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Now It's Time for Action!

All of you have calculated your emissions and you have surely discovered the unexpectedly high impact of some of your behaviors (eating meat, flying to a sunny destination, etc.) on your total footprints.

Are there any behaviors that you are really willing to change or to improve for the sake of the environment? What challenges do you encounter or think you will encounter while trying to change these things? What help, support, and insights from others would make your life easier with these new behaviors?

Let's discuss these issues and make our pledges here!

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Now It's Time for Action

Recent posts:

Yoyo Cheng   2024-04-23 05:49:58 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:15)
The most effective change

Through most most people's carbon footprints, you can realize that most familes have their carbon footprint based onto either food or transportation. There many ways you can solve each problem. First, to solve food carbon footprints, I would first suggest going vegetarian because when you eat and buy meat, you can cause a large amount of carbon footprint. Another way to restrict carbon footprint by going fo something local. The first way is to simply go to a local vegtable shop and buying something there. Even if you still want to buy meat, you should still use it through a local source. If you want to use transportation, it should be better if travel and have vacations locally and not go somewhere very far. Even if you do, you should still use public transportation like trains to get somewhere. This will be able to help solve many of the world's problems in our carbon footprint.

Fiona_unibff   2024-04-23 18:31:31

Yes I, believe going vegetarian will help, because if we don't eat a lot of meat it won't cause a large amount of carbon footprint. So I totally agree that eating vegetables will help lower the carbon footprint. And I also agree that going for vacation not going to a far place also helps the carbon footprint lessen

Darren Hunt   2024-04-24 00:22:39

Yes, being vegetarian would be better for Earth. Because we wouldn’t pollute the world more.

joayu   2024-10-16 11:46:15

Vegetarian is better for the Earth but it is also really hard for many families to stop eating meat. It might work to gradually start eating vegetarian meals.

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aterovic@hotmail.com   2024-10-15 11:08:21 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:46:12)
ISCFC Footprint Calculator

I noticed that most of it is lower than the average but because of sports, it's higher than average for transportation. Because of this, I should try to drive only for sports and things I need to drive for, but walking to school and stuff I'll keep on walking.

Jachar   2024-10-16 10:20:34

I also do a lot of sports and your transpartaion can get pretty high because you might travle for games and practices, one way i thought i could lower my CO2 is carpool with team mates.

jakluer   2024-10-16 11:46:12

I am going to start recycling more plastic and other materials, and when going long distances for sports or other activities I should carpool more with friends.

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Tintasytonercompatibles   2024-05-07 03:29:53 (Last post: 2024-10-16 11:04:53)
With small gestures we help

In our company, Tintasytonercompatibles, we are using only recycled plastics, in addition to reusing all the boxes and packaging we receive to minimize our carbon footprint. We have changed the labels to just a QR to minimize plastic waste. We can all help!

emitun   2024-10-16 11:04:53

But is there a way that we can do more than this can we spread it further?

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NorDeV   2024-10-11 10:26:15
Cut Back On The Dairy

I know that everyone likes ice cream, milk, Mac n' Cheese, and just cheese in general--- but have you ever thought about how it affects the climate? Cows--- the source of all our dairy--- release methane, a global-warming inducing chemical, through their digestive system.(As in, when they b*rp or far*...) Personally, I am the only dairy eater in a lactose-intolerant family, but I still feel that we could cut back on the dairy so that farms don't breed cows so much, and so (Hopefully) the amount of methane going into the atmosphere will reduce. (Lactose-free ice cream is good, people!) This is just a thought, but personally, I will try to cut back on the dairy. A pebble in the ocean still creates a ripple! Thanks for hearing me out, and if anyone has any other ideas that don't involve giving up cheese for the sake of the world and reducing methane, I'm all ears!

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GIU2024   2024-10-09 00:26:57
Now or never

Here are some thinks we can all do to help the environment and reduce our footprint:
.Go on foot and use pubblic transport to consume less carbon
.Take recicling
.Buy second hand clothes or for example use our cousin or brother old clothes
.Switch off the lights or in general the electrical devices
.Turn down the heating and putt on more layers

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elcoBOD   2024-05-14 14:28:36 (Last post: 2024-09-25 10:19:23)
How does transportation affect the environment?

Vehicles such as cars are a big part of getting around in the present day. But the carbon footprint they leave is huge. Gas cars release about 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year, as more cars are bought and produced the number quickly climbs. About 60% of Americans don't take public transportation or other forms of more environmentally acceptable transportation. Instead choosing to take their cars to travel, around 79% being gas cars. Instead, promoting public transportation or other forms of eco friendly transportation can support the ecosystem. Replacing travel with a gas car with public transportation reduces 45% of carbon emissions to the atmosphere, doing the same with a bike or walking can further help.

Seabasstan   2024-09-25 10:19:23

yeah cause 8 lane highways arn't to hot for the environment, just look at California for example.

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Wintersean   2024-04-23 23:30:41
Take action

In almost everyone's carbon foot print there average is really high. So we have to protect our home so the next generation can live in a peaceful world. Recycle more, walk more, close the lights when you live a room, when you don't need air conditioner, protect our home.

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Wintersean   2024-04-23 23:29:32
Take action

In almost everyone's carbon foot print there average is really high. So we have to protect our home so the next generation can live in a peaceful world. Recycle more, walk more, close the lights when you live a room, when you don't need air conditioner, protect our home.

