY Family Footprint

Hey! That's a good idea, thanks!

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Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-16 15:02:15 in Wants or Needs?

People never seem to think about what their purchases could do to the environment or will they even use them at all. People should actually think if they need something when at the check out line. All people should get to get items that they enjoy but that should not come at the cost of Earth.

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vivphi94   2024-10-11 13:46:29 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:49:23) in Reuse & Repurpose
Use less plastic

we could use less plastic, more paper and cloth bags that you can reuse, you can also reuse plastic utensils and straws, just wash them if you use them. Try not to leave trash around, especially the beach!

elepah   2024-10-16 10:17:19 in Reuse & Repurpose

Try reusing a bag for your groceries!

elofre   2024-10-16 11:44:20 in Reuse & Repurpose

You can use the plastic shopping bags as garbage bags or shop with them again.

andwin   2024-10-16 11:55:34 in Reuse & Repurpose

We can use reusable cups

ryaspa   2024-10-16 13:49:23 in Reuse & Repurpose

You can also use reusable water bottles

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sammo baush   2024-10-15 13:58:39 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:47:27) in MY Family Footprint
Transportation and what I can fix

I know I can definitely change my carbon foot print because my transportation level is 8359 kgs. the way I can reduce this is by using public transportation,biking,and carpooling.


Giodes992   2024-10-16 09:55:27 in MY Family Footprint

If you have friends that bike then go with them. If you have friends that have a medium car or you do use that to carpool in.

emitun   2024-10-16 11:08:38 in MY Family Footprint

Those ideas are very good ones you can try using those ideas as many times as you can and very often.:D

chavar   2024-10-16 11:45:19 in MY Family Footprint

I think air travel is a real problem and we should do our best to find other ways to travel.

emitun   2024-10-16 12:21:05 in MY Family Footprint

Yes, I also agree with that. But you can also see if you can walk more and bike because it's good exercise and you can get places. big_smile

emitun   2024-10-16 12:22:15 in MY Family Footprint

But still even w/o air travel your travel on ground could be very high.

thalee   2024-10-16 12:49:17 in MY Family Footprint

Well, an airplane uses way much more gas than your car does, so it's better to use your car. smile   At least 100g vs. At least 10g   (g=gallons)

jacska   2024-10-16 13:47:27 in MY Family Footprint

If you live next to any of your friends offer to carpool or ask to ride a bike with them this will motivate them by not using a extra car while having fun at the same time.

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JacopoVailati   2024-04-26 10:07:46 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:46:36) in MY Family Footprint
how could i reduce my carbon footprint?

I've just completed the questionnaire and i discovered my carbon footprint is 5152 kgs.
More specifically, i got: 2869 kgs in "Home", 1462 kgs in "Food", 261 kgs in "Purchases" and 560 kgs in "Transports".
i think that's a good score, considering that avarage, in my region, is about 8000 kgs.

However, I'd like to reduce it in some way.
Respect for nature is something that my parents have taught me since I was younger, and now I'm used to pay attention to everything related to the environment.

Most kgs of my footprint comes form the "Home" section, i wanted to ask you some tips, advise and green alternatives to reduce my carbon footprint.

LeoMel   2024-10-11 10:22:57 in MY Family Footprint

To lower your carbon footprint in the home section, I think you could install solar panels to lower the carbon from heating your home.

josmcm   2024-10-11 11:35:25 in MY Family Footprint

To lower your carbon footprint you can turn off lights when you are not using them and you can also use blankets instead of using a heating system.

Collee   2024-10-11 12:25:17 in MY Family Footprint
JacopoVailati wrote:

Most kgs of my footprint comes form the "Home" section, i wanted to ask you some tips, advise and green alternatives to reduce my carbon footprint.

Here is my answer to this question:
To lower your carbon footprint in the "Home Section", you can use less heat in your home (use blankets instead of a heater), use fans instead of air-conditioning, use less incandescent light-bulbs and more LEDs and florescent bulbs, turn off the light when you don't need it, turn off the water until you need it, take shorter showers, use cold instead of warm/hot water to wash your clothes, compost leaves or yard waste, and put less things in the trash; recycle and compost more.:D:D:D:D:D

(-_-)Eleanor.F   2024-10-11 12:41:37 in MY Family Footprint

you can use LED lights, and an electric heater/AC like a heat pump

LeoHew   2024-10-11 13:52:25 in MY Family Footprint

You could use air conditioning as sparingly as possible.( if you have it).

Janall756   2024-10-16 10:14:45 in MY Family Footprint

To reduce the carbon in "foods" you can make sure to buy foods that you absolutely need, and eat food before the expiration date so you don't waste it.

jasonkidd   2024-10-16 11:44:58 in MY Family Footprint

You could also use reusable bags for groceries

selzha   2024-10-16 13:08:06 in MY Family Footprint

Reduce car use??

hanshi   2024-10-16 13:46:36 in MY Family Footprint

Maybe you could bike or walk more to nearby places and if its cold maybe layer and use blankets instead of using a heater? I hope this helps!

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H20WATERGAMES12   2024-10-16 13:24:24 in Corporate responsibility
Corporate responsibility

Most companys care about money rather then the environment.

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Silono   2024-10-11 14:59:35 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:09:14) in MY Family Footprint
carbon footprint

I m at 9457 in my carbon footprint is that good

elepah   2024-10-16 10:10:38 in MY Family Footprint

9457 is about average.

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:09:14 in MY Family Footprint

9457 kgs is the average and I think if you want to decrease it, you may turn off the light when you not use, eat well, if you house near the school and you should walk(use car when your home is far away).

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H3w0!   2024-10-16 11:07:39 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:08:09) in Wants or Needs?
Wants or needs

There are people in the world that can't afford to buy things and if u just waste money on things you don't really need then you are just being selfish. Only buy things you need. Not want.

Natbar   2024-10-16 13:08:09 in Wants or Needs?

Yes I agree, we shouldn't be selfish and buy things we only NEED.

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thalee   2024-10-15 13:33:50 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:07:05) in MY Family Footprint
My family footprint

The average amount of CO2 a person produces a year from GAS is 4.6 metric tons. Can YOU do less?

hungsontran   2024-10-16 13:07:05 in MY Family Footprint

yes with me I think that I should turn off the light,walk, waste less and eat healthy.

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becjoh731@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 11:04:16 (Last post: 2024-10-16 13:06:17) in Wants or Needs?
wants or needs

things with meaning and usefulness are essential in our daily lives. But at the end of the day were humans so if were going to get something we want we better use it. And if you don't like it see if it can be returned.

selzha   2024-10-16 13:06:17 in Wants or Needs?


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Emma444   2023-05-04 18:04:12 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:56) in Reuse & Repurpose
Reusing Trash

The amount of trash we use is a massive number, and all of it goes into a landfill but there are so many ways we could reuse this trash and lessen the numbers in the landfill. For example, plastic water bottles don't have to be used for just one purpose, they can be refilled with tap water or at a water fountain and used repeatedly. As well as a piece of paper, don't just use one side and throw it out, use the other side. There are also super fun activities for kids that can be making crafts out of pieces of trash like a toilet paper roll, or kleenex box. What I'm saying is not everything is just a one and done, things can have other purposes as well.

yasssmine   2023-11-05 15:52:34 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree with you, reusing items and materials has a positive impact on our environment and helps with climate change. Reusing is a part of the five Rs (refusing, reusing, recycling, reusing, and reducing). There are tons of examples for reusing such as pins that could be used as holding items, cardboard boxes that could be used as holding paper, and jars or paper cups be used as holding pencils in them. These are some great ways to reuse materials. As you said plastics could also be reused as many uses to us. Yes, and crafts are another important but also fun way to reuse and a good idea to teach new learners or kids. Instead of just throwing something away and buying another, reuse it. Basically, the concept is reusing as many things as we possibly can to help our environment be more friendly and reusable. If you are curious about the five Rs in general then go look at my most recent post under 'Reusing and Refusing'.

JinjooH   2023-11-05 18:49:28 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree with both of you. So many materials go to waste, instead of being used again. Reusing instead of wasting would have a positive impact on the environment by preventing pollution and saving energy. Lowering the amount of waste going to landfills also reduces the amount of toxicity in the water around the landfills which has a positive impact on the environment.

jessicaamanatullah   2023-11-05 21:33:44 in Reuse & Repurpose

I totally agree with the three of you. So many people, when throwing something away, don't acknowledge the fact that they could reuse or repurpose the item they are throwing away. Not only can reusing or repurposing items be fun and a creative activity to do (depending on what you are reusing), but it can prevent your waste from ending up in landfills in turn harming the environment, and turn what would have been "waste" into "art." Other than the environment, this can save you money as you can use that object to the max instead of throwing it away and spending money on a new one. I give many specific examples in my post on the topic of "Reuse and Repurpose" that we can start doing today for a more sustainable environment cool cool cool



Monty1818   2024-03-22 08:11:20 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree, recycling can deffinetly contribute to a Greener future. After using plastic bottles and other containers, you should always recycle, wether its putting it in the recycling bin or making a craft project out of it, you should deffinetly do it. After using a plastic bottle, where do you think it goes? Well, it turns out that some of it gets dumped into the ocean and can injure or even kill Marine life, so next time you are using plastic, consider how you could reuse it.

Mkalloch   2024-03-22 08:15:52 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree, recycling and reusing definitely will help make this plant greener because there would be less one use plastics, there would also be less green house gas emissions because we would be making less plastic and glass.

