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Clean Development

The Millenium Development Goals, agreed to by every member country of the United Nations in 2000, call for the worldwide eradication of poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality and huge improvements in health by 2015: two years ago!!

Can we do this without making the planet warmer?

Let's think big and imagine how we can confront the climate crisis in a way that is realistic about the other major problems that we face as a planet and as a species on it.

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Clean Development

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Weloveyoufrenk   2024-10-08 16:00:22
Clean Development

the climatic conditions are getting worse and worse, today we should reduce the consumption of non renewable sources, reduce pollution, stop deforestation, recycle, and use renewable sources.

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dawiBOD   2024-05-21 07:53:40
Clean Enviornment

In this world, people are still learning about the problems for combustion engines, and transportation such as cars planes and buses that have on the for the fossil fuels to our atmosphere. All transportation run by combustion engines releases mass amounts of fossil fuels into our atmosphere, which leads to climate change due to greenhouse gasses. Planes especially have a contribution to the fuels, since they are huge and need lots of power to take off and maintain speed while flying. Also, with millions of cars on the streets daily, fossil fuels are also being released at an alarming rate. Even electric vehicles require a lot of energy to produce which causes the release of fossil fuels. There are a few possibilities to where we can fix this problem. For one, taking public transportation is one of the best ways to begin shortening our carbon footprint. Two, buying electric vehicle takes a huge step from combustion engines, which will extremely shorten our carbon footprint. Although they require a lot of energy to produce, if used long enough, they are more efficient than combustion engines. And finally, making commercial electric planes will help reduce the carbon footprint of many travelers.

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Daria Gabriela   2024-05-14 11:46:58
Spune NU poluării!!

Degradarea mediului înconjurător este un proces lent, dar sigur. În prezent, poluarea și epuizarea resurselor naturale reprezintă probleme ce afectează o mare parte din populația planetei.
A venit vremea să conștientizăm faptul că resursele naturale NU sunt interminabile și că orice mică acțiune pe care o exercităm asupra mediului înconjurător, cum ar fi simpla aruncare a unui ambalaj pe stradă, va avea consecințe negative.
Iată cum puteți contribui la protejarea mediului înconjurător:
1. Nu mai aruncați gunoaie pe jos!
Pentru început, adoptați un comportament ecologic prin a evita să mai aruncați gunoaiele direct pe stradă. Există recipiente speciale pentru colectarea deșeurilor, amplasate în fiecare oraș. Fiți cetățeni responsabili și încurajați reciclarea materialelor din sticlă, hârtie și plastic, plasând deșeurile în pubelele corespunzătoare.
2. Dacă dețineți o fabrică sau o firmă care poluează mediul prin arderea materiei brute, asigurați-vă că apelați la serviciile companiilor care se ocupă de colectarea și reciclarea deșeurilor industriale, cum ar fi GREENGlobal, pentru a reduce gradul de poluare.
3. Conduceți mai rar!
Mașinile poluează EXTREM de mult prin arderea combustibilului și evacuarea acelui fum negru și toxic, care este atât de nociv pentru mediul înconjurător.

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ski4boii   2024-04-15 04:30:59 (Last post: 2024-05-13 07:41:16)
My opinion on the carbonne

Carbon footprint of students can vary greatly depending on their lifestyle and habits. However, it's crucial for students to be mindful of their environmental impact and strive to reduce their carbon footprint. Simple changes like using public transportation, reducing energy consumption, and adopting sustainable practices can make a significant difference. Moreover, educational institutions should also promote eco-friendly initiatives and provide resources to help students make more environmentally conscious choices. By collectively working towards reducing carbon emissions, students can contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

Sheyzo   2024-04-15 04:33:31

i agree with your opinion, but the students are not careful to the Carbon Footprint.

BrbaBOD   2024-05-09 18:15:19

I agree that students should try to reduce their carbon footprint and should be more mindful of their environmental impact. While I agree with that, I disagree that students should use public transportation more. I take a bus 2 miles to the train station then take the train 45 minutes to my house every day after school, this increases my carbon footprint a massive amount. My overall foot print is 25,784 kgs and my transportation carbon footprint was 18,311 kgs, which is about 70% of my overall carbon footprint. So instead of public transportation i propose to use electric cars and carpool with a friend. This will really make a difference in your carbon footprint and help overall sustain a healthy environment.

AdScBOD   2024-05-09 21:24:39

Of course I agree that reducing carbon footprint is important and I agree that changing your lifestyle can help with that. It is very frustrating for me though because when I took the test, my carbon footprint for transportation was way above average, however I don't know how to reduce it! I live far away from school but I take the bus and I have to go to sports practice everyday. I feel like I can't really reduce my transportation footprint even though I want to because most of where I go is necessary to my daily life. Overall, I want to find a way to dramatically change my carbon footprint but still get where I need to go.

NogeBOD   2024-05-13 07:41:16

I also agree that students need to be more aware of their impact in order to reduce their carbon footprint. However, I don’t believe that a small lifestyle change is necessary for all students. From my experience, the biggest carbon sink that I had was airplanes/flights as they took up half of my footprint at about 9,300 kgs. So for me, if I wanted to bring my carbon footprint down the best solution would be to fly less and not to switch to public transportation. Also in my case, I already take public transportation so I wouldn’t need to switch to using it. But, It doesn’t mean that people who don’t take public transit shouldn’t stop, only that not everyone needs to make that change as they already might be taking public transit. Depending on the person their carbon footprint may be heavily increased by different influences, therefore I agree that people can change their carbon footprint by changing something, but not everyone can change a small thing and have the same impact.