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Felicia22   2024-04-23 03:45:02
Take Action. Now.

As we all know, climate change and carbon footprints are destroying our precious yet weakening planet. We talk about it all the time. We talk about the causes and effects, the solutions, and why we shouldn't produce so much carbon footprint. But no one really took action. Instead we just sit here ranting on and on about how evil humans are, and how "deeply necessary" it is that we do something, blah blah blah. Now, don't get me wrong, what we talk about is all right and true. But we need to take action. For example, I now walk to school more often than before, instead of riding in a car. Even though this may not seem like a big change at all, it is still something. Remember, small things lead to great things. For those who have the ability to make a bigger change, don't wait, just do. This is for our planet. It's dying day by day while you're deciding if you should buy one more pair of shoes to add to your LOVELY shoe collection.
So please, let's start taking action into saving our planet Earth, and its wondrous nature. Big or small, it's still something, and it will help lead to a better future for everyone.

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dalila.dumitrache   2024-04-10 03:42:03 (Last post: 2024-04-22 21:00:07)

The oxygen provided by forests is too precious to give up

dahiCPS   2024-04-22 21:00:07

This is a big one. So much of historical rainforest area has been destroyed and converted for either agricultural or industrial purposes. Not only to these in themselves contribute largely to the amount of Carbon in the air, but the loss of the trees means that less cellular respiration is occurring, meaning that less CO2 is being taken out of the atmosphere. So yes, we do need to address the issue of deforestation, and preferably sooner rather than later.

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hodin   2024-04-22 11:17:24
Happy Earth Day!

Hello all and happy Earth Day, my favorite day of the year!

Today it has just gotten warm enough here in coastal Washington state for me to hang my laundry for the first time since last autumn.  It is unusually warm and sunny here, which is probably due in part to climate change.  But his reminds me that in a changing climate we can adapt and still do things to help the earth, like drying my clothes in the unusual sun!

Also today I will go clean one of my favorite beaches when it is low tide - which is in 10 minutes!

What are you doing to celebrate our shared planet today?

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AlexMihai16   2024-04-21 23:58:48
A better city

recycling, saving water, cutting down cigarettes, using busses

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Amir.Sarsour   2024-04-19 01:46:11
We should act now before its to late!!

Many scientific studys show that
nature and the climate is declining at a very fast rate. We should act normativ before its to late!

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Vladgagicaru22   2024-04-10 03:42:29 (Last post: 2024-04-19 01:22:13)

Carți fueh

Amir.Sarsour   2024-04-19 01:22:13

Aia zic bai băiatule

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Ana-Maria590   2024-04-10 02:04:20

In my opinion there should be bins for recyclable waste to save more CO2 and stop polluting the air. We should also find a way to use recyclable waste in households as well.

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7293   2024-04-10 01:56:20
Now it's time for Action

The climate NEDS to change.

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Maria-Alexandra   2024-04-10 01:55:10
Încălzirea globală

Global warming is the phenomenon of increases in the average temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades as a result of greenhouse gas emissions produced primarily by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This phenomenon has serious consequences for the environment and life on Earth, including melting glaciers, rising sea levels and changes in weather patterns. Combating global warming is one of the biggest challenges facing modern society.

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Andrei.moisă   2024-04-10 01:31:18
It's time for action

There's a lot of problem's and we should do something. CO2 is a big problem and there's country's that produce a lot of CO2
Here are the top 10 biggest CO2 producers (first time I searched top 10 biggest CO2 producers I was scared I didn't know that they are produce that lot of CO2)

China, with more than 14 million tons of CO2 released.
United States, with 6 million tons of CO2.
India, with 3.5 million tons of CO2.
European Union 3.4 million tons of CO2.
Russia, with 2 million tons of CO2.
Japan, 1,170 million tons of CO2.
Brazil, 1.140 million tons of CO2.

I know that's a lot of CO2

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tihoBOD   2023-05-10 23:17:01 (Last post: 2024-04-05 04:27:14)
Species Going Extinct Due to Climate Change!!!