Thoe.chandler   2024-03-22 11:40:19 in Reuse & Repurpose

I completely agree! I recycle and refuse everything I can and it was honestly surprising how many people don’t do this! I did some research and was astonished that more people haven’t taken action and helped people who either don’t know how or don’t know where to start.

Lola Saleeba   2024-09-25 10:23:06 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree reusing all kinds of trash is very good for the environment. We should all try to recycle as much as possible and try to reuse plastic we use. If something is not too dirty we should try and reuse it for something else.

Giodes992   2024-10-16 10:19:33 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree you should reuse everything and reuse plastic definitely and that will help you a lot so if you see trash throw it away and reuse it like definitely use glass and plastic and spend time with some of your friends and that will help you a lot

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:01:50 in Reuse & Repurpose

If everyone reused, we could have a much, much cleaner Earth.

margol   2024-10-16 11:42:30 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree there are so many things we throw away that could be recycled or reused. As a planet there are a lot of things we are doing wrong

elofre   2024-10-16 11:46:56 in Reuse & Repurpose

Yeah and as shown in some of the other post trash can be made to make beautiful art.

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EzrTurv   2024-10-16 11:08:26 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:17) in Food & Hunger
food distrabution

do you all out there agree that there aren't enough food stands for the homeless? I lived in San Francisco for a good part of my life and Oakland as well, if you don't know where those places are just know they are filled with homeless, hungry, thirsty and uncleaned civilians and I believe setting up more food stands could help this cause more than we think.


colmor   2024-10-16 11:42:57 in Food & Hunger

One thing I do is help the homeless by feeding them bags of food some Sunday. I hope this idea helps

dahcol   2024-10-16 11:46:17 in Food & Hunger

I agree that there needs to be more food stands in places where the homeless population is high or even just above average. They deserve to have the same treatment as more wealthy people when it comes to food and health.

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Ryanctz   2024-10-06 07:52:53 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:15) in Food & Hunger
Food waste

We have to don't waste food because is important and because we must think about how they made it and probably it take more time what we think to redo them

alacor   2024-10-11 10:05:31 in Food & Hunger

I agree

alacor   2024-10-11 10:09:30 in Food & Hunger

I agree

mirmen1   2024-10-11 10:23:58 in Food & Hunger

I agree

Addlar   2024-10-11 11:33:09 in Food & Hunger

I agree it can be difficult to undo our prior actions but with time and effort we can help the earth.

margol   2024-10-11 12:06:30 in Food & Hunger

I agree it can be hard but overall we need to help the earth and the people on it.

owefox   2024-10-15 11:52:00 in Food & Hunger

people make videos of them wasting food and it should stop

sawyer1   2024-10-16 10:13:08 in Food & Hunger

people should try to not waste food and make sure to not use more than you need.

CLAREEE   2024-10-16 11:04:08 in Food & Hunger

I agree. Do not waste food!

becjoh731@ausdg.us   2024-10-16 11:08:05 in Food & Hunger

I completely agree. We should never wast food and the food we don't eat can be saved or donated.

ethlou   2024-10-16 11:26:34 in Food & Hunger

Agreed don't waste food its not healthy for the environment and it wont be good as many people could've ate that food.

andwin   2024-10-16 11:43:04 in Food & Hunger

I agree also, because when we waste food we just waste the time of the people who made it.

audsit   2024-10-16 11:46:15 in Food & Hunger

I agree with this because most people will buy tons of food and not eat all of it and instead throw it out. This wastes food and is a huge problem.

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Yoyo Cheng   2024-04-23 05:49:58 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:15) in Now It's Time for Action
The most effective change

Through most most people's carbon footprints, you can realize that most familes have their carbon footprint based onto either food or transportation. There many ways you can solve each problem. First, to solve food carbon footprints, I would first suggest going vegetarian because when you eat and buy meat, you can cause a large amount of carbon footprint. Another way to restrict carbon footprint by going fo something local. The first way is to simply go to a local vegtable shop and buying something there. Even if you still want to buy meat, you should still use it through a local source. If you want to use transportation, it should be better if travel and have vacations locally and not go somewhere very far. Even if you do, you should still use public transportation like trains to get somewhere. This will be able to help solve many of the world's problems in our carbon footprint.

Fiona_unibff   2024-04-23 18:31:31 in Now It's Time for Action

Yes I, believe going vegetarian will help, because if we don't eat a lot of meat it won't cause a large amount of carbon footprint. So I totally agree that eating vegetables will help lower the carbon footprint. And I also agree that going for vacation not going to a far place also helps the carbon footprint lessen

Darren Hunt   2024-04-24 00:22:39 in Now It's Time for Action

Yes, being vegetarian would be better for Earth. Because we wouldn’t pollute the world more.

joayu   2024-10-16 11:46:15 in Now It's Time for Action

Vegetarian is better for the Earth but it is also really hard for many families to stop eating meat. It might work to gradually start eating vegetarian meals.

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aterovic@hotmail.com   2024-10-15 11:08:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:12) in Now It's Time for Action
ISCFC Footprint Calculator

I noticed that most of it is lower than the average but because of sports, it's higher than average for transportation. Because of this, I should try to drive only for sports and things I need to drive for, but walking to school and stuff I'll keep on walking.

Jachar   2024-10-16 10:20:34 in Now It's Time for Action

I also do a lot of sports and your transpartaion can get pretty high because you might travle for games and practices, one way i thought i could lower my CO2 is carpool with team mates.

jakluer   2024-10-16 11:46:12 in Now It's Time for Action

I am going to start recycling more plastic and other materials, and when going long distances for sports or other activities I should carpool more with friends.

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CaTaBod   2024-05-12 11:49:20 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:43:21) in Reuse & Repurpose
Reuse & Repurpouse

After looking at My carbon calculator results I saw that they were higher than the average for my area. Because of this, I started to think and discuss ways to lower my score with my family. We thought of ways to reuse items more times than we already do before eventually throwing them away. For clothes, we thought of finding places to give old clothes away so they have another life. For example, donating to thrift stores or giving clothes to younger family members. When it comes to purchasing new items we as a family decided to actively try and get clothes second-hand. When it comes to waste we will do better to reuse containers and jars. For example, we could reuse jelly jars as makeup brush holders or use them to hold leftovers. These were just some of the ideas we came up with that would help lower our carbon footprint by reusing and repurposing the items we already have in our house. I hope that this can help someone else to think of new ways to reuse and repurpose things they have in their house.

joayu   2024-10-16 11:41:38 in Reuse & Repurpose

I really like all of your ideas.

jakluer   2024-10-16 11:43:21 in Reuse & Repurpose

Good idea, I should start doing some of those things in my family to lower my carbon emissions.

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Ryanctz   2024-10-06 07:39:42 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:42:58) in Wants or Needs?
Wait before buy

If you want buy something but you don't know if you really need it or only wanted, just wait few days and if you still thinking about that, maybe you need it

alaflo   2024-10-16 10:16:41 in Wants or Needs?

I agree because I have that problem because one time I thought of buying something so I got it but I didn't need it at all

emiagha   2024-10-16 11:28:32 in Wants or Needs?

I agree. I think that it is best to only buy something if you need it or know that you will use it often. Don't buy something just to have it

chavar   2024-10-16 11:42:58 in Wants or Needs?

Yeah, I agree to you should always see if you really need something before buying it, because you don't want to buy something that is not going to be used a lot.

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Ilikesience   2024-10-16 11:07:53 in Food & Hunger

stop wasting food other people might need it so they don't starve.

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H20WATERGAMES   2024-10-11 14:44:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:45) in Food & Hunger
Nice to meet you all

My name is H20WATER

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:07:45 in Food & Hunger

Nice to meet you too,H20WATER!! GO GREEN!!

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trudoa   2024-10-16 11:04:58 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:19) in MY Family Footprint

my transportation is very high it is double all of my other subjects like home energy,food,and purchases.

CLAREEE   2024-10-16 11:07:19 in MY Family Footprint

same. Mine was going to be average but then I put down the amount of round-trips I take per year and doubled my carbon footprint.

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laulin   2024-10-16 11:05:50 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:07:16) in MY Family Footprint
Hello this is my carbon footprint

OK I may have lied with that title because I wont be talking about what the numbers for my carbon footprint are. just.. other stuff. OK so thank you for reading this things lets get started.
My parents LOVEEE keeping our lights on. I will walk into an empty room with literally no one in it and the lights will ALWAYS be on, unless I was there recently, because I always turn off the lights. also I'm not sure if this is on topic or whatever, but my parents didn't have a compost bin for practically a YEAR. It honestly took a lot of convincing, and they still don't use it! My dad also throws everything in the trash. He never gives anything away. OK, now I'm REALLY off topic. than you if you've made it this far. my point is, I wish I could reduce my carbon footprint and have my parents care more about the environment, because I really do and I hate polluting the lovely earth.

laulin   2024-10-16 11:07:16 in MY Family Footprint

oop I had a bit of a typo there-

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selzha   2024-10-11 14:02:33 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:06:17) in MY Family Footprint
How I could reduce my carbon footprint?

Maybe I could power my entire my house using electricty, and then use led light bulbs so that it doesn't harm the environment.

