Department of Chemistry News

February 4, 2010

CMDITR research highlighted on two journal covers

Two recent journals have highlighted the research of the UW-based Science and Technology Center on Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research (CMDITR). The October 28, 2009 issues of the Journal of Materials Chemistry was a themed issue centered on Nonlinear Optics and featured articles by several CMDITR researchers as well as a cover photo highlighting that research. Even more recently, the January 19, 2010 issue of Accounts of Chemical Research also featured cover art depicting CMDITR research – primarily related to the article “Theory-Inspired Development of Organic Electro-optic Materials” by UW researchers Philip A. Sullivan and Larry R. Dalton.

Read the articles:
Accounts of Chemical Research: DOI: 10.1021/ar800264w
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 28 October, 2009

Visit the CMDITR website at