Greenhouse gas emissions from humans are a hostile force that is wiping out and threatening many plant and animal species. Although many precious species, from the golden toad to the orange-spotted filefish, and more have gone extinct due to human activities resulting in climate change, it is still our responsibility to protect the rest. According to a report by the United Nations of Biodiversity, species are depleting hundreds of times more than in the past 60 years. There are over 9.2 million living organisms on planet Earth. Around two-thirds of those living organisms live on land, but they are constantly facing the threat of extinction, as are the species in oceans and aquatic habitats. In today's world, we are facing the sixth mass extinction event, caused by humans, which could be the final blow to wiping out all species on earth if we don't work as a whole to overcome this. The WWF Living Planet Report 2022 displayed that in less than 50 years, the world lost sixty-nine percent of all mammal, fish, bird, reptile, and amphibian populations. This means that many keystone species might've died, leading to trophic cascades that negatively affect the ecosystem, as biodiversity is very important for an ecosystem to thrive. There are now a total of 42,100 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered or threatened with extinction. This is up from 16,118 compared to 2022, which is a huge leap, mostly caused by high carbon emissions. Only 28% of species have been analyzed by the IUCN Red List, and out of these, 41% of amphibians, 27% of mammals, 34% of conifers, 13% of birds, 37% of sharks and rays, 36% of reef corals, 26% of selected crustaceans, 21% of reptiles, and 69% of cycads are all at risk of extinction. Additionally, wild mammal biomass has declined by 85% since the rise of humans. Researchers predict that 6% of plants and animals will disappear, going completely extinct by 2050. Furthermore, in the worst-case scenario of global warming, scientists estimate that 27% of plants and animals could disappear by 2100. For instance, Asian elephants and orangutans are endangered because their habitats are being destroyed by deforestation and the loss of plants they feed on due to climate change. Leatherback sea turtles are also becoming endangered because of global warming, which is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, as the water is becoming too warm for them and their food to survive in. Additionally, snow leopards, polar bears, and Adelie penguins are endangered due to the Arctic shrinking at 14% per decade and their prey, such as krill, moving away on melting Antarctic ice sheets. With this rapid decline in the amount of ice, either these animals die of starvation or they search other areas for food and survival, like land. Not only do animals on land face high risk, but also aquatic animals such as the North Atlantic cod have been going extinct. As the Arctic melts, the cold water that melts from the ice changes how the entire ecosystem works, and unfortunately, The North Atlantic cod could not adapt. Lastly, many corals, such as the Staghorn Coral, are threatened by coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and diseases, which are all caused by warmer water that these organisms are not used to living in. In summary, the entire world is suffering from heavy species loss due to greenhouse gases, especially carbon emissions. We can do our part to conserve and restore biodiversity by doing simple things, such as biking more often, taking shorter showers, or buying locally, which may help to rehabilitate all of our extraordinary, distinctive species on Earth.

https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/h … ate-crisis
https://www.co2nsensus.com/blog/animals … al-warming
https://www.iucnredlist.org/search?taxo … pe=species
https://www.theguardian.com/environment … -warns-aoe
https://www.animalsaroundtheglobe.com/m … ast%20year.

Michaelleooss   2024-04-05 04:27:14

The alarming rate of species going extinct due to climate change highlights the urgent need for action to mitigate its effects. As habitats become uninhabitable and ecosystems are disrupted by rising temperatures and extreme weather events, many species are struggling to adapt and survive. This loss of biodiversity not only impacts the natural world but also poses significant risks to human societies, including disruptions to food systems, increased vulnerability to natural disasters, and loss of cultural heritage. As app developers west palm beach, we have a responsibility to leverage technology and innovation to address these challenges. By developing mobile apps that raise awareness about climate change, promote sustainable practices, and facilitate conservation efforts, we can empower individuals and communities to take meaningful action to protect our planet and its precious biodiversity. Together, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all species.

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Adrianapedro60   2024-03-22 06:10:30 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:41:29)
Save the Earth

Climate change is a real thing and people need to start taking bigger steps to reduce the climate. This is important because the Earth could be at stake. People need to start using items that don’t emit carbon. Cars and other transportation are a big factor. Lucky for us, there are hybrid and electric cars. These cars dont use as much gas as a normal car. If everyone had an electric car, it would help the climate. There are many more things that people can do to help the Earth.

Py88   2024-03-22 07:23:58

I agree that humans need to step up and start taking action to help prevent climate change from worsening. We have seen many clear changes in the world’s weather patterns, oceans acidity, more animals becoming extinct, and so much more. We have also seen that many of these things are caused by CO2 imbalanced caused by humans. One last thing is that our carbon foot print really shows that our daily activities affect the carbon cycle greatly.If humans just made an effort right now and took action then maybe we can reduce climate change.

pbaroody   2024-03-22 07:35:48

I agree I think people should drive electric cars. This is better because Elon Musk is a genius and knows how much better our world would be with everyone sliding in electric whips.

Tlaukka   2024-03-22 08:41:29

Climate change is a real and big thing, people need to start worrying about it more. If people learn about it then people can learn how to help. Many things can help but a lot more hurt the environment. Electric cars can be very helpful but there are some that hurt the climate more then helping.

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Ameliac!!24   2024-03-22 08:09:57
We NEED to act on climate change immediately!

Climate change is a real and major issue that our Earth is facing and if we don’t act and make changes right now, the future of our planet is at high risk. For starters, many people don’t even realize and understand that climate change is a real issue and many don’t believe that it is a real thing. So first off we need to get more people on board with the fact that this is a real problem that our planet is facing. Obviously not everyone is going to believe that climate change is really happening, but we do not have time to wait for every single person to get on board. We need to get more people on board with the fact, and then keep moving forward. World representatives, presidents, leaders, etc. need to focus on big changes that countries as a whole, for example implementing solutions like ocean power, geothermal power, kelp restoration, etc. to make bigger changes to help limit countries carbon emissions as a whole. At the community, town, and school level they need to focus on making smaller changes like going plastic free, creating more gardens, etc. because it is not realistic for schools to be making major changes, but if we get a majority of schools, communities, and towns to make a lot of small changes we would see a major decline in our CO2 emissions. Everyone needs to get on board with the fact that climate change is real and happening right now, and if we don't act now the future of our planet is on the line.