Gavfob   2024-10-11 14:42:17 in MY Family Footprint

You could use Solar Panels and use Electric or fuel efficient cars

harash   2024-10-11 14:51:06 in MY Family Footprint

you can also reuse the trash in your house

Emily Wong   2024-10-11 14:55:44 in MY Family Footprint

take shorter showers

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 10:59:50 in MY Family Footprint

go GREEN!!!!


renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:01:04 in MY Family Footprint


emitun   2024-10-15 11:01:47 in MY Family Footprint

you can try biking,walking, and taking public transportations big_smile

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 11:02:04 in MY Family Footprint

smiley face lol

lucmot   2024-10-15 11:02:26 in MY Family Footprint

you could bike, walk, or take the bus to school if you live to far.

selzha   2024-10-15 13:26:14 in MY Family Footprint

Thamk you tongue

kingra   2024-10-16 10:58:44 in MY Family Footprint

you could use your car less and eat more healthy like greens and eat more proteen you could make sure you sort right and you can take other forms of travle like bike's skate boards or anything you like to ride you can do carpool or ride public transe port to.

erijoh   2024-10-16 11:06:17 in MY Family Footprint

not go on as many plane trips

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Dylcom   2024-10-11 10:25:55 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:05:18) in MY Family Footprint
My family's footprint

My family's footprint is pretty good for the food and the home, but the transportation is alarming. It literally doubled the home and food combined!

emitun   2024-10-11 11:30:17 in MY Family Footprint

Maybe you can ask if you can carpool with people and try biking or another way of transportation like walking? I know my food is not that great because I am not vegetarian but something I do know is how you can try helping your transportation.(:

joayu   2024-10-11 12:05:56 in MY Family Footprint

Another idea is to start using public transportation to get to places.

harash   2024-10-11 14:52:48 in MY Family Footprint

you can also try biking instead of public transport like cars and busses

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-15 10:03:38 in MY Family Footprint

mine isn't good either but that's because me and my family took a trip to Europe and the flight was like 16 hours.

josmcm   2024-10-15 10:54:30 in MY Family Footprint

You can walk or bike to places instead of using a car.

kingra   2024-10-15 10:54:41 in MY Family Footprint

I think one way to fix it is to use other kinds of transportation like public or bike and stuff like that.but you could also plan less vacations or go out less. you could cut on the amount of times you use the car and maybe use a bike or a skate board if its a short distance.

trudoa   2024-10-16 11:01:44 in MY Family Footprint

maybe you can start riding a bike and being less in cars

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:05:18 in MY Family Footprint

Riding bikes to school or work will make the world a whole lot cleaner. You could also take public transport or carpool with a friend.

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Tintasytonercompatibles   2024-05-07 03:29:53 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:04:53) in Now It's Time for Action
With small gestures we help

In our company, Tintasytonercompatibles, we are using only recycled plastics, in addition to reusing all the boxes and packaging we receive to minimize our carbon footprint. We have changed the labels to just a QR to minimize plastic waste. We can all help!

emitun   2024-10-16 11:04:53 in Now It's Time for Action

But is there a way that we can do more than this can we spread it further?

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e5   2024-10-15 11:01:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:03:42) in MY Family Footprint
My family footprint

My home, transportation, and my purchases were all under average. My food category was pretty high above the average where I live. I think this is because I don't eat enough vegetarian meals

lucmot   2024-10-16 11:03:42 in MY Family Footprint

I don't eat any either and I have mine under the average for where I live.

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lilianah   2024-10-16 10:23:09 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:02:08) in Wants or Needs?
wants and needs

Some things you need to survive and some thing we just really want. But we don't need thoughs things.

lilianah   2024-10-16 10:24:26 in Wants or Needs?

we don't need everything we want

EzrTurv   2024-10-16 11:02:08 in Wants or Needs?

I agree to a degree, but some wants might help the fight for climate change, would you agree that there are some exceptions to your statement?

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(-_-)Eleanor.F   2024-10-11 12:46:03 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:48:24) in MY Family Footprint
MY Family Footprint

I checked today and my foot print in travel alone is 6,143 and my regions is only 2,557, now to be fair I have bean traveling a lot lately but I would still like some tips on how to refuse it, wile traveling

elepah   2024-10-16 10:14:19 in MY Family Footprint

It is super cool that you are traveling a lot! Maybe try doing some road trips, maybe staying closer to home!

laulin   2024-10-16 10:48:24 in MY Family Footprint

I think road trips would still waste energy, but that's a good idea! I like road trips. anyways, you could try biking places with your family too! you can buy a wagon thing that I used to have as a kid that connects to the parents bike and you can just ride around.It won't be able to get you places far, but it works!

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lucmot   2024-10-16 10:48:06 in Food & Hunger
Not wasting food

We should really not waste food because people are out in the world starving and we are throwing out food that they can be eating.

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Marguerite   2024-03-25 18:24:47 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:20:14) in Food & Hunger
Food waste

Food waste is a huge part of the carbon that is emitted into our atmosphere. When food is thrown away and put into land fills, or burned, all the carbon that is stored in it contributes to the greenhouse effect. This is why it is so important to compost. Composting has many benefits: it helps store the carbon from the food that stores lots of carbon in soil and stops it from being emitted into the atmosphere, it provides fresh soil that you can use to plant and grow your own food, it attracts beneficial animals that will help break the food down such as worms, and it stops landfills from being filled with food waste and trash. Composting is something that is so easy to do, and even if you do not have a backyard to do it in, you can have a composting bucket inside. It involves just a few extra steps in your daily routine and it is one of the most powerful actions we as individuals can take to stop climate change from reaching its full potential.

Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 09:12:53 in Food & Hunger

I totally agree, another solution to reduce the waste of food in the restaurant could be the use of "doggy bags", cardboard boxes that allow customers to take home food they have not eaten.

Maurizios   2024-04-26 10:09:50 in Food & Hunger

I totaly agree with you, another thing that could be done would be to, at the end of the day, perhaps give away to non-profit organizations or sell at a reduced price everything that you were unable to sell during the day, in this way it would avoid the phenomenon of homeless people rummaging in the trash looking for food or even animals that, attracted by the smell of food, sneak into bins, creating a nuisance. this would also help many people.

cyslBOD   2024-05-12 21:55:07 in Food & Hunger

I completely agree. Composting is a simple yet powerful way for individuals to make a significant impact in reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change. By diverting organic waste from landfills and instead allowing it to decompose naturally, we can not only prevent the release of greenhouse gases like methane, but also keep up soil health and promote biodiversity. Also, composting isn't limited to those with outdoor space; indoor composting options like composting buckets or composting using worms let people living in apartments and those without yards to participate the act of composting. It's a win-win situation: reducing waste, enriching soil, and contributing to a healthier planet.

Emmche   2024-10-16 10:20:14 in Food & Hunger

I one hundred percent agree that we waste so much food. One thing that could help is composting I know that many people don't compost so for the people that don't I think it's a good idea to start.

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DediPDiddy   2024-10-15 01:29:33 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:19:06) in Student Footprints
My carbon footprint

I was shocked when I saw my total carbon footprint because I didn't expect that I'm polluting so much. I was also shocked for my score at home becausse I'm trying to waste less. Usually at home I turn off the lights when I leave a room, I recycle and reuse items, I turn on the water only when I need it.

Mafou   2024-10-15 01:56:32 in Student Footprints

When i see mine i was shocked about it cause i didn't expect i do that much of polluting yikes

josmcm   2024-10-15 10:57:39 in Student Footprints

Maybe you decompose foods that you don't eat.

maxche   2024-10-15 11:04:56 in Student Footprints

I was shocked of how much carbon comes from meals and what you eat. Also when I checked at the end my food had the most carbon out of all of them.

erijoh   2024-10-15 11:05:26 in Student Footprints

plane flights can be a major role in your carbon footprint

lucmot   2024-10-15 11:08:18 in Student Footprints

I was very surprised to see my carbon footprint for purchases so low.

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-16 10:15:18 in Student Footprints

for me the only category that was really bad was transportation. but it was just bc I took a 16h flight from Germany to ca

thelok   2024-10-16 10:19:06 in Student Footprints

Many flights over 3 hours can be a big reason peoples footprints are very high.

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AbbrBOD1   2024-05-23 22:54:24 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:18:13) in Student Footprints
Planes and their effect on CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

Planes are a huge contribution to carbon emissions. For me personally and my carbon footprint, my transportation segment was up to 13,626kg which is very high considering the average in my region is 2,557kg. I was below average in all the other categories but transportation is what seemed to trip me up. According to sierraclub.org, just 2 people in a fairly efficient (30 mpg) car generates lower emissions per person than the average plane. To put this into perspective, one gallon of gas produces 19.37 pounds of carbon dioxide, and one gallon of jet fuel produces 21.50 pounds. Although plane rides are sometimes inevitable and we cannot completely avoid them, it is important to sometimes think about alternative options to flying and really run through how much CO2 the plane you're onis emitting into the atmosphere.

ClaireAmrhein   2024-09-25 09:30:22 in Student Footprints


josble907   2024-10-16 10:18:13 in Student Footprints

Agreed, Mine is really high for flights

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James C USA   2024-04-23 11:12:45 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:17:52) in Environmental Justice
Reusable lunch trays

Today I had to do an assignment in class and it was about reducing carbon footprint. All day I have been thinking what to do, that's when I thought of it. Do you know how much plastic is being used and thrown away each and every day due to school lunch trays. For this fact I think we should start using reusable lunch trays. The reusable lunch trays will basically just be a materials we can use over and over again for lunch hints the name reusable lunch tray.