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JOGOBOD   2024-05-09 17:23:40

As an entire population, our world is still learning about the negative effects combustion engines and transportation have on the addition of fossil fuels to our atmosphere. All transportation run by combustion engines emits mass amounts of fossil fuels into our atmosphere, leading to climate change due to greenhouse gasses. Planes especially contribute immense amounts of fossil fuels since they are very big and require a lot of power to take off and maintain speed while flying. Additionally, with the tens of millions of cars on the streets daily, fossil fuels are being emitted at an absurd rate. Even electric vehicles require a lot of energy to produce which causes the emission of tons of fossil fuels. How can we fix this problem? There are a few possibilities... First, carpooling and taking public transportation is one of the best ways to begin minimizing your carbon footprint. For every person who contributes, we will emit less every day. Secondly, buying electric vehicles is a big step up from combustion engines, which will drastically minimize your carbon footprint. Although they require a lot of energy to produce, if used long enough, they are more efficient than combustion engines. Finally, developing commercial electric planes will immensely help reduce the carbon footprint of many travelers. Let's continue to minimize our carbon footprint and make our planet a healthier place.

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aubaBOD   2024-05-09 14:56:30

I want to bring up planes. I think planes are very important for life because they allow you to travel all around the world in just a few hours. I think planes are great but I think we should change something about them. We need to change the fact that planes are major polluters. Planes remain among the most polluting means of transport and something needs to be done. I propose electric planes. I have no idea how one would go about doing this, but this is just a suggestion. I want to bring this up because personally I travel and go on airplanes a lot and in return, I pollute a lot. This year, I calculated my carbon footprint and it said that it was 25,784 kgs of CO2 per year, compared to the average in California; 9,727 kgs of CO2 per year. You might be wondering why my carbon footprint is so high. It is because I travel so much. 18,311 of the 25,784 kgs of CO2 was from transportation. So overall, I think something needs to change about airplanes because I want to keep traveling but I dont want to be a major polluter.

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fedefc17   2024-04-26 09:55:28
Birds on the move

Do you know why birds are showing up in the most unlikely places? That's because of climate change messing with their migration patterns, in fact warmer temperatures mess up their internal GPS, so they end up flying to different places for food and shelter. These bird migrations might not seem like a big deal, but they mess with ecosystems and can even make some species struggle to survive. So, let's keep an eye on life below our heads and work to protect their habitats.

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PATAAA   2024-04-26 09:30:50
Reduce the utilization of non-renewable resources.

We need to prioritize clean development by reducing our reliance on non-renewable sources of energy. Instead of burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, which release harmful emissions into the atmosphere, we should focus on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
By transitioning to renewable energy, we can not only reduce pollution and combat climate change but also create new job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in the clean energy industry. Investing in renewable energy technologies and infrastructure is key to achieving a sustainable future for our planet and future generations.

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ChanceUSA2   2024-04-24 10:09:22
Clean energy sources

From factory emissions from fossil fuels burned by automobiles, there are many ways that our world develops. Without development we will have no technological advancements in our world. In which we constantly need to address the many problems we face in our modern world. There needs to be a form of clean energy, one which may be burned through without causing any form of environmental damage. This is true of Electricity in certain cases depending upon how it is generated. If generated via clean means (Water, Wind, Thermal via the Sun), there is no emission which can be traced back to it, nor can impact the environment. It’s one of many clean sources of energy which have no polluted or harmful emissions. These sources of energy need to be used more efficiently and often. Solar could be the most viable, as it is the most efficient and viable but is expensive and only works on a clear sunny day. In my opinion I feel that we could most definitely use more wind energy as it's free, The only problem is that it won't always be windy. So what else could we use? Short answer, all of the different energy sources.
See in my Opinion we could utilize all of them, chances are most companies don't use all of them but some are returning to a more energy efficient way to reduce emissions and keep cost low while not damaging the environment in any way.

Sources - https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings … -mechanism

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madelynUSA   2024-04-24 07:36:17
Save the Earth

There are multiple different ways that we can keep our environment clean, but one of the biggest ways is simply throwing away or recycling your trash. Many people don’t actually realize how much trash ruins the environment and how much it kills animals. The United States alone produces 268 million tons of waste each year, 140 million of it going into landfills. Each American throws away about 1,200 pounds of organic waste each year, meaning we only recycle about 67.2 million tons of a possible 267.8 million. Animals are also innocent victims affected by litter. Over one million animals die each year just from trash pollution alone. 60% of water pollution is also attributed to litter. At least 100,000 fish and other marine animals die from plastic pollution per year. The American society can set up many clean development systems that the citizens can follow. This will help lower the percentage of the amount of pollution. In having a good system in which the recyclables actually get recycled and disposed of properly, we can save the wildlife and our planet as a whole. Cleaning up the environment is critical, it preserves our biosphere, and helps preserve the earth's natural resources. If you don’t know what we should be recycling; we should always recycle our water bottles, newspapers, mixed paper, magazines, cardboard, plastic drink bottles, plastic product bottles, aluminum cans, and even our clothes. We should also always throw our trash away in the trash bins to keep our planet clean. Using more wind turbines and solar panels to power buildings and using more public transportation and electric trains can also reduce carbon a lot. On this earth we have to take care of eachother and put our own personal wants aside. We all can make an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and make the world a better place.

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maya.munteanu   2024-04-10 03:42:58
To recicle

I Like this application very much you când learn to recycle and more other things???

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karina.budau   2024-04-10 03:40:58
Let's not pollute!!

It's not good to pollute!

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