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Lauren_Spear12   2024-03-22 07:44:30
Climate Change Should be Changed Now

Climate change is rising at out finger tips and getting worse every day. But the problem is no one is actually trying really hard to make adaptations. It’s time for that to start. Humans are one of the main contributors to climate change and global warming. Even though people might disagree with changing some of their ways, its still important to change. Every little thing could make a difference and make a big step towards a more sustainable and livable planet. Things such as even turning off the water when you brush your teeth or unplugging chargers that you aren’t using from the wall. All these little adaptations make a huge difference especially when everyone does them and knows about them. That’s why we also need to make people are well educated about climate change so everyone can work together to make the planet livable and sustainable more years to come.

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Kalen.1   2023-11-13 23:59:24 (Last post: 2024-03-12 11:16:51)
Food based carbon

large amounts of peoples carbon footprints comes from their consumption of food, specifically meat. when you look at how much carbon you can keep from entering the atmosphere just by reducing your meat consumption I'm sure you would be astonished. For example just by switching my meat consumption to "Vegan 90% of the time or more" I reduce my carbon footprint by nearly 1700 kgs. Personally I would be okay with giving up meat in general for the better of the earth. Though I feel it could be challenging considering I still live at home with my family and don't decide what I eat for certain meals. I say challenging, not impossible. Different ideas for overcoming this obstacle could be cooking for the household more and more times per week, communicating with your family about possible eating more plant based food, and doing the grocery shopping for the household. Or another option could be the whole house going vegan, assuming that everyone is happy to comply. Other things that create lots of carbon are eating non organic foods. Foods that were imported from far away on a car or an airplane add immense amounts to your carbon footprint. You could help this by making more of an effort to shop at local grocery stores and making sure the food you buy is organic.

Jatziry   2024-02-23 16:13:16

people who eat meat every day special red meat have a large amount of carbon footprint because the farms that the animal lives in, farms use a lot of water and food resources to feed the animals, and don't forget the amount waste that the animals producer.

Jatziry   2024-02-23 16:14:16

people who eat meat every day special red meat have a large amount of carbon footprint because the farms that the animal lives in, farms use a lot of water and food resources to feed the animals, and don't forget the amount of waste that the animals produce.

hodin   2024-03-12 11:16:51

I agree with you both that reducing meat and dairy consumption is a very impactful way to lower your carbon impact.  My brother and his wife were always big eaters of meat and dairy, and when they turned 50, they not only wanted to eat healthier, they also wanted to live more sustainably.  So they started a diet suggested by Mark Bittman called "VB6" - meaning "vegan before 6pm".

In doing this they didn't have to give up 100% of their meat and dairy all at once (most people when they try that revert to meat eating after a short time) while still having a big impact on their carbon production, and also living healthier!  That could be something to suggest to parents who don't want to give up meat entirely but are interested in trying a little change.

Oh and one more benefit!  My brother is a great cook, and since he went VB6 he's an even better cook, because he's now got a wider range of skills, versatility and ideas in the kitchen.

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finnleyg   2024-01-31 12:56:29
Now its Time For Action

Something that I can do to decreese the ammount of carbon is I can always turrn off the lights when I go out of a room in my house . A challenge that I think that I will encounter is that I will forget to turn off the lights and so they would stay on all day. I could remind myself to turn off the lights by putting a post-it note on the mirror to remind me to turn off the lights before I leave.

Another thing that we can do this at Whitby is to get solar pannals, because solar panels don't burn any fossil fuels. They get their energy from the sun.

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ainsleys   2024-01-31 12:24:58
Now its time for action

Now its time for action, my second question is what challeneges do you encounter or think you will encounter while trying to change one of your behaviours? One challenge I may face is not being able to reduce the amount of times you drive, use public transportation or carpool. Your not always going to have a friend you can get a ride with or be able to reduce the amount of times you drive, but some ways you can cut back on those things are, in the morning you can take the bus to school, instead of having your parents drive you, that way not only you get to save carbon but you get to be with your friends. Another way you can reduce the amound of carbon you use is, you can bike around to places that are near you, for example if you want to go to grab stuff from the store, instead of driving for five minutes you can walk for a easy fifteen, and even though you might not want to have to take the bus of walk to the store, these changes can really help the enviroment stay healthy.

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NinaH   2024-01-31 11:28:06
Now It’s Time for Action!

OPTION FOUR - Now It’s Time for Action!

Are there any behaviors that you are really willing to change or improve for the sake of the environment?

Yes, in fact there are a few simple ways to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide released every single day;

-Turn off the lights when you leave a room/space! Turning off the lights will save around 400 kgs of Carbon dioxide by only one press/click/switch.

-Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth! If you leave the water running for two min it will release 2 kgs of Carbon Dioxide but you brush your teeth more than once per day. So in total you would be releasing around 6kgs of Carbon Dioxide EVERY DAY!

-Use gas or fuel oil to keep your home warm in the cold season! Using gas or fuel oils release a lot less Carbon dioxide than coal or wood. Wood releases 6971 kgs of Carbon Dioxide, coal releases 10709 kgs Carbon Dioxide and gas or fuel oil only releases 3183 kgs of Carbon Dioxide. (it is even better to use electricity to heat your home because it only releases 1912 kgs of Carbon Dioxide)

-Take short showers (around 5 min)! Taking short showers can release 115 kgs of Carbon Dioxide, but taking 5-10 to shower releases 285 kgs of Carbon Dioxide.

-Compost your food scraps! Composting food scraps or vegetables can take away 65 kgs of Carbon Dioxide (it reduces the amount of Carbon Dioxide).