James C USA   2024-04-24 11:14:15 in Environmental Justice

Today I had to do an assignment in class and it was about reducing carbon footprint. All day I have been thinking what to do, that's when I thought of it. Do you know how much plastic is being used and thrown away each and every day due to school lunch trays. For this fact I think we should start using reusable lunch trays. The reusable lunch trays will basically just be a material we can use over and over again for lunch hints the name reusable lunch tray. According to cafeteriaculture.org which did an estimation of New York's schools. They found out that NYC public schools throw away 850,000 styrofoam trays a day. All together about 80 trays per foot adding up to a whomping 2 miles high, if stacked on top of each other. They found out that this is 8.5 times the height of the empire state building. It is important to know that this is all just in one day in just one city. Now just imagine how much more this problem would be weekly. Around 4,250,000 styrofoam trays a school week. Now if you take this and use 80 trays per foot, you get 10 miles of styrofoam trays a week that get thrown away. If your worried people won't be interested in helping, a lot of people will be willing to partake in using reusable lunch trays. “We created giant NO-STYRO data PUPPETS, each made of 500 used and washed lunch trays. We took the puppets all over NYC and to City Hall. People laughed first, then heard our story of toxic and polluting styrene foam and were inspired to take action!” STYROFOAM OUT OF SCHOOLS. By reducing the amount of styrofoam thrown away it can help bring justice for the environment by eliminating the amount of trash around the world. Styrofoam also when broken down can be easily mistaken as food for smaller marine animals. This will help the environment in the long term along with other ideas that the new younger generation has, which can help keep the earth going for a long time. https://www.cafeteriaculture.org/foam-t … hools.html

stationary   2024-09-25 09:23:37 in Environmental Justice

I have seen some videos of 'school lunches around the world' and I noticed that some of them had metal lunch trays. I wonder how easy that would be to integrate into US schools. It seems like it might be expensive to make and install a way to clean them. Is that what you meant by reusable lunch trays?

c00per   2024-09-25 09:27:04 in Environmental Justice

In my school we are still using throw aways cardboard trays. However i think it would be much more efficient if they used metal or plastic trays. This will lower carbon foot print and save money for other things in the school that provide for students. It may cost a bit to clean but i feel like they could make profit not after a long time.

calim   2024-09-25 09:30:33 in Environmental Justice

many people still use plastic bags for their lunches. we should only be using things we can wash and use again for lunches,

jadtam090@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 11:36:05 in Environmental Justice

I strongly agree because if we use reusable it costs less money and it also helps use less waste for one use trays and it helps the enviornment because there will be way less waste environment

aissur   2024-10-11 12:21:09 in Environmental Justice

In our school, we have paper trays that get recycled, as in our old school we had reusable ones. The thing with the reusable ones was the staff washes them, but there is still things on it which can be concerning.

hanshi   2024-10-15 14:23:38 in Environmental Justice

At my old school in 5th and 4th grade we switch to metal trays/reusable and we had way less trash!

sopwin   2024-10-16 10:14:39 in Environmental Justice

At my old elementary school we partnered with a company that helps schools get metal lunch trays and utensils. Sadly, I cannot remember the name of the company. The lunch trays were really cool, and made of metal so we could wash them. After you were done with lunch you would put the tray and utensils in a bin and the school would take them to a company that cleans the utensils and trays for schools. I highly recommend talking to your principal about this. With some hard work and lots of determination this can become a reality.

wilmei   2024-10-16 10:17:52 in Environmental Justice

my school uses paper trays at my house we use only glass but my school only uses paper every day their are thousands of paper trays cause they use more trays for the food so they have double trays for each person if you ask me that's a lot of paper used in one day alone

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NorDeV   2024-10-16 10:15:43 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:56) in Ocean Acidification
Trying to code this... Thoughts?

Hi! At my house, I recently downloaded a coding game, and I was planning on coding a video-game focusing on helping creatures that are being harmed from Ocean Acidification. The game would be centered on quests that the player would go on to help ocean creatures--- but that's beside the point. I can't think of any creatures right now!!! Do any of you have any ideas for ocean creatures and some quests to help them? Please spare me the coder's block! :,(

NorDeV   2024-10-16 10:16:56 in Ocean Acidification

(P.S.) (I wanted to code this game to raise awareness of Ocean Acidification. Just an FYI!)

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evyUSA   2024-04-23 08:49:29 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:37) in Wants or Needs?
Wants Vs. Needs

Wants and Needs are very different considering what is a necessity to live or compared to luxuries. Needs are an essential to live. Such things like a home, transportation, food, clothing, etc. You can cut back on some carbon footprint for needs by cutting down on things like transportation. For example, on a nice day maybe you can take a walk to school or ride bike instead of driving. Another example could be rather than going somewhere to eat like a restaurant you could cook something homemade at your own house. Most of people’s carbon footprint comes from transportation. People like to ride dirt bikes, or side by sides, etc. for fun. If you find other things to do besides things with motors, you could bring it down way more. Through this you can even cut back needs, because even our needs aren’t fully a necessity. Everyone has wants, as we are human. We want to go places such as the mall, the movies, the fair, etc. But there are some alternatives to make our world a better place. For example do you really need to go to the mall? Think about do you really need more clothes? You buying more clothes causes them to produce more, causing more pollution. As opposed to going thrifting, which will decrease carbon footprint and pollution. You and your friends want to hang out to go to the movies. Why not instead go to someones house and use a projector to watch a movie? If we all work together to cut back on our carbon footprint, we can make the earth healthier. Such simple things are possible.
Need or Want? | BioEd Online

mirmen1   2024-10-16 10:12:08 in Wants or Needs?

I agree that we should not use things with motors for fun and we only use them for a time when needed.

thelok   2024-10-16 10:16:37 in Wants or Needs?

I agree, so many families just buy toys that they play with for like, only like 2 days and then leave them in the corner to gather dust. I believe that people should only buy something if they have been wanting it for a long time, and rarely buy toys. Instead, people should focus on buying food and things that they really need.

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thelok   2024-10-16 10:13:00 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:31) in Student Footprints
My carbon footprint

My carbon footprint is about average, but I'm wondering how to cut down on my vacation footprint.

(-_-)Eleanor.F   2024-10-16 10:16:31 in Student Footprints

when renting a car on vacation, request on that uses less fuel, or don't even get a car and use public transport

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Loris   2024-04-26 10:13:43 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:16:23) in Reuse & Repurpose
A new life

Instead of tossing out old items, why not give them a new lease on life? Reusing and repurposing can breathe new life into old belongings, reducing waste and our environmental impact. That shirt at the back of your closet? It could become a trendy tote bag. Those empty jars? Perfect for storing pantry staples or organizing crafts.
By embracing "Reuse & Repurpose," we cut down on the need for new products, conserving resources and energy. Plus, it's a chance to get creative and have fun! So, before you toss something, consider its potential for a new purpose.

mirmen1   2024-10-16 10:16:23 in Reuse & Repurpose

I agree that we should reuse things that can be reused

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jacmap   2024-10-15 14:29:13 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:13:50) in Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?
gas usage

try to walk and bike to places more

wilmei   2024-10-16 10:13:50 in Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

I ride my bike a lot and even try to walk to most places and I really only take a car to go to polo and football

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yualiu   2024-10-11 13:55:25 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:12:57) in MY Family Footprint
eat less

My carbon footprint for food is 2 times a average person and I don't eat a lot. I should eat less.

nadeenluvshorses   2024-10-11 14:03:51 in MY Family Footprint

I wouldn't say that you should eat less, eat the average amount of calories for your age and you should be good. Maybe try to eat more vegan/vegetarian meals and order groceries when you're almost out of food in the fridge. I don't recommend eating less if you already don't eat a lot since that's unhealthy, I hope this helped.

selzha   2024-10-11 14:04:55 in MY Family Footprint

Maybe the average person just eats not enough?

elepah   2024-10-16 10:12:57 in MY Family Footprint

I think that eating less is not the most healthy option, you could always try more vegetarian meals, maybe eat less meat in one day.

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naodas048@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 14:58:52 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:11:39) in MY Family Footprint

Me and my family try to bike whenever we can to save energy also we enjoy biking.

naodas048@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 15:00:31 in MY Family Footprint

sorry not "also" "mainly because"

laigye   2024-10-11 15:01:36 in MY Family Footprint

nice job unanimous person, I like to bike as well, but I mostly walk

hanshi   2024-10-11 15:05:15 in MY Family Footprint

Me to!

AbdNia   2024-10-16 09:55:37 in MY Family Footprint

I also ride my bike a lot

wilmei   2024-10-16 10:11:39 in MY Family Footprint

i do bmx and bike to school and back every day me and my family bike a lot but its hard to go everywhere on a bike i also go to the park with my friends and we try to do wheelies we all fail though

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elihob745@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 13:27:04 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:10:36) in Student Footprints

I was better than other people until I entered the transportation. I fly a lot on airplanes, but I don't know how to reduce my carbon footprint. I can't stop taking fun vacations, and it is too far to drive.

linkim   2024-10-15 13:46:48 in Student Footprints

I know right? My Co2 from traveling is literally off the charts, it just stretches on and on. Is there anything we can do?

NorDeV   2024-10-16 09:56:42 in Student Footprints

My Co2 tracker was at the highest in the "Food" place, and I'm trying to cut back on the harmful things, but I agree, It's hard to figure out how we can help. My suggestion would be to bike or walk to school, even if it's a little far, or carpool so that there's less singular cars. Or, (If possible, I know we can't control this and some people have less money, this is a suggestion)

NorDeV   2024-10-16 10:09:28 in Student Footprints

Sorry, my keyboard glitched and it cut off my message--- I meant "Or, (If possible, I know we can't control this and some people have less money, this is a suggestion) We could get electric cars for our families!" Sorry for the glitch, and again, this is just a suggestion. (Oh, wait, sorry, that typed weird, it sounded better in my head  :,|

thelok   2024-10-16 10:10:36 in Student Footprints

Usually, flying does take up most of your carbon footprint, and it is hard to stop taking vacations, I agree with you Elias.

