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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

Skagit County restricted subdivisions (with documents)

Here we map and provide documents for neighborhoods where racial restrictive covenants were imposed in the decades when they were legal. Most restrictions in Skagit County date from the 1930 to 1954 and covered a large percentage of subdivisions developed in that period. We have identified more than 500 properties in 26 subdivisions. Do not assume that areas without circles were unrestricted. Neighborhoods without covenants often practiced racial exclusion by other means. And the practice extended throughout the county. In 1940, Skagit's population of 37,650 included only 37 Black people and 713 Asian and Indigenous Americans. Thirty years later little had changed. The population remained 98% White with only 45 Black residents, 316 Asian and Pacific Islanders, and 650 Indigenous Americans living on or near the county's three reservations. Here we highlight subdivisions. For a more complete view of individual properties go to our Skagit parcels map


Neighborhood list with attached documents

Click the link to see a pdf copy of a restrictive document for each subdivision. There are three types of documents. Some subdivisions were restricted in the original plat; some in covenants (CCR) that applied to the full subdivision. In other cases the developer/seller included the restrictions in deeds of sale.

Island Subdivision/plat Restriction Properties Covered Document Type
Anacortes Anaco Beach That all rights of ownership and residence of the above described property are restricted to those of the Caucasian race.  76 Deed
Fidalgo Island Beach View Addition to Similk Beach Washington Said lands shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race.  28 Deed
Fidalgo Island Deception Pass Waterfront Tracts This property is not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be resold to anyone but persons of the Caucasian Race  62 Deed
Fidalgo Island Dewey Beach Addition This property is not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be resold to anyone but persons of the Caucasian Race  28 Deed
Fidalgo Island Dewey Beach Addition No. 2  This property is not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be resold to anyone but persons of the Caucasian Race  46 Deed
Fidalgo Island Dewey Beach Addition No. 3  This property is not to be used for commercial purposes and not to be resold to anyone but persons of the Caucasian Race  23 Deed
Mt Vernon Hartley and Rings Addition No race or nationality other than the Caucasian or White race, Gentile only, shall use or occupy any dwelling in any other capacity than of servant or hired help.  25 Plat
Lake Cavanaugh Lake Cavanaugh Subdivision Division No 1  No race or nationality other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants in a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant. 208 Plat
Lake Cavanaugh Lake Cavanaugh Subdivision Division No 2 No race or nationality other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants in a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant. 314 Plat
Lake Cavanaugh Lake Cavanaugh Subdivision Division No 3 No race or nationality other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants in a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant. 257 Plat
Fidalgo Island Madrona View Addition to Similk Beach Said lands shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race. 37 Deed
Mt Vernon Mount Vernon Heights Addition No persons of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  72 CCR
Anacortes Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 1 No persons of any race other than the white or Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  33 Plat
Fidalgo Island Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 2 No persons of any race other than the white or Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  35 Plat
Fidalgo Island Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 3 No persons of any race other than the white of Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own of occupy any building of any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner of tenant.  43 Plat
Fidalgo Island Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 4 No persons of any race other than the white or Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  24 Plat
Fidalgo Island Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 5 No persons of any race other than the white or Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  13 Plat
Fidalgo Island Rancho San Juan Del Mar No. 6 No persons of any race other than the white or Caucasian race (Gentiles only) shall own or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.  12 Plat
Fidalgo Island Similk Beach Said lands shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race. 117 Deed
Fidalgo Island Sound View Addition No.1 Said land shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race. 41 Deed
Fidalgo Island Sound View Addition No. 2 Said land shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race. 65 Deed
Fidalgo Island West Golf Addition to Similk Beach Said lands shall not at any time ever be sold, leased to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race. 15 Deed