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Lana Vugrinec   2023-05-04 11:46:15 (Last post: 2023-11-26 12:51:12)

We can do a lot of things to help to keep the enviroment healthy like simple recycling or just educate ourself about how important is to keep the enviroment healthy for futire generations.

Serenitie08   2023-11-05 15:02:47

I agree, it seems though that many people seem to just brush off the little things we can do just like recycling and throwing away our trash.  Doing these things it will help our world stay clean and healthy as you said for future generations.

jaydo   2023-11-15 15:20:00

I agree, though lots of people around us tend to just forget about keeping the environment healthy. We can educate and help people by just reminding them of ways to save the environment like throwing our compost in the compost instead of the garbage, throwing our plastic bottles in recycling bins and many more ways just to keep our environment healthy.

mattengle05   2023-11-26 12:51:12

I agree, recycling and Enviromental education play crucial roles in preserving our planet. small actions collectively contribute to a healthier environment, ensuring a sustainable future to come.

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AmbraR   2021-05-13 23:21:17 (Last post: 2023-11-13 22:02:31)
The world will be a better place if ....

The world will be a better place if we use the public transport to reduce the carbon emissions

OPENDANOOR1   2023-01-24 10:12:48

is your name rodrigo

Bethany_G@rcia   2023-11-03 15:17:35

I completely agree. Public transport is a great way to start a reduction in the carbon emissions coming from other ways of transportation. In fact with each individual that chooses to make this change a change of up to 2.2 tons of emissions can be saved. Even doing things like carpooling can make a change too! If carpooling is an option this could save up to 1.0 tons of carbon emissions and is worth it if it's a possible option for people.

https://www.un.org/en/actnow/transport# … 3.6%20tons!

E32309   2023-11-03 15:26:58

I agree. More public transportation would definitely be better for the environment. I think that the USA especially has to work on this. The USA is very car-dependent, which causes a lot of problems. First of all, there is a lot of traffic, which makes people late for work, school, etc. It also negatively impacts the environment by having more cars on the road emitting carbon dioxide. Having better public transportation would make daily commutes to and from work and school more convenient for people, and it would reduce the amount of pollution in the air.

Mauro GR   2023-11-03 15:30:47

You definitely have a point. If a destination is too far to walk or bike to, public transportation is a great way to reduce carbon emissions for two reasons. First, public transportation allows larger groups of people to travel to the same destination and it takes up less space. You can imagine how much more space there is when there's 20 people on a bus compared to 20 people in individual cars on a road. Furthermore, a lot of the buses in my area have a "clean gas certified" text or something similar to that, and it made me think about how many cars in the U.S. are electric. According to J.D. Power, only less than 1% of all car sales are electric. If we compare the facts  here, being able to transport more people at the same time while taking up less space with vehicles that are intentionally made to reduce carbon, is something that should be more acknowledged and preferred compared to individual people transporting themselves which takes up more space, and less than 1% of these cars are made to drastically reduce carbon emissions.

https://www.jdpower.com/cars/shopping-g … e-electric

elliesimons   2023-11-13 22:02:31

I completely agree with what you said. I think that using public transportation can have a very positive impact on the environment and make the world a better place. If we reduce the number of cars on the road, then we can decrease the amount of air pollution and carbon emissions. Buses and trains can transport a large number of people at once, reducing traffic and promoting a greener way to get around. For example, I've started bussing home from school every day due to my parents working, and even though I'm just one person, if we can get more people to make these little changes in their lives, we can slowly help save our planet, and reduce the amount of carbon emissions.

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M4ry4m_09   2023-11-02 18:44:34 (Last post: 2023-11-11 14:39:58)
Save Our Planet

We are very fortunate to live at a Planet that provides us with so much benefits but yet we still don't take it for granted. For example 90% percent of the earths population is  breathing polluted air. Air pollution causes 5 million deaths worldwide. We are the reason for the pollution and we need to stop it before it's too late! The factories we create and work for are the biggest reasons of air pollution. Instead of factories producing everything we can make home made and organic food. The human population is growing  but at a slow rate, this increasing population needs use of more resources to sustain the population.  With the growing human population the use of plastic is increasing which is obviously bad for the environment. There is so many things that can make a huge difference in are environments, for example reducing factories, not using plastic as much etc. Reducing carbon footprint can help Earth a lot, our carbon footprints play an important role on global warming.  Global warming is not just bad for planet earth but it can affect us humans and other species.  We can reduce our carbon footprint by saving water and electricity.  We waste 1.7 gallons of water annually we can reduce that number just by turning are faucet off when we aren’t using it. By doing simple things we can make a huge difference in our environment.

GingerHinton   2023-11-05 19:38:00

This is a very good analysis because it shows how and why humans are the cause of pollution. Not only does it explain it, it also gives the human society ideas of how we can help our planet become healthier.

G.bilg   2023-11-11 14:39:58

I agree with what you have stated here. Although there are a lot of different things that contribute to climate change, I think that factories have the biggest impact. Did you know that from the top 20 dairy and meat producers around the world have gone up 3% compared to last year. Also, the fashion industry has a huge impact on this aswell with around 20% of the 300 million plastic waste produced comes from the fashion industry, if you think about it, that’s around 60 million tons of plastic waste just from the fashion industry!