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natcox   2024-10-12 22:04:24 (Last post: 2024-10-16 10:09:35) in MY Family Footprint
My Family Footprint

my family's carbon footprint is pretty low except for the transportation and food, I think that my family should eat more plant based meals and that I should ride a bike to school more often and that my family should a more energy efficient car.

Giodes992   2024-10-15 09:45:08 in MY Family Footprint

Plant a garden in your backyard and/or find an easier way to get to school also.

elepah   2024-10-16 10:09:35 in MY Family Footprint

I think eating more plant-based meals is a great way to start. Maybe experiment with different ways to go/bike to school.

I hope this is helpful!

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Rublon   2024-10-15 13:34:41 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:49:24) in Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Wow I use less Co2 than the avger person.

linkim   2024-10-15 13:49:24 in Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

LUCKY! I wish I could say the same thing...:)

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thalee   2024-10-15 13:40:18 in MY Family Footprint
Reduce Light Time

Something you can do to reduce the amount of time your lights are on is to always make sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room or if you see a light(s) is on and no one is in the room also turn it off (I do the second one almost every day).

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colmor   2024-10-15 11:57:49 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:39:02) in Student Footprints
carbonation foot print

My family drives around a lot and I think we can stop it by using bikes to get to areas that do not require a car. Like we could use bikes and scooter to get around so we do not use a lot.We can  also try to recycle more so the trash we use does not end up in the ocean.

hungsontran   2024-10-15 13:39:02 in Student Footprints

With me if you want to produce less carbon dioxide , you can turn off the light and any device if you not use it .Also I think eat well can make you produce less carbon dioxide.Our earth need help from us because the ice get hot and melt , this make the sea level go up .

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Natbar   2024-10-15 13:27:27 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:35:53) in MY Family Footprint
How can I reduce my Family Footprint

I looked back at my carbon footprint sheet and noticed that my family turns on our lights many hours a day, so I can make sure we turn off devices, light, and water when not needed to reduce our footprint.

hungsontran   2024-10-15 13:35:53 in MY Family Footprint

with me I think that if you turn off the light it is good .Also you may walk or bike to school.With me I think that eat well can make you produce less carbon dioxide.

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hungsontran   2024-10-11 14:03:43 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:29:13) in MY Family Footprint
My family footprin

With me I think that my family need to decrease carbon dioxide because temperature of the earth get high and this make me that I need to protect the earth.

nadeenluvshorses   2024-10-11 14:07:00 in MY Family Footprint

You can do this by replacing your light bulbs with LED bulbs and turning off lights when your not using them, you can also reduce your carbon dioxide by turning off the water when your not using it and turning off electronics when your not using them. Bike to school if you can or walk if you don't have a bike. It's awesome that you want to protect the earth since its a very important thing.

harash   2024-10-11 14:56:08 in MY Family Footprint

you can also use a bike instead of cars

hungsontran   2024-10-15 13:26:06 in MY Family Footprint

With my family I think that my mom told me that I need to turn off the light when I'm not using it.Also I walk to home every week.

hungsontran   2024-10-15 13:29:13 in MY Family Footprint

I saw that my data of the carbon dioxide is 4777 kgs and the average in my region  is 9727 kgs .

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laigye   2024-10-11 14:59:50 (Last post: 2024-10-15 13:25:32) in MY Family Footprint
6,782 kgs of CO2 per year

I'm pretty darn proud of my house smile

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 10:56:03 in MY Family Footprint

whoa how did you get the smiley face?


renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 10:57:08 in MY Family Footprint

oh, okay I see

Gavfob   2024-10-15 12:04:22 in MY Family Footprint

That's a low Kgs!

linkim   2024-10-15 13:25:32 in MY Family Footprint


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Sadie.o   2023-11-13 18:21:36 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:51:13) in Open Forum

#climatechange is gonna save the planet everyone!

Except its not. It may, on the rare occasion, educate others and encourage them to take action, but the post itself is not enough. We like and follow, but do we take the time to learn about the topic and what needs to be done in to help. Social media is helping us convince ourselves that we are “doing our part”, and I think that many of us struggle to find reassurance, scared that we too are a part of the problem. But we soon become so enveloped in this fear are that we neglect our duties of a citizen of planet earth. It is important that as we move forward with climate change that we remember that a repost is not a solution, it is simply a bandaid stuck on top of a problem that has become to real.

sopwin   2024-10-15 09:55:08 in Open Forum

You're 100% correct. We often use social media as a mask and a tool to at like people we're not. In this particular case instead of acting like someone, were acting like were doing something that were not.

dahcol   2024-10-15 11:51:13 in Open Forum

I've been thinking about this for some time now. I mean, boosting a video and then just continuing doing what you've been doing won't magically make climate change disappear. It may help raise awareness, but not everyone is willing to try and help.

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erijoh   2024-10-15 11:03:05 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:50:27) in Sustainable City
Stop using sing use plastics

Hi this can help make a Sustainable

erijoh   2024-10-15 11:07:17 in Sustainable City

edit sing is single sorry

jefcho   2024-10-15 11:49:21 in Sustainable City

I agree because single use plastic will just turn into micro-plastic and stay in the air

ethlou   2024-10-15 11:50:27 in Sustainable City

I agree stop using single use plastic. It very much effects our environment as it is only "single use" using reusable water bottles such as Hydro Flask might cost more but wont cost more then thousands of single use plastic material. Don't use single plastics!

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H3w0!   2024-10-11 11:30:59 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:10:33) in Food & Hunger
Food & Hunger

Don't waste food, there are people in the world that don't get the food we have.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:47:24 in Food & Hunger

Yes we should not waste food because there are many people out there that don't get food so we should not waste the food that we have. We should also if we do have food left over (hopefully not) we should compost it, I know many people don't compost but if you don't I think you should start, because it is better for the environment.

jangru   2024-10-15 11:10:33 in Food & Hunger

This is a very good statement because when you are eating you should always be thinking about the people who don't have everything you have, and if you don't like the food you should eat it anyway, because some people don't have any food on there table.;)

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Aarrad   2024-10-11 15:04:50 (Last post: 2024-10-15 11:04:46) in MY Family Footprint
carbon foot print

my family produces a very large carbon foot print

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-15 10:58:26 in MY Family Footprint


lucmot   2024-10-15 11:04:46 in MY Family Footprint

my family also has a very large carbon footprint due to our flights and numerous trips to Tahoe.

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CLAREEE   2024-10-15 11:01:39 in MY Family Footprint
My family footprint

My carbon footprint is really high in transportation because I go on lots of flights throughout the year so I think I should try to go on less trips and not fly in an airplane as often.

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lilianah   2024-10-15 09:55:27 in MY Family Footprint
MY carbon footprint

My carbon footprint is lower than the average American exepct it is a bit high in food  so I think I should start eating more plant based meals. And it is a bit high in transportation so I should start riding my bike more.

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Junlelle   2023-11-08 00:09:18 (Last post: 2024-10-15 09:55:27) in Open Forum
Could we really stop using oil?

Oil & fossil fuels are some of the biggest contributors to pollution and our global ecological footprint, so why don’t we stop using them? There is no true answer because there are too many unknown variables. Although I am confident in the belief that through innovation we can find an alternative what if we don’t, can we really continue to rely on oil & fossil fuels until we pollute the earth beyond repair? What would we be able to do without our main source of energy? Oil fuels every industry within our lives, transportation (which already affects every other industry), medicine, the production of electricity, etc. Without oil, we would essentially be back to the days when electricity wasn’t a thing. So my question is, what is the answer, what if we never find another way to harvest enough energy from resources besides fossil fuels?
    Personally, I think that right now we should focus on innovation so that we can solve these problems, however, if we were to assume that we can’t or we are incapable of doing so I think that we should begin to slow down oil production and begin to rely on more environmentally friendly resources until we can become stable off of just these resources.

jaydo   2023-11-10 15:53:54 in Open Forum

I think that us cutting off oil wouldn't be possible, because the use of cars every day, machines in factories, heating in buildings are a few things we can't live without. People with gas cars might not be able to afford electric cars, people using machines in factories are needed for jobs, and heating in buildings / houses are needed so people don't freeze. Therefor we need oil in our every days life to life and survive.

Juli_withnoe   2024-09-25 09:25:59 in Open Forum

I agree with everything you've stated thus far; I would like to add that if we can lessen our oil use while focusing on innovation, we will have more time to find a solution. By driving less and cutting back on unused heating, we can help preserve our environment for longer.

c00per   2024-09-25 09:30:49 in Open Forum

This statement from jaydo is agreeable; If we use cars every day that our oil powered it might not slow down. However there could be possible solutions. car company's could slowly change all there cars to electric then all the old gas powered cars need to be exchanged so they will by the new electric car.

Seabasstan   2024-09-25 10:18:06 in Open Forum

Probably not cause we need oil much more than most people think.

Lucy.Kuo   2024-09-25 11:17:33 in Open Forum

I totally agree what with what you all are saying, like it's highly unlikely that we can completely cut off oil, but through innovation we can use other materials alongside it to cut it's consumption.

sopwin   2024-10-15 09:46:11 in Open Forum

I agree with you. I think it would be extremely difficult to stop using oil all together. The sad fact is that some people just don't care. I think the best case scenario is that instead of cutting off oil use entirely we start to ween off it. Everyone can start doing their part by using less oil and fossil fuels, and slowly but surely we one day can stop altogether.