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sofija   2023-05-02 23:51:17 (Last post: 2023-11-10 15:44:48)
Now It’s time for Action

I think that now it’s time to educate ourselves and others about the impact of our actions on the environment, and the steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint. Education plays a critical role in reducing our carbon footprint, as they can help us better understand the impact of our actions on the environment and identify ways to make positive changes. I think that we can educate people in schools and on social media because a lot of people will see it there.

alyt   2023-11-03 11:15:01

I agree. The more people learn about their carbon footprint, the easier it will be to implement changes to improve it. I wasn't aware about my carbon footprint's impact until recently learning about it in school.

bellabean   2023-11-03 11:34:17

YES! well said i completely agree, Education does play a major role in reducing anyone's carbon footprint,just by doing this assignment i feel more aware of my actions,and its more clear what i need do the lower my carbon foot print.It is very beneficial for people to not only see how negative their actions can be towards the planet but to also know what to do about it.

Aila123   2023-11-10 15:44:48

I totally agree with this statement, Educating others is such a great way to start with helping to prevent things. When you educate others with a thoughtful explantation it can really show a new perspective to the topic. For example i babysat for a family who would just throw out there leftovers after they're done dinner, and i would know that because i would see a full 2 servings of mac and cheese in their compost. So what i started to do was after i was done feeding the kids instead of throwing it out like they said i would simply put it in a container in a fridge. Then after a few weeks i could see that they noticed and started to do that and now they always put leftovers in the fridge. So those little things can definitely help. Because waste is a big thing that effects climate change.

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julian000   2023-11-09 03:31:55
Now it’s time for action

Hello, I'm going to talk about what we can do to change the situation for the better climate. To help change climate change, we can take measures such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, using sustainable transportation and supporting renewable energy.

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Mauro GR   2023-11-06 05:52:09
Social Media and Climate Change

I'm sure most of us use social media at least once in a while, and I want ask how many of you have seen anything related to climate change within the past week? This could have been an ad or a post that was either calling out for action or denying it completely. Personally, I haven't received anything related to climate change in the past week, and that very well be because social media apps are recommending different content I'm more interested in, but I also believe that social media can and should be used as a way to get out messages further into the public and reach a bigger audience. Thanks to social media, anyone can have a voice and can project their voice throughout the world, regardless of language boundaries. Opinions can be expressed and solutions can be thought of with people around the globe about a global problem. This also means that organizations may also update the public on their discoveries and/or ways to reduce carbon emissions, especially if a big company posts something about it, it already reaches a large audience. Also, this allows for information about climate change to spread, like statistics that prove climate change. However, I also believe that some of this information should be monitored. This is because social media also allows for misinformation to spread. One study found that 16 of the largest polluters in the world had uploaded over 1700 ads on Facebook containing misleading information about climate change, which reached over 150 million people. Also, activists on social media may only call out for action rather than actually putting in effort to reduce carbon emissions. On a final note, as much as social media may be used to call out against climate change, it still uses a lot of energy which adds to an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That is why I believe social media is both a good and a bad tool for acting against climate change.

https://charitydigital.org.uk/topics/to … vism-10898
https://www.nrdc.org/stories/climate-mi … ate-action

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159C519   2023-11-02 17:47:24 (Last post: 2023-11-05 19:33:06)
Some environmental consequences of a rapidly growing population

Some of the environmental consequences of a rapidly growing human population are that the Earth will become more polluted with all of the factories in production of goods for humans to survive. it will also have consequences  because of the plastic and trash that humans produce around the world and on top of that the carbon gases that humans produce. All of these factors for make up the environmental consequences.  I feel like one way that we can help allow these environmental consequences to not all happen is for us as a whole too not use so much plastic and when we do use plastic dispose of it properly. Another way would be to have a cleaner environmental airflow by not polluting the Earth so much with all of these factories, and trash that we throw everywhere.

https://ugc.berkeley.edu/background-con … e%20oceans.

GingerHinton   2023-11-05 19:33:06

I agree with this statement because it shows how we affect the environment but also gives advice on how we could fix our past mistakes of pollution. The only thing that is wrong with this statement is that they lack the steps and outlets of how to incorporate the advice this person has given. If they put examples of how to use less plastic or learn how to dispose of plastic in a way that will not harm the environment then I would call it an amazing analyses.

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Serenitie08   2023-11-05 15:26:45
Climate change

Our weather is changing fairly quickly due to climate change, over here in California it’s been warm even during the fall the hot weather barely stopped about a week or so ago.   But all we can probably do is lower our carbon emissions in hopes to slow down the climate change even just a little bit.

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Takoyama   2023-11-04 22:37:31
I really need to stop drinking so much milk

More than half of my recorded footprint came from food because I go through like 3 gallons of milk by myself in a week.  If I went vegan or something my footprint would be below average but I just consume too much dairy.  And it's not even meat like I eat a considerable amount of meat too but nothing outside of what's considered the normal amount, plus I need the protein for working out.  On top of that I feel like it can't be good for my health, humans are the only animal that drinks milk from another animal and that just doesn't sound natural.  literally when I input dairy in the food category my total went up by like 3,000 kg it was insane

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GingerHinton   2023-11-04 18:21:05
How the human species can help prevent climate change

Since climate change has been the effect of humans fueling transport and helping themselves live more comfortably, they must find ways to keep this going without worsening the effect of climate change. Some ways we must do this is to create new transportation functions without burning fossil fuels or creating pollution, using electric cars, and make new discoveries that provide the same functions without creating pollution.