Emmche   2024-10-15 09:52:53 in Open Forum

I agree with all of you that it would be hard to cut off oil because you use it to charge cars or the factory's. I think that we could use less oil by using eletric cars or have more eco friendly factory's.

NorDeV   2024-10-15 09:55:27 in Open Forum

I agree with sopwin, it would be easier to start to gradually lessen the use of oil then to cut it off entirely, but I also agree that with innovation, we could stop using oil gradually. It is really hard to make people care, and I really want to help with oil reduction in the world! I know this isn't my post, but I'm really curious: Do any of you all have ideas on how we could make people more notified about climate change?

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Bonizzi_Paolo   2024-04-26 08:45:56 (Last post: 2024-10-15 09:54:12) in Food & Hunger
Waste of food in italy and the world

Food waste is a serious problem both in Italy and in the world. Every year, about a third of the food produced globally is wasted, resulting in an economic loss of about 700 billion dollars. In Italy, this translates into a loss of about 9 billion euros per year. The main sources of waste are households , restaurants , supermarkets and production. The main reason for household waste includes forgotten food in the refrigerator. Even though Italy is not among the countries with the highest waste rate, it still represents a significant challenge. The UN has included reducing food waste in its 2030 Agenda, with the goal of halving it within the next 7 years. This will require a global effort to change consumption habits and reduce food waste at all levels of the supply chain.

PATAA   2024-04-26 09:14:11 in Food & Hunger

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

PATAAA   2024-04-26 09:21:18 in Food & Hunger

Sorry i missclicked while creating my account i am actually from Italy.

While the money lost due to food waste is a lot, the worst thing is how it affects people who don't have enough to eat. Think about it: there are millions of people in the world starving every day, even though there's more than enough food to feed everyone.
When we waste food, it's not just throwing away money; it's throwing away good food that could have helped feed someone who's hungry. This isn't fair and it's not right.
Reducing food waste isn't just about saving money or being eco-friendly; it's about making sure everyone has enough to eat. It's something we all need to work on together, so that we can create a world where nobody has to go hungry.

mismBOD   2024-05-10 09:27:33 in Food & Hunger

I'm not sure about in Italy, but in the US people try to promote composting our food scraps to try and be more sustainable about our waste. If our organic waste is properly composted it can actually really benefit our environment. According to the UN Environment Program it can help recover soils fertility, reduce the dependance on chemical fertilizers, improve water retention, and more.  We could use this composted fertilizer to grow more food so the amount of unnecessary waste is reduced. Food waste and loss contribute a good number to global greenhouse gasses as well(about 8-10%) so by composting this waste instead of just throwing it away we could help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change. I agree that wasting food is unfair and sometimes it's an honest mistake like food forgotten in the fridge, but even that forgotten food (even if it's gone bad) can still be used to help our environment.

RahBOD   2024-05-11 19:08:56 in Food & Hunger

Promoting composting is a vital step towards global sustainability, as it diverts organic waste from landfills and transforms it into nutrient-rich compost. As emphasized by the UN Environment Program, this process not only enhances soil fertility and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers but also improves water retention in soils, crucial for agricultural productivity. Also, composting mitigates greenhouse gas emissions by preventing organic waste from decomposing anaerobically in landfills, thereby addressing a significant source of methane emissions. Even unintentional food waste can be repurposed through composting, highlighting the value of this practice in turning what might have been perceived as a loss into a valuable resource for the environment. https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/res … composting

London0729   2024-09-25 10:14:10 in Food & Hunger

Food waste is a huge problem in the US too. We constantly over produce food and buy too much. Many states don't provide composting and even if they do, most people don't own a composting bin. Lots of food gets wasted in thrown in the trash, instead of being reproduced into soil. Most people aren't aware of how much they waste every day that could've gone to another person in need. This is a serious topic that we need to take action on.

Giodes992   2024-10-15 09:54:12 in Food & Hunger

Food waste is a big part of the US and other places. I think that your country needs to get better at saving food and not throwing it away. maybe you can compost the food that you don't eat and plant some plants and use the compost to grow your plants.

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SadieM09   2024-03-22 08:15:13 (Last post: 2024-10-15 09:50:22) in Open Forum
Climate change and Marginalized groups

Climate change disproportionately effects marginalized communities particularly within the black community  “ Black or African Americans are 40% more likely than non-Black Americans and non-African Americans to currently live in areas with the highest projected increases in mortality rates due to climate-driven changes in extreme temperatures.” -EPA When we are talking about the effects of Climate change we need to talk about who it is effecting the most, and sadly it will often not be the people that have cause the most environmental harm. In order to make real social change we need to make environmental change as well, to neglect climate change as an issue will effect minorities disproportionately so if you are about social change you must work on  environmental change as well.

sopwin   2024-10-15 09:50:22 in Open Forum

I think that this is very valuable information. I didn't know this before but I do now, and very much agree with you. We should be taught about this and i'm glad you're bringing this to the attention me and many others.

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LILlii   2024-10-15 01:26:45 in Reuse & Repurpose
Reuse and repurpose

When i change my clothes, sometimes i discard some of them. The parish church collects clothes and objects to give to people in need. In the last period, an application has spread, it's called "vinted", where all people in the world can sell and buy used things.
I think that using these methods can give new life to the items and clothes to avoid to throw them in the landfills.

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-15 01:23:51 in Extreme Weather

I noticed that climate change is becoming a big problem, because of increasing temperatures. last  summer it was hot with very high temperatures in my hometown. some  days  there were strong floods, creating landslides not far from where i live because of the very high temperatures and some plants in my garden dried up.

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ASIAm   2024-10-15 01:18:01 in Extreme Weather

In the last years because of the climate change, natural disasters incrased, and many people have lost their family, friends, house, work and so on. If we don't want that this will have a largest incrase in the next years, or we don't want that this will happen to us, we have to pay attention and reduce our emission of carbon, so we can save the planet, many people and the nature.

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hanshi   2024-10-11 15:04:15 in MY Family Footprint
Biking ,carpooling and riding my own car.

We mostly ride our bikes to school but it takes up half of my energy but it saves energy and gas but we carpool with our friends with their car and my mom's car when she's not working. But riding your bike is fun when you do it with your friends!

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kennis   2024-10-11 15:04:09 in MY Family Footprint
My family footprint

I thought that my carbon footprint was high because my transportation column was very high. Since I visited the East Coast (NYC, DC, Boston), my flight there and back were much higher than the average. Even though I love to visit places like New York City, I  believe that without a trip there my carbon footprint would be much lower.

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jacmap   2024-10-11 14:58:38 (Last post: 2024-10-11 15:04:05) in MY Family Footprint
My family footprint

we have been driving to places which it would only take a little bit longer to bike. It's not needed and we should start biking instead of wasting gas.

laigye   2024-10-11 15:04:05 in MY Family Footprint

I also recommend maybe scooters too, they are honestly easier for me less leg work smile

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H20WATERGAMES   2024-10-11 14:47:04 in Extreme Weather

72 F today

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LeoHew   2024-10-11 13:56:56 in MY Family Footprint

My carbon foot print was only about 300 above average(9,700) even though I flew in a plane for over 25 hours, and in a car for about 50 which I think is really good, I would still like some tips on how to reduce my foorprint.

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Dylcom   2024-10-11 10:24:55 (Last post: 2024-10-11 12:36:15) in MY Family Footprint
My family's footprint

My family's footprint is pretty good for the food and the home, but the transportation is alarming. It literally doubled the home and food combined!

Collee   2024-10-11 12:36:15 in MY Family Footprint
Dylcom wrote:

My family's footprint is pretty good for the food and the home, but the transportation is alarming. It literally doubled the home and food combined!

My answer:
I think you can use more public transportation to get to places and walk or bike to school. You could also get a car that has good fuel efficiency.

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stationary   2024-09-25 09:32:52 (Last post: 2024-10-11 12:10:11) in MY Family Footprint
My family's footprint

My family's footprint is pretty big. we have a large house and we keep it heated with gas. There are also 5 of us so the environmental costs add up. I was wondering for some tips for things to ask my family to do to lower our carbon footprint as a family?

thelok   2024-10-11 10:04:34 in MY Family Footprint

You and your family could try to turn things off when you're using them, and can try to use public transportation, biking more often, and using blankets instead of heating at night.

Emmche   2024-10-11 10:11:50 in MY Family Footprint

You can turn off more lights, take shorter showers, or bike scooter walk or skatebord more.

LeoMel   2024-10-11 10:14:52 in MY Family Footprint

I think you could get solar panels. It would be expensive, but if you heated your house with solar panels, it would be much more sustainable.

NorDeV   2024-10-11 10:16:03 in MY Family Footprint

You could maybe turn off the water while brushing your teeth and taking shorter showers and baths--- and maybe on hot days just take cold showers? Just a thought.

sopwin   2024-10-11 10:21:19 in MY Family Footprint

You could try carpooling and/or taking public transportation. Another idea (if possible depending on how far you live from day to day activities) is biking and/or walking. I really enjoy biking because it gets you to places pretty fast and is a good source of exercise.

wilmei   2024-10-11 10:23:37 in MY Family Footprint

for thelok I try to turn off things but my ADD makes it really hard to stay focus and remember things so some times I leave things on.

Jachar   2024-10-11 10:24:25 in MY Family Footprint

you could try to turn off lights when you leave rooms and not us heating and cooling as much.

josmcm   2024-10-11 11:28:26 in MY Family Footprint

You can try to turn off thing when you're not using them and to bike to school.

joayu   2024-10-11 12:10:11 in MY Family Footprint

In addition you could also try to be more conscious of your water use and also start to make it a daily habit to place trash in the right bins.

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aydmus   2024-10-11 12:07:33 in MY Family Footprint
How do I reduce my carbon fiber

I should not eat as much snacks when I get home from school and not break all the plants when I am walking to school.

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Mauro GR   2023-11-06 07:55:57 (Last post: 2024-10-11 12:04:42) in MY Family Footprint
How do I reduce my carbon emissions from transportation to school?

After calculating my carbon footprint, my family's carbon emission is roughly 10+ kg. Over half of that is from transportation, since my high school is 6 miles away from me. My parent's car model is a decade or two old and may emit more carbon dioxide than most other vehicles, and it'll be passed down to me. It is very possible I could save the environment by purchasing an electric vehicle as soon as I can, or deciding to bike the 6 miles to go to school and then another 6 to get home, but I would be saving myself time and money (and even my own energy if I don't bike 12 miles a day) by continuing what I do. What do you guys think are some ways I could somehow reduce my carbon emission from transportation?

MyaG   2023-11-06 19:12:42 in MY Family Footprint

I think some ways to reduce your carbon emissions from transportation is use public transportation like the bus or to carpool whenever you can with friends to school. Another way is since you said the car would be pass down to you is to keep you tires filled becauseY ou can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 275 pounds per year by making sure your tires are filled to the recommended pressure. You will also save up to 5 percent on your gasoline expenses and your car will ride smoother.

fedefc17   2024-04-26 10:05:37 in MY Family Footprint

I think that in order to reduce your footprint you could consider to use public means of transports such as buses or even trains, which produce almost 0 pollution. Another way could be to save some money and contribute with your parents to buy an electric vehicle.

BilGye123   2024-10-11 11:26:04 in MY Family Footprint

even if something like biking sounds hard, over time, you would get used to it.

RILSHI   2024-10-11 11:31:17 in MY Family Footprint

Biking is hard but when you do it a lot you build muscles,you may be sore like taking a hike but one way to build up your muscles for biking is going to 1 mile bike ride bit by bit and slowing move up until your ready.

emitun   2024-10-11 11:37:00 in MY Family Footprint

You can try biking if you want to. But since it could be hard to bike twelve miles everyday to your high school you could try public transportation or carpooling with a friend it could help a lot!

margol   2024-10-11 12:04:42 in MY Family Footprint

That sounds hard, you could try taking the bus or biking. It might sound hard but it isn't that hard and you will get used to it over time.

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erijoh   2024-10-11 11:24:06 (Last post: 2024-10-11 12:02:54) in MY Family Footprint
my family footprint

no more planes

jadtam090@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 11:31:30 in MY Family Footprint

I disagree because how would we get from another far place to another some people won't want to use boats because they have sea sickness

marlew613   2024-10-11 11:32:58 in MY Family Footprint

I disagree,because how can we can get to one place to another if we can't drive.

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 11:36:30 in MY Family Footprint

I agree, how are we going to get to a far place??

joayu   2024-10-11 12:02:54 in MY Family Footprint

I disagree with no more planes because it would release even more unhealthy gases for the environment if you drive to a far place instead of using a plane.

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renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 11:31:22 (Last post: 2024-10-11 11:32:48) in MY Family Footprint
my family's footprint

me and my family went on a tour of Europe so that means that we took up a lot of transportation CO2.

renalv006@ausdg.us   2024-10-11 11:32:48 in MY Family Footprint

so I think that we could only go to Italy or France.

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BilGye123   2024-10-11 11:22:49 (Last post: 2024-10-11 11:29:07) in MY Family Footprint
How do I help?

sometimes I feel bad that I'm not contributing, but in reality,even just recycling and  reducing waste helps the world.:)

Addlar   2024-10-11 11:29:07 in MY Family Footprint

That makes sense I also agree that sometimes contributing can be hard but that little effort can help the world.One thing that you could do is riding your bike more often instead of driving it is also a good workout.

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LeHaBOD1   2024-05-12 16:04:49 (Last post: 2024-10-11 11:24:37) in MY Family Footprint
Global Warming

Global warming is a really big issue that is vital to learn about and we can stop it from getting worse for our planet. I did a carbon footprint form and my carbon and was surprised that my food and transportation was pretty high. I then thought that what makes my transportation so high was that I go on a decent amount of vacations that require planes to get there. Another thing was that my food was high because of red meat. We can help the earth be a better place by eating vegetarian on some days and not use planes as often.

sopwin   2024-10-11 10:26:30 in MY Family Footprint

I relate to this. Whenever I take vacations I usually fly. It's kind of hard to control this since I don't choose how many flights I take. The best thing I can do is alter things in my life that are under my control.

RILSHI   2024-10-11 11:24:37 in MY Family Footprint

which is better driving or flights?

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Collin.H   2023-10-01 10:35:07 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:27:08) in MY Family Footprint
Carbon Footprint

I was very surprised to see how My Carbon Footprint was very high I traveled a lot through the year and used my phone a lot and also had the heat and AC on through the year we also have lights on in our house all the time.

Jachar   2024-10-11 10:27:08 in MY Family Footprint

your family could turn off lights to save energy and you could carpool when traveling with friends

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Abigail lee   2024-04-23 00:23:51 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:26:33) in Wants or Needs?
Do we really need it?

What is the difference between wants and needs? In my opinion, wants are things that I can live without, but needs are things I can’t. For example, water, food, clothes are obvious needs. But what about those shoes that you want, do actually need them? If you have no shoes then yes, but what about those shoes sitting at the back of the shoe closet. Buying whatever you want and getting sick of it is just a waste of money and material. Prioritizing needs over wants ensures efficient resource allocation. Indulging in wants without consideration can lead to wasteful consumption. Being mindful of consumption habits not only benefits finances but also reduces environmental impact and promotes sustainability. Therefore, before indulging in a want, assess its alignment with needs and values.

Camille6321:   2024-04-23 03:20:10 in Wants or Needs?

I agree. Things that are essential to life, such as food, water, and shelter, are called needs. Conversely, desires are items we would want to have, including toys, new technology, and more. Most of the items we purchase, including pricey clothing and other items, wind up in a landfill. Anything that we use and eventually breaks or grows too tiny ends up in a landfill. Over 92 million tons of apparel end up in landfills, according to the report. This is due to fast fashion. Fast fashion is very common these days and shops like ZARA, H&M, and TOPSHOP are the biggest producers of it. This is why we have to consider when we buy clothes. Be reasonable. Don't buy clothes every single day.

Jay-Seanusa   2024-04-30 07:24:22 in Wants or Needs?

Wants and needs vary, a simple definition is needs being things you must have to survive most which fit under the criteria of food, rent/mortgage things that are necessities. While wants are simply things you want to have could be a game console, a new tv or some snacks. The separation between wants and needs is that the more necessities or needs that you have the more money or time/effort you have to put into it which in some cases causes more pollution which isn't good. Aswell as adding to that with your wants, the more wants the worse it can be. So ultimately your wants and needs can affect your pollution and your carbon footprint. They can affect it with things such as lights.Also anything that affects energy can add to your footprint. As well leaving a tv on and running adds to your footprint which in some cases are wants like when you want to watch tv and then your done and leave it on it constantly adds up more and more and other things like food the more snacks and stuff you buy just because you want it also adds to your footprint. As well as your purchases this adds as well and driving around. All these things add to your footprints and can be affected by how you use them for your car. Maybe you have to drive to work but after you want to go to McDonalds, that's a want that affects the pollution. Maybe you're at the grocery store and you see some clothes that you want that affect your carbon footprint.

emraBOD   2024-05-09 13:53:28 in Wants or Needs?

I 100% agree. Wants and needs are completely separate things. While food, water, oxygen, and shelter from the elements are things that we could not live without, there are so many things that we use that are unnecessary. In California, USA, the average person uses 1,191 kgs of CO2 on purchases alone. I use 119 kgs of CO2 alongside my purchases. I know that a lot of those purchases are unnecessary and I also know that it will be higher when I have to pay for everything myself, however, this is just to show the high level of wants vs needs in the world, specifically the USA and my own state.

hepfBOD   2024-05-09 17:34:37 in Wants or Needs?

I think that there is a part of me that wants to fuel my want, and another part that tells me to not be wasteful. I 100% agree that needs are what should be prioritized and that we should be mindful of every purchase we make, but there are some times where being frivolous is good if regulated. I think even if purchase causes waste, we can still balance the slightly unnecessary buying habits and the waste that we produce, maybe just to twice a year or something like that. Knowing that a balance between these two is the ultimate want, It begs the question- Which should/can we choose first, the fulfillment of human want, or the necessity of global cleanliness? I think that this is what the world is struggling to work past. the general public, governments, people in power, i feel, have been taking the easy route. they have been focusing on themselves and what directly affects them or their group in this moment, which is not always what we should be thinking about. they have only scraped the surface of what it means to have a balance of the two in the last couple years, and even through all the protesting and attention that this movement is getting, it just isn't enough. I know that once the necessity of global cleanliness has caught up to the people in power who chose to step aside, who chose to deal with other matters first, will be then facing a problem that they cannot handle. this is what scares me.

bewoBOD8   2024-05-09 22:09:49 in Wants or Needs?