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diana.alesia   2023-04-25 13:49:32 (Last post: 2023-11-03 11:42:07)
Now It's Time for Action

How can I act?

Beckett S   2023-05-05 14:56:06

You can start your adventure by taking the train, bus, or even a bike to work. According to the EPA, quitting driving for just a year can help you save 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide. It's important to reduce carbon emissions because the greenhouse gases that are emitted make the Earth warmer, which can drastically change the ecosystem and atmosphere. One thing you could do is stop eating meat. Cows belch 220 pounds of methane per year, which is very bad for the environment. Another option is to eat less meat, which is also helpful for reducing your carbon footprint. You can substitute vegan meat, which is made of soy and textured vegetable protein, for meat. Additionally, vegan meat aids in the prevention of heart disease. All in all, there are many small things you can do to cut your carbon emissions and help the Earth.

https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyNET.exe/P10 … y=10&slide

Nay@ML   2023-11-03 11:42:07

These are great Ideas,but there are other ways to help climate change that require less time and sacrifice, little things like reusing and recycling old materials, for example, donating clothes you have grown out of, or recycling old batteries, you can also buy rechargeable batteries or even just substituting plastics for reusable alternatives.

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Davian112   2023-11-03 09:03:01
Now Its Time for Action

It's time for action one of the things we need to stop is burning fossil fuels like coal and oil and putting all this carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Scientists have observed the high  level of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere and other green house gases this causes the world to heat up. So we need to cut back on burning fossil fuels and plant more food in our local area to stop wasting food.

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Zack L   2023-11-02 20:42:29
Now It's Time for Action

We have developed many problems that are affecting our planet, an example of this is climate change. Climate change affects the whole world, meaning the solution is for everyone to act on. We can do this by using less energy at home; and turning off the electronic devices and lights after we’re done using them. Shorter showers, less meat consumption, drive less. For many some of these solutions cannot be done due to their circumstances. So instead, we can all promote the dangers of climate change, clean energy, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Another thing we can do is to hold different industries, the government, and businesses accountable for their large share of global warming.

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M4ry4m_09   2023-11-02 18:42:08
Save Our Planet.!

We are very fortunate to live at a Planet that provides us with so much benefits but yet we still don't take it for granted. For example 90% percent of the earths population is  breathing polluted air. Air pollution causes 5 million deaths worldwide. We are the reason for the pollution and we need to stop it before it's too late! The factories we create and work for are the biggest reasons of air pollution. Instead of factories producing everything we can make home made and organic food. The human population is growing  but at a slow rate, this increasing population needs use of more resources to sustain the population.  With the growing human population the use of plastic is increasing which is obviously bad for the environment. There is so many things that can make a huge difference in are environments, for example reducing factories, not using plastic as much etc. Reducing carbon footprint can help Earth a lot, our carbon footprints play an important role on global warming.  Global warming is not just bad for planet earth but it can affect us humans and other species.  We can reduce our carbon footprint by saving water and electricity.  We waste 1.7 gallons of water annually we can reduce that number just by turning are faucet off when we aren’t using it.

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seth_1   2023-11-02 10:49:52
How We Can Reduce Our Carbon Footprints and Why

The amount of CO2 being released into our atmosphere is astonishing. Humans are the main cause of these huge carbon footprints, but there are many other factors. If the whole world was able to reduce our overall carbon footprint, we could help our planet tremendously.
    One major effect of our large carbon footprints is global warming. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses being trapped in our atmosphere  and then emitting radiation back down to the surface, and that is what heats up the Earth. Some of these gases are released into our atmosphere en masse, and one of those gases would be carbon dioxide, or CO2. Carbon comes from our cars, busses, planes, and many other day to day things. While animals and plants do produce carbon, we are the main cause. Reducing our carbon footprints is the only way to help our Earth and slow global warming, and there are some very easy ways to do that.
    Some ways to reduce our carbon footprints is to save water and electricity. By turning off the water or the lights when you don’t need them, you can save immense amounts of energy. Unplugging devices when they’re fully charged, not leaving the faucet running, and using natural light instead of artificial are some other ways to save.  Walking and riding bikes, or even taking a bus or train instead of a car can reduce the amount of CO2 emissions by almost 33%. Recycling, using cloth towels instead of paper, reusable containers,  ect. can also  reduce the amount of pollution and help our environment as well. Unfortunately, these things can only help a small portion, as much of the gases in our atmosphere are coming from factories,, 100 factories produce 71% od CO2 emissions.  The solutions for this have been sparse, corporations have been releasing smog into the sky since the Industrial revolution, and they don’t plan on stopping soon, The best many people can do is just try their best to save on energy and reduce their carbon footprints, but a solution will have to be made quickly
    There have been numerous tries to reduce carbon footprints around the world, but with a growing population, more and more greenhouse gases are being released. Wasteful purchases mean more factories are profiting, which means more is being produced, and more greenhouse gases are in our atmosphere. The environmental impact of global warming is huge, icebergs are melting and heat waves are lasting weeks on end.  If people around the world start to make an active effort to reduce our carbon footprints, change will be possible. But as long as we continue to have large carbon footprints, nothing will change. Solutions must be made to help our environment, and to save what’s left of our planet.
If anyone has any other ideas on how to help, with reducing our carbon footprints or maybe factories, then that would be incredibly helpful smile