I agree as well. Nowadays, with social media constantly advertising new products and steadily generating new trends everyday, our consumption numbers have gone up significantly. This has caused our carbon footprint to increase. Content creators are constantly displaying a plethora of new clothes and “trendy” items they purchase consistently and influencing their thousands of followers to do the same. In my own personal experience, I see influencers on social media buy frivolous pieces of clothing that are an example of fast fashion. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, fast fashion is, “an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers.” In other words it is cheap, poor-quality clothing, made quickly to keep up with the trends being perpetuated by social media. This clothing is not sustainable because of its poor quality and because it is a part of a trend that will most likely “go out of style” within the next few months. Once one trend fades, another is created and the cycle continues. People will continue participating in fast fashion to keep up with the trends, just to throw away those clothes in the subsequent months. All this clothing is being quickly produced and just as quickly thrown away takes a humongous toll on our carbon footprint. Giving into these trends and purchasing unneeded clothing is leading to wasteful consumption.

JaLuBOD   2024-05-10 16:31:57 in Wants or Needs?

I agree with everything that has been said on this thread but I would like to add the aspect of how influencers can cause us to make "impulse purchases". When we see someone we really like to watch advertise a product on social media it causes us to have a more biased take on the product, as if one of our own friends had recommended it, we feel like because this "internet famous" person owns and loves this product, and since they are recommending it then it must really be a good product. But their praise may cause us to cloud our view of if the product is actually worth it or not. Many influencers just advertise products for the money even if they don't like the product and see it as a useless item. I would recommend everyone having their own unique checklist as to what is worthy to buy and what is not, and just because an influencer praises something doesn't mean it should meet your checklist. By making these impulse buys just because we saw it online and it is easy to order through amazon, we waste our time, the workers time, our money and precious resources which are limited to this world. Every time we make an unnecessary purchase we have a bigger impact on the earth because of the carbon footprint from that item being made, transported, and then dumped into a landfill. We need to cut these purchases out of our lives.

JohoBOD   2024-05-10 18:52:20 in Wants or Needs?

I concur. The things we need to survive, like food, water, and shelter, are known as needs. On the other hand, the things we desire, such as toys, new gadgets, and more, fall under the category of wants. Unfortunately, most of the items we purchase, including expensive clothing, end up in landfills. Anything we use that eventually breaks or becomes too small is also discarded.

olma   2024-05-13 17:17:49 in Wants or Needs?

I definitely agree. Purchasing things you don't need, such as clothes and other products, to merely stay "on trend" is wasteful and has a bigger impact than you think. The transportation and shipment involved in each purchase contribute to these carbon emissions. From the resources used in the production to the emissions generated during transportation, each step contributes to its overall environmental footprint. According to BBC.com, "The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global emissions." Most of this impact comes from raw materials such as cotton, synthetic materials, oil, and chemicals from dyes. These wants are nonessential, while our needs are crucial to human survival in today’s society. These needs include food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Prioritizing these necessities is vital for people to live fulfilling and dignified lives.

Char B   2024-09-26 20:23:30 in Wants or Needs?

I completely agree with your distinction between wants and needs. It's so important to recognize that while we might desire certain items, they often aren't essential for our well-being. The example of shoes is perfect; having a few pairs is practical, but accumulating more than we need just leads to waste—both financially and environmentally. Prioritizing needs over wants is a wise approach that encourages more responsible consumption. By being mindful of our habits, we not only make better financial choices but also contribute to sustainability efforts. It's crucial to pause and assess whether our purchases truly align with our values and needs. This way, we can reduce waste and make more intentional decisions that benefit both ourselves and the planet.

Emmche   2024-10-11 10:26:33 in Wants or Needs?

Yes I completely agree that we are spending a lot of money on things that we want like candy, toys etc. I think we should be spending money on things that we need like food, water, clothes , and shelter. Sometimes we spend to much on something like clothes, you need clothes but you don't need so many that your whole room is covered in them, or shoes you need a few pair but not so many that your shoe rack is overflowing with them.

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NorDeV   2024-10-11 10:26:15 in Now It's Time for Action
Cut Back On The Dairy

I know that everyone likes ice cream, milk, Mac n' Cheese, and just cheese in general--- but have you ever thought about how it affects the climate? Cows--- the source of all our dairy--- release methane, a global-warming inducing chemical, through their digestive system.(As in, when they b*rp or far*...) Personally, I am the only dairy eater in a lactose-intolerant family, but I still feel that we could cut back on the dairy so that farms don't breed cows so much, and so (Hopefully) the amount of methane going into the atmosphere will reduce. (Lactose-free ice cream is good, people!) This is just a thought, but personally, I will try to cut back on the dairy. A pebble in the ocean still creates a ripple! Thanks for hearing me out, and if anyone has any other ideas that don't involve giving up cheese for the sake of the world and reducing methane, I'm all ears!

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NorDeV   2024-10-11 10:24:28 in Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?
Cut Back On The Dairy

I know that everyone likes ice cream, milk, Mac n' Cheese, and just cheese in general--- but have you ever thought about how it affects the climate? Cows--- the source of all our dairy--- release methane, a global-warming inducing chemical, through their digestive system.(As in, when they b*rp or far*...) Personally, I am the only dairy eater in a lactose-intolerant family, but I still feel that we could cut back on the dairy so that farms don't breed cows so much, and so (Hopefully) the amount of methane going into the atmosphere will reduce. (Lactose-free ice cream is good, people!) This is just a thought, but personally, I will try to cut back on the dairy. A pebble in the ocean still creates a ripple! Thanks for hearing me out, and if anyone has any other ideas that don't involve giving up cheese for the sake of the world and reducing methane, I'm all ears!

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lubaBOD   2024-05-14 09:15:37 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:24:06) in MY Family Footprint
My Family Footprint

If I had my own home, something I would do to make it more energy efficient would be remembering to turn the lights off every time I leave the house and I won't be back for a significant amount of time.  I would get my electricity from solar panels that I would put up myself attached to the roof, and make sure to put up just enough so that I would solely need the energy produced by the solar panels to survive successfully in my home.
My house would be located somewhere near a city, so it would take less carbon emission to go places every time I had to go somewhere. I would also live somewhere by public transit so that it would be more eco-friendly to take the bus or the bart train once in a while. I would grow my own food in a garden in my backyard, so I wouldn't be wasting food or money.

Ann_Pal_298   2024-10-11 10:24:06 in MY Family Footprint

very good

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miscBOD   2024-05-10 09:09:43 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:19:05) in Extreme Weather
Global warming

The weather is changing a lot because of Global warming. The climate is changing and it is getting hotter. This is mostly caused by the greenhouse effect. It is scientifically molecules that are uneven are getting heat and holding the heat and they move around like particles. The atmosphere keeps these molecules in which means they cant leave and because of that the heat never leaves. If this continues to happen many animals can die and lose their habitat like polar bears. We need to find a way to fix this.

NathanT8   2024-09-30 12:00:30 in Extreme Weather

Its crazy how the weather has gotten more powerful and destructive because of humanity's actions

Emmche   2024-10-11 10:19:05 in Extreme Weather

Yes I agree with you that global warming is affecting many things like the animals and their habitats are starting to change, and we should do something to stop it.

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S-cargo   2024-09-25 10:13:09 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:15:04) in Student Footprints
My personal footprint

My footprint is as follows:
Total: 10,559 kgs
Home: 4,190
Food: 3,451
Purchases: 320 kgs
Transportation: 2598 kgs
Any recommendations for reducing this?

SkibidiSigma   2024-09-25 10:15:12 in Student Footprints

Using less electricity in your house could lower your home admission.

Evanon11   2024-09-25 10:15:13 in Student Footprints

I think you should only travel by bike. install some solar panels, and buy land to create a wind farm, these are both great resources for clean energy.

S-cargo   2024-09-25 10:18:03 in Student Footprints

Thanks for the advice.

thelok   2024-10-11 10:06:56 in Student Footprints

If you don't already, you could try to start a compost bin for your food scraps.

Emmche   2024-10-11 10:15:04 in Student Footprints

you can carpool or walk or make sure to turn off the lights after you are done with them. You can also take shorter showers.

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SkibidiSigma   2024-09-25 10:18:24 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:05:38) in Student Footprints
My carbon footprint compared to the average

You: 12,983 kgs
Average: 11,838

What can I change to lower my carbon admission.

S-cargo   2024-09-25 10:23:45 in Student Footprints

Try turning things off when you aren't using them and walking, biking or using public transportation more.

thelok   2024-10-11 10:05:38 in Student Footprints

You could turn the heat way down at night and use blankets instead.

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-08 15:52:30 (Last post: 2024-10-11 10:00:41) in Food & Hunger
Food & Hunger

I think we should eat local foods, and reduce food that is not suitable for health.

sawyer1   2024-10-11 10:00:41 in Food & Hunger

I totally agree.

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ruggine1   2024-10-09 11:20:28 in Extreme Weather
Climate change

I noticed that today climate change is a serius problem, for example where i live in winter it snows only 1/2 times a year and not even too much snow, here we have also a glacier (Presena)  that is melting because this temperature changes

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ruggine1   2024-10-09 11:12:00 in Think Big
Think big

We all need to work together to sae our planet and our lives, for example: do separate waste collection, recycle, take public trasport ecc.

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GIU2024   2024-10-09 10:15:29 in Extreme Weather

I think extreme weather is a big problem because it is due to of global warming.
For example in my town this summer it was so hot in comparison to the other years and when it rained the wather created a lot of disasters like landslides.
Global warming is dangerous for the animals and the humans on the earth.
One of the biggest problems is also the glaciers that are melting, for example I live near the Adamello glacier, an old glacier that unfortunately is dying due to high temperatures

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