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Aaqil   2023-11-01 12:22:06
Its time for action

We are fortunate to live on a planet that provides us with so many benefits, but we don’t take enough care of it. For example, air pollution. 91% of the earth’s population is breathing polluted air. In 2017, air pollution caused 5 million deaths worldwide. Most of the pollution comes from the gas emissions of factories. One of the best ways to drastically reduce this problem is to use less factory-made products. Other ways are to make home-made products instead of store-bought ones, or to use less plastic. Littering Littering is the practice of humans leaving their trash around, which has a negative impact on marine life. Most of the time, people are responsible for their own trash. That means they’re responsible for the garbage they’re throwing away. Many of the plastic we use ends up in the ocean, killing marine animals. One of the biggest ways to reduce plastic usage is to use metal water bottles instead of minimal use plastic water bottles. My final example is wastage of water in our environment.Did you know that we waste 1.7 gallons of water annually.We can preserve about 10 gallons of water a day if we can just turn off the faucet.2/3 of the water we use comes from showers,so we should all make an effort to limit our time in there.In this earth we have to take care of eachother and put our own needs and desires aside.We all can make efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and make the world a better place.

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Pakhin   2023-11-01 08:54:27
The human population is bigger than ever!

Ever since the 1800s and 1900s the population of the human race has seen a huge increase in size. This increase of size makes us use up more resources to sustain the new individuals that are coming into earth, and since we have to use more resources to sustain the new individuals the effect on our environment could be devastating! One cause of the increase of the population is pollution, meaning if we use more resources for the new individual the more waste is produced, causing our seas to be polluted and the air to be filled with gases. Now it's time to fix this, one way we could fix this is to turn to Eco-friendly products, use electric solar panels,and to try our best in picking up waste.

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Jayden B   2023-10-17 19:34:38 (Last post: 2023-10-30 10:34:08)
How To Reduce Carbon Footprint Without Changing Your Lifestyle

Believe it or not, there are easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint without changing your habits or lifestyle. Taking initiatives such as turning down your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or installing a low-flow showerhead to reduce hot water use are great ways to reduce your carbon footprint without changing your ways. This will still allow you to take nice hot showers but will also help reduce your carbon footprint and even save you money!

Source: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/ … d-graphic/

Emely/sjrstate   2023-10-19 08:58:42

There are plenty of ways on how to reduce your carbon footprint without it changing your life.Its a common misconception that being environmentally friendly will change your lifestyle in a bad way in reality it’s easier than you think.You can start with simple things such as bringing your own reusable bags to the store, or to turn the lights off when there not in use.Overall it’s a great idea to find ways on how to reduce your carbon footprint.

Zoe23   2023-10-30 10:34:08

These are great ideas! I hadn't even considered a low-flow showerhead.

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Jayden B   2023-10-17 20:00:17
How to Reduce Carbon Footprint when Driving

The cars and trucks that we drive every day contribute to about 20% of the total carbon emissions generated by the United States. That's a big percentage of our carbon emissions coming from just one source. In order to reduce your carbon footprint while driving, try to implement these strategies to reduce your car's overall carbon emissions.

• Use cruise control

• Avoid unnecessary breaking and acceleration

• Use air conditioning only when necessary

• Don't sit in your car while it's running

• Drive less / carpool

Source: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2018/ … footprint/

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BawaBOD   2023-05-23 10:42:18 (Last post: 2023-09-28 11:14:55)
Plastic Production

Plastic production and waste is one of the most widespread climate issues. Plastic not only creates a large amount of greenhouse gases, but the plastic itself also affects the environment around it. According to MIT, if the amount of plastic produced in the world stays on track, it would contribute as many greenhouse gases as the entire continent of Africa by 2030. As for how it affects to environment, an insane amount of plastic is thrown out into our roads and oceans, causing ecosystems to collapse and organisms to not be able to function. This progressively destroys the environment and doesn't allow greenhouse sinks to function. One of the ways we could solve this is to instate a more efficient recycling system that encourages recycling and punishes littering. For example, the German recycling and return system is one of the most efficient at reducing plastic waste, as it punishes and makes it difficult to freely throw away plastics.

amelie12   2023-09-28 10:36:38

This is a good showign of plastic production, its very informative and shows a solution in the end.

1dfembrey   2023-09-28 11:14:55

this facts

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1mfspinosa   2023-09-27 19:37:43
Collective actions vs. Individual actions

Collective and individual actions are both helpful and contribute a lot to end climate change but collective actions are what can really change our climate and help reduce the carbon dioxide in the air. The problem is that not enough collective actions are being made and climate change is still a problem. What can be done right now are individual actions which can still have a great effect even if its less than collective actions.

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IMGBOD   2023-05-13 09:36:20
How we can reduce climate change in our lives

Climate change is a serious problem that requires everyone to do their part to help out. There are many things we can do to reduce our impact on the environment, like using energy-efficient technology, conserving water, using public transit, biking, or carpooling, eating less meat, and reducing waste by recycling and reusing materials. By taking these actions, we can make a big difference in creating a more sustainable future.

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